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Category: Content technology news (Page 387 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Interwoven & NEC Team

Interwoven, Inc. announced a strategic alliance with NEC Corporation whereby NEC will re-sell the Interwoven Content Infrastructure product suite as the core enterprise content management functionality in its iBestSolutions. NEC’s Internet solutions framework, iBestSolutions, consists of the complete line of NEC’s software and services offerings. Under the new reseller agreement, NEC will adopt Interwoven’s TeamSite, and the Interwoven Content Infrastructure suite, as the exclusive enterprise content management system underpinning its own customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise information portal (EIP), and eCommerce (EC) solutions. NEC also plans to develop integrated solutions that incorporate Content Infrastructure into its existing product offerings, establish an enterprise content management training and support program and initiate co-sales and co-marketing activities. The focus throughout 2002 will continue to be on solutions for the manufacturing sector, with a view to expanding to additional industry areas in the future.,

Xyleme and Easypress Technologies Partner

Easypress Technologies announced a partnership with Xyleme S.A. that is aimed at helping newspaper publishers store, access and monitor content. The combination of two proven solutions working in tandem is expected to bring immediate returns on investment for newspaper publishers. To assist newspapers and other publishers who wish to develop a strategy for migration to XML, Xyleme and Easypress Technologies are running free of charge workshops, where experts will assess the needs of companies and recommend possible migration paths.,

NextBrick & Quiver Team

Quiver, Inc. and NextBrick, announceda strategic partnership enabling NextBrick to resell and integrate Quiver’s unique information management products. NextBrick will use Quiver products for its client solutions addressing knowledge management, corporate portal and application integration initiatives. In particular, Quiver’s QKS Classifier will be used to organize unstructured and structured data into an intuitive, browse-able structure for the most effective information management. NextBrick clients will have the opportunity to utilize Quiver’s unique categorization and taxonomy platform to create, populate, and maintain intuitive, drill-down directories within any existing or planned information management initiative. QKS Classifier works with existing systems through open APIs and XML output to easily integrate alongside any portal, content management, search, or application currently deployed.

SDL Releases Enterprise Translation Server 5

SDL International has announced a new release of Enterprise Translation Server, Version 5, with advances in linguistic and user functionality. Enterprise Translation Server Version 5 will ship with updated rules and dictionary files for all language directions. SDL has also made significant improvements to the foreign-language to English modules, particularly, French/English, Spanish/English, Italian/English and Portuguese/English. In addition, core dictionaries have been considerably expanded, particularly bi-lateral English/French, bi-lateral English/German, English/Spanish and Portuguese/English. More than 12,500 additional entries have been included within the core dictionaries, together with more than 1,000 new core phrases. SDL has also completed a cycle of the most thorough linguistic regression testing that the engine has seen since in recent years. Administration and translation privileges are now assignable by username and password or by IP address, with tracking of usage possible per user and per language direction.

SeiNet Extends International Presence

Seinet has launched a new campaign to grow its international business. In order to achieve this, the company has established several agreements with regional integrators starting with IPA in France and Mediasystemen B.V. in the Netherlands. This will be followed by future announcements in the UK and USA. Seinet has also recently hired an experienced International Sales and Marketing team to further develop these markets. To address the mission-critical requirements of newspaper and magazine publishers, Seinet will focus on developing cross-media publishing tools and will partner with local integrators who are well positioned to meet the needs of the national media. IPA Systems France is a French integrator of multi-channel publishing processes. They implement comprehensive editorial solutions for newspapers and magazines. Mediasystemen B.V. is a player in the newspaper market where it has been developing solutions since 1986.

JSR 170 Initiates Work On Content Access API Standard

The Java Community Process’ (JCP) JSR 170 proposes that content repositories have a dedicated, standard way of interaction with applications that deal with content. It provides for access to content bi- directionally on a granular level within a repository. This will prevent applications from having to adapt to every vendor’s proprietary API to interact with content repositories. The JSR further proposes to define a way to integrate content-producer-applications (CMS) and content-consumer- applications (CRM, Portal, etc.). The proposal focuses on read/write access, binary and text based data, full-text searching, filtering, observation, versioning, semi, hard and soft-structured data. The Spec Lead is David Nuescheler, CTO of Day. Initial Expert Group to include Apache, ATG, Broadvision, Day, Deloitte Consulting, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Interwoven, SAP Portals, Silverstream, Sun, and Vignette. Information regarding progress on JSR 170 can be accessed at:

Vignette to Integrate with iPlanet Portal Server

Vignette Corp. announced that it will deliver portlets, or portal building blocks, that integrate its recently announced Vignette V6 MultiSite Content Manager (VMCM) with Sun Microsystems’ iPlanet Portal Server. The portlets will enable VMCM to integrate with the iPlanet Portal Server, providing joint Vignette and Sun customers with access to Vignette-managed content within the Sun portal framework. Vignette V6 MultiSite Content Manager, an extension to Vignette V6 Content Suite, enables organizations to manage content on multiple sites and portals via a single application. The development of the set of portlets for the iPlanet Portal Server extends the alliance between Sun and Vignette.

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