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Category: Content technology news (Page 385 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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BackWeb Announces Partnership With Oblix

BackWeb Technologies announced it has signed a joint marketing partnership with Oblix, Inc. to bring together the BackWeb ProactivePortal Server offering with Oblix NetPoint web access and identity management solution. Oblix provides integrated access control and enterprise identity management. Oblix NetPoint’s identity management system, COREid, provides an infrastructure on which other e-business applications can be built. BackWeb technology, which provides offline access to critical content, is complementary to Oblix NetPoint, which ensures that only authorized users are able to view published content. With BackWeb and Oblix’s combined solutions, customers can ensure that up-to-date critical content is always available, both online and offline, through secure delivery.,

Blue Martini Software Ships Blue Martini 5

Blue Martini Software, Inc. announced the availability of Blue Martini 5. The new suite delivers new functionality, as well as support for the IBM platform through Blue Martini 5 – IBM Edition, which comes bundled with IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM MQ Series on AIX. Blue Martini is delivering new B2B selling and content management capabilities in Blue Martini 5, including lead management, RFQ, return material authorizations and invoice presentment. The new content management features include dynamic publishing for the immediate publication of new content to a website, as well as enhanced remote user functionality such as remote workflow and content preview. Blue Martini 5 is comprised of four applications: Blue Martini Marketing, Blue Martini Commerce, Blue Martini Channels and Blue Martini Service. In addition to the four applications, Blue Martini Software offers content management and integrated analytics, which underpin the four applications. Blue Martini Marketing, Blue Martini Commerce, Blue Martini Channels and Blue Martini Service are currently available. Each application is available separately. Pricing starts at $85,000 per CPU.

CrownPeak Technology Unveils Template Management System

CrownPeak Technology introduced a new high-level template management system that provides business users with the ability to change the look and feel of an entire Web site via a browser interface. The company also announced a browser-based development environment targeted at professional Web developers. This template creation and management interface enables business users to modify templates, preview the resulting changes, schedule those templates live, and redesign the site on the fly. Because output templates are managed as assets in the system, multiple new look-and- feel options can be created, previewed, run through workflow, offered for collaboration and scheduled live. More basic changes to an existing template can be performed through a drag-and-drop interface. More complex actions, like adjusting navigation or setting a new layout, can be performed via a “helper” interface, or directly with the template’s HTML code. Advantage CMS is interoperable with other systems and applications. Connection options available to developers include SOAP, XML, FTP, Web Services, SMTP and ODBC.

MediaBin & Inter-Sight Deliver Solution for Web & Print

MediaBin Inc. and Inter-Sight Interactive Insight Network announced that they have developed an integrated, end-to-end solution that allows marketers to dynamically publish marketing communications materials to print or to the web. Inter-Sight’s Inter-Q AutoPage software automates the detail-intensive production and proofing tasks required to create virtually any customized print, web or software catalog from a single set of publishing-ready product data and images. AutoPage caches data from corporate product databases and pulls images from MediaBin’s central repository of approved, “gold-standard” marketing and brand assets and then outputs QuarkXPress, InDesign, Acrobat, HTML, or XML files.,

Stratify Launches Web Services for Unstructured Data Management

Stratify, Inc. announced Web services for unstructured data management. The Stratify support for Web services provides a standards-based interface to the core functionality of the Stratify Discovery System that organizes, classifies and presents large amounts of unstructured data within enterprises and government organizations. Stratify’s new Web services interface are SOAP and WSDL compliant. With Stratify’s support of SOAP and WSDL, companies can publish Stratify’s Web services into a UDDI directory. Also, developers operating in either Microsoft’s .NET or J2EE environments can now incorporate the Stratify Discovery System into their applications.

divine Announces Availability of Content Server 4.0 & Participant Server 4.0

divine, inc. announced the availability of divine Content Server 4.0, and Particopant Server 4.0. Content Server 4.0 provides companies with a transparent growth path from point project to shared enterprise infrastructure for content management. Content Server also provides a transparent view of enterprise content to end-customers of a Web site or content-driven application, drawing data from existing IT systems and diverse formats and presenting it in a single branded interface. divine extends Content Server 4.0 by adding native support for WebLogic 6.1 and WebSphere 4.0. In addition, divine Content Server is available as an integrated part of the portal platforms, including the iPlanet Portal Server, BEA WebLogic Portal and the IBM WebSphere Portal Server. Also with the launch of Content Server 4.0, divine provides further support for XML Web services standards. divine Content Server 4.0 and divine Participant Server 4.0 are available immediately. Participant Server is available on Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Sun Solaris 2.8. Discounts for volume purchases and deployment licenses are available.

FileNET Adds LDAP & J2EE Support to Panagon

FileNET Corp. announced it has added LDAP and J2EE support for its Panagon Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions. The integration of these capabilities makes it easier for enterprise customers to drive eBusiness initiatives by delivering customer facing, Web-based content and process management applications with the safeguard of enhanced security. The addition of J2EE support enables organizations to bring high volumes of enterprise content into customer facing Web-based applications using Java development environments. FileNET will offer a complete set of Panagon J2EE capability. The first release is available immediately for Panagon Image Services, which can be used for the development and deployment of Web-based applications in Unix environments. Designed to meet the J2EE Connector Architecture (JCA) 1.0 specifications released by Sun Microsystems in July 2001, developers experienced with J2EE can easily use the Panagon resource adapter to access and leverage existing enterprise content with no additional training. The Panagon J2EE capability has no specific client-side operating system or browser requirements.

Lightspeed Interactive & Barbadosoft BV Partner

Lightspeed Interactive, Inc. and Barbadosoft BV announced that they have entered into a strategic alliance to promote one another’s products in both the United States and European markets. Lightspeed believes that the co-marketing and co-selling arrangements with Barbadosoft will add significant value to its product offering because CorteXML eliminates the risks inherent in building and maintaining XML-based environments, allowing users to take full advantage of the benefits of XML.

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