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Category: Content technology news (Page 543 of 627)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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OneSoft Launches OneCommerce V 3.0

OneSoft Corporation launched version 3.0 of its OneCommerce software. OneCommerce Enterprise Edition 3.0 is an XML-based solution, providing businesses with extensibility to optimize revenue. OneCommerce provides a patent-pending architecture that includes distinctive capabilities to attract and retain customers, such as Dynamic Personalization, for targeted and personalized marketing and merchandising to increase customer conversion rate; comprehensive content management to target customers with the right product and information; and remote site administration and control for non-technical business managers to make informed decisions.

ACORD & IFX Forum Announce Cooperative XML Standards Development

ACORD announced a reciprocal membership agreement with IFX Forum. Both organizations set information technology standards for message transmissions in financial services industries. They will cooperate in the development of XML standards for the electronic exchange of data in the insurance and banking industries. The collaboration is typical of recent announcements of alliances between standards bodies to consolidate development. The arrangement will combine the insurance expertise of ACORD and the banking expertise of IFX Forum. The organizations will focus on the base IFX specification and the proposed ACORD Insurance XML specifications to produce a framework supporting XML-based transaction services. Joint participation is underway. ACORD and IFX Forum have exchanged memberships and committed to participation in each other’s working groups. ACORD participants are assessing the base IFX specification and supplying IFX Forum with recommendations. In turn, IFX Forum will route insurance-related issues through the ACORD standards process. The IFX specification defines a messaging standard for secured IP-based banking business messages over the public Internet or private networks. The significance of XML and IP for the insurance industry is the progression from batch store-and-forward EDI transmissions to real-time messaging. Insurance business benefits include fast, reliable rates, quotes, applications, policies, claims and other transactions among a variety of trading partners-carriers, producers, rating bureaus, third-party administrators and service providers. As members increasingly look to supporting electronic commerce across all lines of business, ACORD is pursuing multiple open partnerships and alliances with U.S. and international standards-setting organizations. The goal is worldwide e-commerce connectivity throughout the insurance industry., Appoints Managing Editor

OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, announced that Craig Chevrier has joined the consortium as managing editor of In this new position, Chevrier will drive editorial strategy and content for, an industry portal that provides vendor-neutral information about the application of XML in industrial and commercial settings. Chevrier brings extensive experience in web site production and editing to his position at OASIS. Most recently, he served as internet content manager for Trans World Entertainment, the largest music retailer in the United States. At Trans World, Chevrier led several XML implementations on, the company’s online retail and entertainment site.

Viador & Hynet Technologies Partner

Hynet Technologies and Viador Inc. announced a joint development effort designed to help companies with time-to-market challenges to easily access and deliver dynamic, personalized information through Viador’s enterprise portal. As a result, users will be able to access the Hynet Directive XML repository via Viador’s E-Portal Suite, giving Viador customers access to business-critical information such as sales proposals, marketing collateral and globalization of e-Content. Viador’s E-Portal Suite is a single, web-based access point that provides an entire business community – employees, customers, and trading partners – with desktop access to the specific information they need to make better business decisions. Hynet Directive is expected to increase the value of Viador’s offering by incorporating sources of data that were previously difficult to integrate so that users can utilize all relevant information, regardless of its source.,

Tower Technology Announces Corporate Portal

Tower Technology announced the Tower IDM Corporate Document Portal, which provides a single point of access to an organization’s unstructured information assets. The zero-footprint design of this solution allows organizations to leverage the Internet, intranets and extranets by offering customers, field personnel and business partners, a secure, single point of access to their information. Tower IDM Corporate Document Portal is the latest addition to Tower Technology’s Integrated Document Management solution, Tower IDM. Tower IDM Corporate Document Portal leverages the Web as an e-business infrastructure and eliminates paper at its source by providing document access between companies, and their vendors and customers. It enables organizations, particularly in sectors such as financial services, insurance and government, to improve customer service in effect offering customer “self-service.” Tower IDM Corporate Document Portal is shipping immediately.

STEP UK Announces XML XLink Engine

STEP UK Ltd. announced the beta programme of X2X the XML XLink engine. X2X allows for the creation, management and manipulation of links. X2X allows linking between documents and information resources without needing to change either of the source or target documents that are being linked. X2X removes the requirement to insert link information inside document content. The Links are NOT in the document. X2X has an extensible architecture to allow resources to reside in any data repository. X2X stores links independently of any documents and provides facilities to dynamically insert external link structures into documents on-demand. X2X stores all the link information within an ODBC/JDBC enabled database, e.g. Oracle or SQL Server. X2X is initially developed in Java for cross platform operation. X2X is implemented using fundamental linking concepts and understands links defined using the latest draft of the W3C XLink proposal. This scalable technology delivers the ability to associate different data resources regardless of their location. X2X allows for the retrieval of resources and can dynamically add the external link information without altering the original document/ information. The power of linking has been harnessed to allow structured information objects such as XML to be associated with information lacking structure. The architecture enables organizations to store data in the repository of their choice; while XLink adherence means that link information can be authored using a variety of applications. X2X works independently of the storage, authoring and delivery applications. X2X exposes its powerful functionality allowing it to be integrated into any static or dynamic application or service. With X2X it is possible to deliver richer information streams to users with little or no impact on existing data management procedures. The X2X technology preview is available for download at

Hummingbird Launches Fulcrum Portal Builder Kit

Hummingbird Communications launched the Fulcrum Portal Builder Kit, a toolset that provides enterprises with the ability to construct compelling knowledge portals. The Fulcrum Portal Builder Kit is a complete solution designed so that it can also easily plug into Hummingbird’s Enterprise Information Portal (EIP), scheduled for beta release next month. Priced as one bundle, the Fulcrum Portal Builder Kit consists of DOCSFulcrum 3.0, Hummingbird’s Web-accessible enterprise knowledge management offering; Fulcrum SearchServer 4.0, the latest version of the company’s information retrieval software; and the new Knowledge Manager Workstation 1.0 (KMW), which uses neural network technology to automatically create a business taxonomy. KMW adds the power of document mining to the DOCSFulcrum product family, making it easier to offer users a portal into the unstructured information stored in corporate repositories. The Fulcrum Portal Builder Kit will be released on November 26, 1999.

Content Technologies Addresses Content Growth

Content Technologies revealed its strategic vision to address the future of this rapidly changing market. Content Technologies’ vision is to move beyond just protecting network and business content integrity, to managing content within host-based services, in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) environments and in e-commerce transactions. A key part of Content Technologies’ vision includes the creation of a global alliance that brings together vendors, integrators, security specialists and applications providers. This alliance will provide a forum for the development and deployment of a range of solutions addressing the breadth and depth of e-content evolution. Additionally, it will offer businesses and channel partners standards-based solutions in the areas of content security, management and routing, and will promote awareness of the full scope of content-related business issues in everything from e-mail, to e-commerce transactions. In a market estimated by IDC to be worth $4 billion by 2003, this strategy will offer a means for a select group of e-content specialists to develop solutions built around MIMEsweeper, deployed by users world-wide.

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