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Category: Content technology news (Page 445 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Mediasurface Unveils Mediasurface 3.5

Mediasurface introduced the next version of its content management application software, Mediasurface 3.5. The new release has three key attributes designed to distinguish it from other content management applications: Interaction – supports user roles, rules and processes and allows contributors, whether inside or outside the organization, to interactively create content while adhering to business processes through its flexible workflow capabilities; Intelligence – Combines knowledge and content management into Mediasurface 3.5, enabling the user community to intelligently store and retrieve content when needed; and Integration – New integration capabilities, including pre-built adapters for application servers, commerce applications and content exchange tools, along with a software developer’s kit. Mediasurface 3.5 includes a deep integration at the server level with APIs from Autonomy Dynamic Reasoning Reason Engine and Oracle Intermedia. Mediasurface 3.5 includes integration adapters to provide out-of-the-box integration with e-business products in a wide range of categories (CRM, e-Commerce, B2B marketplace, application servers, localization, digital channels and content exchange). The Mediasurface 3.5 software development kit (SDK) provides developers with the facilities — technical interfaces, open standards including XML, J2EE, LDAP and SQL, sample code, and best practices — to develop their own adapters and leverage many of the core features and extension points of the Mediasurface architecture. Mediasurface 3.5 will be available by the end of May 2001.

IconNicholson & FatWire sign Reseller Agreement

FatWire announced a strategic reseller partnership with IconNicholson. Under the terms of the agreement, IconNicholson is licensed to resell and implement FatWire’s UpdateEngine5 dynamic content management software and build and resell web applications built with the product. Additionally, IconNicholson will provide continued customer support by dedicating a team of UpdateEngine certified experts to each project. To ensure quality service to customers, IconNicholson employees are certified in FatWire’s technical training programs prior to installing and implementing sites with UpdateEngine., Systems Launches Library Research Tool Systems Inc. announced the launch of its Visual Net for Libraries (VNL) product. Visual Net for Libraries combines a navigation system with information-rich visuals to create large-scale data maps. Using a library’s existing Web-enabled PC, researchers can enter their topics into VNL and access library holdings organized in “neighborhoods” of information with graphical metaphors used to convey relevant search criteria. By clicking on any of the graphically represented categories, users can quickly access information about specific titles. Maps containing relevant resources can be “landmarked” so researchers can easily return to them. All collections, databases and formats, periodicals, audio, video and special collections are searchable from one map. Physically separated libraries can be combined in one database that is defined geographically, or the location within a floor plan. All maps and visual icons are customizable, with graphic shapes, sizes and colors set according to each facility’s parameters to describe data such as name, author, how often a book is checked out, holding format, physical location and availability. VNL scales to handle huge volumes of holdings and categories can be easily updated to reflect changes in library resources or usage and can manage restricted access to specific areas of the map. VNL is fully internationalized for multilingual facilities. Visual Net for Libraries is available immediately and is based on’s visual mapping platform. Pricing varies upon application.

DataPower Announces XSLJIT

DataPower Technology, Inc. announced the introduction of its XSL just-in-time compiler technology that reduces the latency associated with XML processing by an order-of-magnitude or more. By utilizing a radically different approach to XSLT execution, DataPower is able to provide the high-speed infrastructure needed for Internet applications, from real-time financial data distribution to business transaction handling. In order to exchange business documents expressed in different XML vocabularies (RosettaNet, BizTalk, etc.) or to make XML content viewable in web browsers and wireless devices, it is necessary to perform XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language) transformations on XML data. XSLT is a resource intensive process that can introduce significant delays in web services and online transactions forcing customers to demand high-performance XML technology to avoid scalability woes. DataPower’s internal tests show the XSLJIT compiler achieves about 10 megabytes per second of sustained throughput using the XSLTMark benchmark. This is equivalent to Fast Ethernet speed and effectively wire-speed XML processing. With XML becoming part of the network infrastructure, wire-speed XML is essential.

NeoCore Introduces XML Information Management System

The NeoCore XML Management Information System Version 2.0 allows high-speed XML transaction processing, supporting the extensibility of XML without requiring changes to the database. NeoCore is releasing Version 2.0 after testing Version 1.0 with three pilot partners beginning last fall. Those tests led to the commercial release of the new version, which also features enhanced access control, scalability and transaction support. NeoCore’s information technology allows computers to process information symbolically, and greatly reduces the computation required to search for data. This in turn results in lower total cost of ownership while removing the constraints of rigid definition that traditional databases such as RDBMSs require, or performance limitations in object-based stores. Version 1.0 of the NeoCore XIMS was introduced in October 2000.

Ipedo Unveils XML Database Breakthrough

Ipedo, Inc. introduced the Ipedo XML Database, a product that combines native-XML information storage and processing with ultra-fast main-memory performance. Used standalone or in conjunction with existing databases and file systems, the Ipedo XML Database can deliver the performance levels required by XML-intensive Web services, B2B marketplaces and wireless applications. The Ipedo XML Database simplifies XML content management, enabling e-businesses to achieve the flexibility of a dynamic and reusable XML content infrastructure without sacrificing performance. Specialized XML handling features and core performance allow companies to improve search relevance and style management for large Web sites, enable dynamic B2B portal content assembly and accelerate content customization for wireless devices. The Ipedo XML Database stores XML data natively in its structured hierarchical form, which eliminates the complex process of mapping the XML data tree structure to two-dimensional tables. Utilizing the W3C’s XML query standard XPath, XML document collections can be queried directly in XML syntax. The Ipedo XML Database also contains an XSLT transformation engine that combines data access and transformation in a single step. The all-Java design integrates easily with the leading application servers to speed the development of next generation e-business applications. SOAP, DOM and XPath APIs address the needs of systems integrators, application developers and database administrators. At the core of the Ipedo XML Database is Ipedo’s Active Edge architecture, a combination of network caching and intelligent main-memory data processing techniques. Optimized for 64-bit systems, large amounts of memory can be directly utilized for processing. The Ipedo XML Database is available now for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris and Red Hat Linux. Pricing on a per server basis starts at $50,000.

Collego Introduces Catalog Solution

Collego Corporation launched its catalog application, Atomic Catalog. Atomic Catalog is a web-based catalog management application designed especially for business managers, and is based on the company’s Adaptive Taxonomy Management System. With Atomic Catalog, business managers can leverage existing product information from multiple sources to create, manage, and share custom catalogs with customers and partners around the world quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. Collego’s AToMS technology is implemented as a fast, highly flexible caching engine that leverages the scalability of traditional relational database management systems like Oracle and Microsoft SQL for its underlying persistent storage. With AToMS, corporations can manage and mass-customize large collections of highly granular, metadata rich information in a highly flexible environment without compromising information quality or scale. AToMS also delivers distributed computing and peer-to-peer capabilities that enable businesses to manage content in within their own organizations and achieve these efficiencies across entire supply and demand chains. Atomic Catalog is commercially available in several editions to meet the needs of different businesses. Atomic Catalog Enterprise Server is a multi-purpose, web-based catalog management application designed for enterprise customers. Atomic Catalog Partner Network Server delivers all the power of Atomic Catalog Enterprise Server plus the ability to provide suppliers, partners, and customers with secure, self-service access to an organization’s catalog information. Both the Enterprise Server and the Partner Network Sever are available as hosted services for companies who prefer to leverage the infrastructure of Collego or its partners.

Vignette Unveils New Content Syndication & Content Aggregation Applications

Vignette Corp. announced new versions of the Vignette Content Syndication Server (VCSS) and the Vignette Content Aggregation Server (VCAS). The Vignette Content Syndication Server enables companies to distribute Web-based content or comprehensive information such as catalogs and other information directly from an e-business application over HTTP and FTP. This syndication can be scheduled, on-demand or driven by events such as price, availability or any change in content, and VCSS automatically tailors the content to the format capabilities of each recipient, whether it’s XML, multimedia or raw text. The Vignette Content Syndication Server can be used as a stand-alone application, or integrated with other Vignette integration applications. The new version of VCAS provides additional features, including the Vignette Agent Library Manager, an add-on tool that enables companies to easily manage the agent applications that collect and monitor their functionality. The Vignette Agent Library Manager provides a convenient way to manage and test all deployed agents on a predetermined schedule, which lowers the cost of managing any number of agents. The Vignette Agent Library Manager also provides an early warning function that helps companies avoid disruption in aggregating content. The Vignette Content Syndication Server and the Vignette Content Aggregation Server are currently available and shipping to customers.

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