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Category: Content technology news (Page 372 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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MediaBin Adds Collaboration Tools & Server Clustering

MediaBin Inc. announced the release of MediaBin WorkPlace and MediaBin Cluster Manager. MediaBin WorkPlace is a collaboration software module that provides a “virtual space” where dispersed teams can collaborate on marketing projects, review images and other collateral without downloading them, set up automated routing for approval, and conduct surveys. Team members are notified by email when their participation is required. MediaBin Cluster Manager enables corporations to link multiple MediaBin servers for increased capacity and reliability. Users see only one central repository, but processing tasks are divided among available servers, providing load balancing. The system also provides automatic failover.

TRADOS & Uniscape to Merge

TRADOS Incorporated announced that they had reached an agreement to join forces with Uniscape. This merger will bring together the companies’ complementary product lines and people to offer a solution that extends across the translation value chain, from the global corporation to individual translation professionals. Dev Ganesan, CEO and President of TRADOS, will be the CEO and President of the combined company. Once the merger has been completed, Uniscape, located in Sunnyvale, California, will become the TRADOS Enterprise Solutions division.

Stellent Announces Expanded Categorization Capabilities

Stellent, Inc. announced version 6.0 of the Stellent Content Categorizer that enables Web administrators and content contributors to automatically categorize content as it is checked into the Stellent Content Server. Content Categorizer is based on an architecture that integrates with categorization technologies. Stellent Content Categorizer 6.0 automatically maps contributed content to a metadata model and suggests appropriate metadata for that content. Version 6.0 also provides: an interactive check-in process for content contributors; a batch categorization process to immediately extract metadata; the ability to re-categorize sub-sections or the entire repository of managed content by refining the taxonomy; the ability to automatically assign metadata values to existing content in the repository when new metadata fields are added to the system; and the ability to import and navigate through the defined taxonomy within the Stellent Content Server interface.

Plumtree Announces Integration with Microsoft Content Management Server

Plumtree Software announced the immediate availability of integration with Microsoft Content Management Server 2001 (CMS) as a services offering. Portal users can now create Plumtree Gadget Web Services using CMS templates and authoring capabilities to add new content to the portal and to repurpose existing content from intranet or extranet sites managed by CMS. Portal users can also publish CMS content directly to the Plumtree Document Directory and search for content managed by CMS from the portal. Plumtree security for the content can be set at the time of publication to the document directory without overriding any existing CMS security. The Plumtree and CMS integration is currently available as a service offering from Plumtree and Plumtree systems integrator partners, including Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.

Inxight Releases VizServer 1.5

Inxight Software, Inc. announced Inxight VizServer 1.5, an enterprise solution that offers customers a method for visualizing and exploring large information collections. The product simplifies and speeds access to relevant information. VizServer is for information-intensive applications in the areas of research and development, channel and customer management, government and law enforcement. Inxight VizServer provides both Inxight Star Tree and Inxight Table Lens. The new version offers XML connectivity to Inxight MetaText Server (IMS), an enterprise solution for structuring textual data for improved access and use. The integrated product offers Web wizards for connecting visualizations to databases, metadata repositories and document and content management systems. Inxight VizServer 1.5 is available immediately.

Microsoft Unveils Road Map for Next Version of SharePoint

Microsoft Corp. announced the product strategy for the next version of SharePoint Products and Technologies. The next version utilizes the application server technologies in Windows .NET Server to deliver a portal and collaboration framework based on Microsoft .NET. The version will also deliver information aggregation, advanced search capabilities and mainstream enterprise application integration, provided via integration with Microsoft BizTalk Server. Additional improvements include single sign-on, personalization and integration with Microsoft Content Management Server. SharePoint technology will natively support XML Web services.

Ipedo Introduces Web Express

Ipedo, Inc. introduced Ipedo Web Express, a framework developers can use to leverage XML in their Web sites and portals. Ipedo Web Express is a server-side software environment that uses XML content and stylesheets to dynamically publish Web content. Easily integrated with existing infrastructures, it allows Web developers to use unstructured XML content in their Web applications. Features include: XML Pipelining for multi-step processing via XSL and code combinations; Tag libraries for JSP and ASP; and links to XML queries. Ipedo Web Express is built on XML, XSL and XQuery, Sun’s Java XML processing and J2EE specifications and Microsoft’s .Net framework. It is compatible with applications built using the Apache Cocoon XML publishing framework. Ipedo also launched its Ipedo Developer Network (IDN). Ipedo Web Express is available now for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Sun Solaris and Red Hat Linux. An evaluation version can be downloaded free.

Convera Announces Integration with Vignette Content Suite

Convera announced that it has integrated its RetrievalWare search and retrieval technology with Vignette V6 Content Suite. RetrievalWare can index, search, categorize and profile Vignette-managed content. In addition, developers of Vignette-based applications will now be able to integrate RetrievalWare into their applications. Users are able to perform more comprehensive searches that encompass not just Vignette-managed content, but a broader set of enterprise sources, including data warehouses, databases, groupware systems, e-mail files, presentations, videos and other multimedia files.

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