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Category: Content technology news (Page 428 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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SDL International Launches SDLX Elite

SDL International launched SDLX Elite Computer Aided Translation solution with a freely downloadable edit module, SDLX Lite. SDLX Elite provides translation agencies and corporate localization departments with a centralized Translation Memory solution that includes unlimited remote freelance translator clients. Freelance translators can leverage and contribute to a master Translation Memory database. SDLX Elite will enable agencies and companies to immediately add specialist freelancers, whether or not the translators own compatible Translation Memory tools, at no extra cost to the freelancer or the organization. SDLX Elite Translation Memory increases translation quality and efficiency by breaking down sentences and paragraphs into translatable segments and extracting previously translated terms and phrases from a database for re-use. Compatible with Windows 2000, Office 2000 and XML/SGML, SDLX will support any language including double-byte and bi-directional languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew and Arabic. SDLX Elite with SDLX Lite is priced at US$2,000.00 and will be available September 2001.

Documentum to OEM CDC Solutions’ PDFaqua & PDFsign

CDC Solutions Ltd. and Documentum announced a reseller agreement to enable Documentum to embed CDC Solutions’ PDFaqua and PDFsign into the Documentum 4i eBusiness Platform. PDFaqua and PDFsign enhance the Documentum 4i Compliance Edition by increasing document security and control and by adding features to help ensure compliance with FDA 21 CFR part 11. Secure document distribution is now embedded in the Document Control Manager (DCM), which handles control of documents for the Documentum 4i Compliance Edition specifically designed for regulated document environments. The inclusion of PDFaqua is designed to enhance the DCM capability by delivering secure, print-time watermarking and controlled print functionality. PDFsign will be licensed as an integral part of the Compliance Edition’s Content Authentication Server (CAS). The embedding of PDFsign into CAS is designed to provide for the manifestation of electronic signatures that are captured as an integral part of the signing process.,

Texterity Launches eBook Logistics Service

Texterity, Inc. announced TextCafe eBook Logistics Service. The new service expands on the core functionality of TextCafe to provide automated conversion of Open eBook format files into multiple eBook formats and automatically distribute the resulting eBook files to electronic retailers. TextCafe already provides automated, volume conversion for books that need to be moved into structured XML and Open eBook format. The new Logistics Service adds metadata management, workflow tracking, and eBook distribution. This enables publishers to fully outsource their eBook production function. The service supports all major eBook formats including Microsoft Reader, Adobe eBook, Palm/Peanut Reader, Gemstar REB-1100 and REB-1200, netLibrary, and MobiPocket. The TextCafe Logistics Solution is available immediately. Seeks Participants for New Architecture Working Group has issued a Call for Participation seeking volunteers to work on further developing the technical architecture and structural aspects of the XML-based Financial products Markup Language standard supporting OTC trading of financial derivatives. The working group will consist predominantly of technologists within financial institutions, systems vendors and service providers. Individuals interested in volunteering for the group are invited to register prior to September 7. Based on past experience, prospective members should be prepared to commit 1 to 2 days a week on average. is comprised of volunteers from some 30 companies who participate on the Board of Directors, the Standards Committee or as members of Working Groups. Volunteers are employees at leading banks, information and software vendors, and systems integrators. FpML is a freely licensed standard designed to support the electronic dealing and processing of financial derivatives between trading partners, including financial institutions and their client network. Organizations Actively Participating in the FpML Standard: Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, HCL Perot Systems, ISDA, Mizuho Capital Markets Corporation, Goldman Sachs, Integral Development Corp, International Business Machines, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Reuters, and SunGard Trading.

LizSoft Announces XML Web Content Management System

LizSoft and MDK & Associates, Inc. have announced a web content management application that enables small to midsize businesses to make content changes without the assistance of a Web Master or IT professional. Using lizContent, day-to-day maintenance of the Web site content can be put in the hands of the departmental managers. With only ten minutes of training, users with absolutely no technical or web development experience can be managing Web site content, making instant changes to critical content without the need for a technologist.
Businesses using lizContent will have a Web site that is XML ready to support content transfer to other applications. lizContent automatically stores data in XML format. Users can easily fit data in to a new interface, site design or export content to other applications including wireless receivers.

Eprise and Adcore Japan Partner

Eprise Corporation announced that Adcore Japan has chosen Eprise as its a content management partner. The partners are primed to take advantage of the rapidly growing demand for content management in the Asia-Pacific region.
Eprise will provide the content management capabilities for Adcore Japan’s offering, “Intelligent Intranets.” The “Intelligent Intranet” applies the latest technologies in knowledge management, content management and user profiling to ensure that internal business sites serve as a useful communications engine for employees and partners. With Eprise Participant Server as the backbone for enterprise content management needs, each site built within the “Intelligent Intranets” offering will give content delivery and posting responsibilities to business users. This system ensures that content remains up to date, accurate and appropriate for the site’s unique audience.,

Planet 7 Technologies Changes Name to Agital; Releases SDS

Planet 7 Technologies announced that it will change its name to Agital, Inc., effective August 28, 2001. Agital has also chosen the “.net” suffix for the company’s URL, in order to maintain a connection to its origin in network data management. Agital uses XML and Java to connect and transform business information through Data Conditioning technology that parses, processes, and intelligently delivers newly conditioned data in real-time to disparate business applications, services, and devices. In a separate announcement, Agital announced the release of the next generation of the company’s software platform that solves complex data integration by reducing the complexity of existing e-business applications. A 30-day evaluation version of the Agital Solution Development System is available today at no charge. Design licenses start at approximately US$890.00 for a single developer, single CPU license. Development and test licenses start at approximately US$3,275.00 for a single developer with unlimited distribution/CPU permissions. Deployed Agital Solutions start at US$10,675 for a five CPU license and require the purchase of an Agital Solution Development System. OEM/Reseller pricing is available, and may be negotiated on an individual basis.

Business Internet Consortium Announces XML Deliverables

The Business Internet Consortium announced deliverables for its XML-based eBusiness Standards Convergence Workgroup. Materials will be published this fall. The XML Convergence Workgroup is incorporating customer requirements to reflect typical B2B integration needs for major industries including auto manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing, banking and finance. The Workgroup will publish a white paper containing a high-level conceptual model for B2B integration. In addition to the white paper, the group will publish a requirements document and case studies based on business scenarios from member companies. The XML Convergence Workgroup will share requirements and identified architectural gaps with standards bodies including OAGI, OASIS and the W3C. Current members of the XML Workgroup include Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel, Pennzoil-Quaker State Company, RosettaNet and SAP.

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