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Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Atomz Introduces Content Mining & Metadata Features

Atomz Enterprise Search offers new capabilities that deliver control over search results including a fully integrated content mining engine and metadata management center to deliver highly efficient and precise search results. Atomz Content Mining Engine feature delivers targeted, granular search results to users seeking specific information in very large collections of data. For example, an online book retailer using Enterprise Search can deliver fine-tuned results for cross-referenced searches by “author,” “publisher,” or “ISBN number.” Atomz Content Mining Engine also provides customers a comprehensive way to classify, categorize, and relate their data into specific taxonomies to allow site visitors the most flexible and granular level of querying available. With Atomz’ exclusive Target Meta Tag, customers can ‘tag’ (using the Meta data Management interface) pages with specific target keywords whereby the associated page would always be the top search result. Within the Atomz Member Center, customers can also utilize Atomz Enterprise Search’s extensive relevancy controls.

Intranet Solutions Signs Agreement With Software AG

IntraNet Solutions, Inc. announced an alliance with Software AG, Inc. to offer its customers workflow, native repository and content conversion capabilities in the Tamino XML Database via the Xpedio Content Management system. Software AG’s Tamino XML Database stores and manages business-to-business transactions being performed in XML. Many XML transactions stored by the Tamino XML Database involve documents, such as purchase orders and invoices, which are developed in a variety of different formats including PDF, word processing and spreadsheet files. Software AG’s alliance with IntraNet Solutions provides Tamino users with a system for managing this content. Tamino users are able to submit documents from XML transactions into Xpedio where they can be used in their native formats or automatically converted to HTML or XML renditions of the original file. Xpedio allows Tamino users to route the documents through a workflow process for approvals and monitor them for revisions. ,

Eprise Announces Commerce Link

Eprise Corporation announced the availability of Eprise Commerce Link, the Microsoft certified integration between Eprise Participant Server and Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 (CS2K). This latest offering from Eprise provides organizations tight integration and a full-featured content management solution for Microsoft Commerce Server 2000. The combined offering offers business managers a complete solution for managing content on their e-commerce sites built with CS2K. Eprise Commerce Link allows business users to leverage the content management functionality of Eprise Participant Server through the familiar CS2K user interface. With Eprise Commerce Link, business users can access the most commonly used features within Participant Server, such as content contribution, workflow, versioning, templating and administration, directly from the CS2K user interface known as the Business Desk. This integrated solution adds menu items to the Business Desk to allow for a seamless user experience. The same user interface that is used to manage a CS2K e-commerce site can now be used to manage additional content that is linked to the product and services that exist in a CS2K Catalog. In addition to the new CS2K integration, Eprise Participant Server can also be deployed with BEA’s WebLogic, IBM’s Websphere, Sun Microsystems’ iPlanet, ATG’s Dynamo and Allaire’s jRun application servers. Eprise Commerce Link is available this month from Eprise and will be priced at $10,000 USD.

Arbortext & empolis Integrate XML Solutions

Arbortext, Inc. and empolis content management GmbH (formerly known as STEP GmbH), a subsidiary of Bertelsmann MOHN Media Group, announced that sigmalink has been integrated with the Epic E-Content Engine (E3) to add multi-channel publishing to the sigmalink content management system. The integration of sigmalink and E3 forms a single source publishing system for creation, management and publishing of information to multiple audiences via multiple media. Content may be captured from many internal and external sources, including suppliers and various departments within the organization. With the Interchange functionality of E3, non-XML content (i.e. from Word, FrameMaker, Interleaf or Web forms) can be converted to XML and managed by sigmalink. Out of the single source, sigmalink delivers information for publishing to the E3 formatting engine, which formats according to media-specific requirements. sigmalink and E3 provide multiple source input, flexible content management, and multiple target output functionality for an enterpriseinformation management environment.,

Oracle Opens Portal Catalog to Developers & Content Providers

Oracle Corp. announced the availability of the Oracle Portal Catalog, containing more than 200 portlets that users can browse and add to their personalized portal pages. The catalog lists portlets developed by members of the Oracle Portal Partner Initiative (OPPI), as well as any portlets registered by independent content providers, application service providers, or system integrators that have been approved by Oracle. The catalog also lists the range of portal-related services offered by system integrators who are members of OPPI. This means any independent developer or content provider can reach mass markets when they develop new portlets that can be integrated into the Oracle9i Application Server (Oracle9iAS) portal framework and published for worldwide consumption. Any application, business intelligence report, Web page, XML-based news feed or other information source can be made into a portlet, published through the portal catalog, and easily integrated into the portal framework of the Oracle9i Application Server. After a portlet or service is created, developers can go to the Oracle Portal Catalog on the portal community site to register their organization and portlets. If the submission is approved by Oracle, each service or portlet is classified into one of the following categories in the catalog: Consulting & System Integration (Global, Country, Regional), Application Services (Business Intelligence, Collaboration, Document/Content/Knowledge Management, E-Business Applications, Search), Internet Services, and Hardware. To help users browse the catalog, a brief description of the services and portlets are listed in catalog. Screen shots of portlets are also included in the catalog.

Open Market & Vality to Co-market Catalog Offerings

Open Market, Inc. and Vality Technology have signed a co-marketing agreement to offer Vality Catalist and Vality Beacon, as complementary offerings to Open Market’s Catalog Centre. Catalog Centre creates dynamic, easily navigable online product catalogs populated with rich content. Compatible with Catalog Centre, Vality Catalist and Vality Beacon enhance the product with content quality and search capabilities. Catalist prepares catalog data accessed from multiple sources and ensures consistency in terminology, units of measure and categorization. It also provides an intuitive “workbench” for effective ongoing catalog data management. Beacon, a high-speed search engine, delivers dependable, accurate catalog search results tolerating terminology differences and typing, spelling and technical errors to find the most accurate answers for users searching catalogs. Vality Catalist and Vality Beacon are available for immediate use with Open Market’s content management and delivery products. ,

Semio Integrates Tagger with SharePoint

Semio Corporation announced that it will integrate Semio Tagger, its core categorization and indexing engine, with Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server. Information categorized and indexed by Semio can be viewed through Microsoft’s digital dashboard or through the Semio Taxonomy Viewer — which automatically names and groups concepts that share similar qualities into hierarchical categories for more navigable, browseable presentation. SharePoint Portal Server allows companies to easily find, share and publish information. Each stand-alone server offers enterprise-level search functionality (developed by Microsoft Research), integrated document management tools and flexible, easily customizable enterprise portal capabilities. SharePoint Portal Server provides a focal point for finding relevant information stored across multiple data sources, including SharePoint Team Services websites, Exchange data stores, file shares, Notes databases and Internet sites. Tagger supports a wide range of content sources, including most commercial file formats, PDF, HTML/XML sources, Lotus Notes databases, Documentum document vaults, and unstructured text in relational databases. It supports English, French, Spanish and Italian language sources, with more languages available shortly. Pre-packaged industry templates for fast-start categorization are available for the chemical, medical, legal, military, and computing industries. Semio Tagger availability for the SharePoint Portal Server platform is targeted for Q4, 2001.

Vality Introduces ‘Catalist’ Automated Catalog Content Solution

Vality Technology Inc. introduced Vality Catalist for product catalog content management. Vality Catalist provides fully automated processes for constructing large online product catalogs in a fraction of the time typically required. Vality Catalist complements Vality Beacon search functionality to make it easy for online shoppers to find the exact products they are searching for on the first try. Cap Gemini Ernst and Young contributed to the development of Vality Catalist by helping to define requirements and enhance the solutions that it can provide to its joint customers with Vality. Vality Catalist provides a single solution that normalizes, categorizes, and consolidates diverse product data to create a consistent catalog. It performs this process in bulk mode to automatically load the initial catalog – and in change mode to facilitate review. These processes result in product information with an improved organization and appearance that is easier for customers to understand and successfully search. Vality Catalist’s sophisticated, automated processes excel in producing consistent catalogs from a large number of diverse data sources quickly.

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