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Category: Content technology news (Page 347 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Saqqara Announces ContentWorks 3.0

SAQQARA Systems, Inc. announced the release of Saqqara ContentWorks 3.0, an automated product content management solution. WorkFlow and AutoExecution work together to significantly reduce administration time for catalog updates by automatically adding catalog updates based on delta processing. Taxonomy-to-Taxonomy mapping of product information from one catalog hierarchy is automatically converted to another. XML Import/Export of cleansed product, customer data or ERP item masters enables use by other enterprise applications or trading partners on both the supply side and the channel side. Specifically designed for buy-side implementations, the 2nd Source Substitution feature recognizes that an item is a duplicate item from a second supplier, and automatically merges the information into a single item, without losing the fact that it is available from two sources. Saqqara ContentWorks 3.0 is available immediately. Special upgrade pricing and maintenance agreements are available to current CommerceSuite customers.

iPhrase Announces One Step 4.0

iPhrase Technologies, Inc. announced the availability of One Step 4.0 with Interaction Advantage. The new platform also supports multiple languages, improves business intelligence through expanded reporting and improves business user control through the introduction of Web-based administration tools. The One Step 4.0 platform combines conceptual understanding, multi-source retrieval, dynamic presentation, and the application of business rules to provide improved interactions. iPhrase One Step 4.0 is tolerant to language, spelling and usage, and provides a feedback loop that tells the user how the question was interpreted. One Step 4.0 offers APIs for integration into content management systems and existing keyword/vocabulary tools, and the solution has been upgraded to include Java and COM front-end APIs for use with e-commerce platforms and Web architectures such as BEA WebLogic portal. iPhrase One Step also offers standard connectors for use with Interwoven MetaTagger and TeamSite and for Netegrity Siteminder.

CrownPeak Forms Strategic Alliance with Genex

CrownPeak Technology announced a strategic alliance with Internet consulting and development firm Genex to provide hosted content management services to Genex and its clients. Genex will integrate CrownPeak’s Advantage CMS hosted content management tool as a content management solution for select client engagements. The relationship is Genex’s first with an application service provider.,

Stellent Launches Lotus Notes Initiative

Stellent, Inc. announced its Lotus Notes initiative. The initiative includes the release of the new Stellent Lotus Notes Integrator that offers customers a migration or integration path between Lotus Notes and Stellent Content Management. The Stellent Lotus Notes Integrator provides companies with a solution for automatically replicating or migrating Lotus Notes database content into the Stellent Content Management environment. It automatically converts the proprietary Lotus Notes document format into RTF, HTML or XML. Stellent Lotus Notes Integrator can be used in situations where Stellent Content Management coexists with Lotus Notes or where companies are completing replacing Notes. In the first scenario, Lotus Notes Integrator will automatically replicate Lotus Notes documents or emails into the Stellent system, which would be used for document management, Web publishing, content collaboration and content distribution. In the second scenario, Lotus Notes Integrator would be used for the one-time migration of Lotus Notes documents into the Stellent Content Management system. Stellent Lotus Notes Integrator is currently shipping and is priced at $50,000 USD.

Plumtree Launches Content Management Product

Plumtree Software announced Plumtree Content Server 4.0, a portal content management system. As an engine for creating and publishing Web content within the portal, Content Server allows everyone in the business to contribute information to the portal, and every line-of-business to manage the branding and publication of that content to portal pages and related Web sites. Content Server is based on the 2001 acquisition of Hablador, and is the most recent product in Plumtree’s new line of servers, which also includes Collaboration Server, Studio Server, Search Server and Single Sign-On Server, Powered by Oblix. Content Server publishes content to the portal organized in Plumtree’s enterprise-wide document directory or in community directories maintained for different work-groups or business units. Content Server can also publish content as Gadget Web Services, components embedded within a portal page, and a wide range of administration tools are surfaced in the portal as Gadget Web Services. Content Server relies on the portal’s security scheme, and indexes its content using Plumtree Search. Content Server is expected to be generally available in November 2002.

NeoCore Releases Insight

NeoCore Inc., developer of the NeoCore XML Information Management System (XMS), has released NeoCore Insight, an information exploration tool that provides instant access to database information. NeoCore Insight allows businesses greater understanding about the information stored in the XMS database without need for application development. The power of the underlying engine is exposed by a number of access methods, including charting, creating user-defined gauges that can be set into a “dashboard”, and revealing patterns within the information, without technical knowledge of the data’s structure or indexing. NeoCore’s additional complementary technologies include a recent integration with Altova’s XMLSPY 5, which enables database access and manipulation of XMS from within the XMLSPY development environment, and planned upcoming integration with an Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) tool. Insight is available immediately.

InStranet Releases Secure Report Distribution Manager V2

InStranet, Inc. announced the release of the latest version of its Secure Report Distribution Manager product, an application designed to converge Business Intelligence and Enterprise Content Management. SRDM v2 enables BI managers and non-technical business users to search for and distribute reports to the appropriate recipients across the extended enterprise, whether those users are at headquarters, in branch offices or retail outlets, or within partner or customer organizations. With SRDM v2, users can access a single centralized location for all reporting information, whether those reports originate from a BI platform, desktop reporting tools, CRM applications, or mainframe and AS/400 platforms.

Mobius Acquires Cytura

Mobius Management Systems, Inc. announced that it has acquired technology and certain other assets of Cytura Corp. Cytura software delivers Web site management, document management and digital asset management in a single platform. It gives business managers and non-technical employees the ability to create, personalize, transform, manage and publish content. Cytura technology will be integrated with the Mobius ViewDirect TCM software suite to deliver a comprehensive integrated solution for enterprise content requirements. Mobius paid Cytura $2.2 million in cash for the acquired assets. In approximately one year, Mobius may be obligated to pay Cytura up to an additional $800,000, depending on the price of Mobius common stock over the next thirteen months.

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