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Category: Content technology news (Page 237 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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EMC & Adobe Partner; To Support iECM

EMC Corporation announced an advanced technology effort with Adobe Systems, Inc. to develop a standards-based interoperable content management infrastructure. The new infrastructure will combine EMC’s enterprise content management (ECM) platform and Adobe’s XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform) technology to deliver a solution to maximize distributed information sharing and management. The collaboration will also support the emerging iECM (Interoperable Enterprise Content Management) standard. The iECM framework will address the growing need for a common integration layer between different enterprise content management systems and multiple business applications. It will include support for major industry standards such as SOAP, WSDL, BPEL, JCR (JSR-170) and others, organizing them in the context of content-rich application requirements. Adobe XMP is an extensible and customizable framework that leverages standard XML structures to facilitate distributed information sharing and management. Through Adobe XMP, metadata can be assigned to content earlier in the information lifecycle and prior to it being stored in the EMC Documentum repository. iECM (Interoperable Enterprise Content Management) is a standards-based framework, initiated by AIIM to address the growing need for a distributed enterprise content management architecture that facilitates content access across formerly disparate repositories. This is achieved through an integration layer that addresses content metadata standardization and includes a suite of web services that provide a common set of operations through which ECM solutions and enterprise applications can interoperate and manage content within a secure environment. In addition to those directly related to web services, the framework will also cover standards for semantic interoperability such as XML and XML Schema, RDF, OWL and Dublin Core. Additional information on this effort is available at,

Xyleme & Anark Partner for XML Interactive Learning Solutions

Xyleme Inc. announced its partnership with Anark Corporation, a provider of 3D interactive software and enterprise business solutions, to provide an integrated training solution for performance support. The combined solution will allow organizations to integrate heterogeneous training assets such as print, Web and video, into a single XML repository, eliminating redundancy and allowing for the reuse of these assets across multiple 3D simulation training sessions. This economizes the delivery of these high-retention interactive training courses by enabling the same learning object to be used across multiple simulation exercises.,

Interwoven Updates MetaTagger

Interwoven, Inc. (NASDAQ:IWOV) announced that it has enhanced the company’s MetaTagger Content Intelligence Services offering by providing advanced functionality for social network discovery and content categorization. With the new release, organizations can automate document review and routing processes as well as accelerate the development of business-specific taxonomies. MetaTagger enables an organization’s applications to discover and extract person names, companies, dates, places and other significant entities using semantic patterns. Included in the latest MetaTagger release are extractors for several common entity types, as well as tools for creating new patterns in an XML-based configuration format. Organizations can configure MetaTagger quickly with a new step-by-step Web-based configuration manager. new Web-based Metadata Viewer enables users to generate and view metadata dynamically. Additionally, new tools enable dynamic taxonomy import, export, and deployment through a scripting interface. Organizations can now benefit from new support for Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian (Nynorsk and Bokmal). Additional languages supported include English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese, Korean and simplified Chinese. The enhanced Interwoven MetaTagger Content Intelligence Services offering is generally available now.

Day Launching Repository Connectors

Day Software (SWX:DAYN)(OTC:DYIHY) announced that the company is launching a series of standardized connectors for other repositories. The repository connectors are compliant with the Content Repository for Java Technology API standard (JSR170). The first of these interfaces to be delivered is for EMC Documentum. The Day connector will make enterprise content stored in Documentum’s repository accessible through the new standard. Other connectors that are in development include interfaces for FileNet, OpenText LiveLink, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Domino.doc, Software AG Tamino and Interwoven.

ISYS Updates Enterprise Search to ISYS:web 7

ISYS Search Software announced the immediate general availability of ISYS:web 7, the company’s enterprise search solution for public websites, corporate intranets and portals. At query time, ISYS:web 7 automatically displays categories that enable users to drill down and quickly find the right information. ISYS also provides administrators with tools for modifying categories according to their business rules. ISYS:web 7 parses raw search log data into reports that enable organizations to monitor, measure and analyze search behavior. Users can create custom reports or use the standard reports ISYS ships with, including top searches, peak search hours, and trends in the frequency of search terms. ISYS:web 7 offers 100-percent web-based administration. ISYS:web 7 can be deployed it out of the box, or, for organizations requiring greater flexibility, achieve maximum customization via ISYS:web 7’s developer’s toolkit, which includes .NET and SOAP interfaces. Administrators can create an unlimited number of indexes and chain up to 128 indexes, enabling users to search across 8 billion documents with a single search. ISYS:web 7 now offers enterprises the ability to leverage multiple processors to build indexes in tandem. ISYS:web 7 allows administrators to create multi-language indexes via Unicode.

Open Text’s Artesia Digital Asset Management 6.5 Supports Creative Professionals

Open Text Corporation (Nasdaq: OTEX, TSX: OTC) announced the latest digital asset management (DAM) software from its Artesia subsidiary will provide support to creative professionals in media and entertainment companies and in corporate marketing departments. Version 6.5 improves the productivity of creative professionals by linking the desktop design and publishing applications they depend on to the digital media content managed by the Artesia DAM solution. Artesia DAM 6.5 adds the Creative Desktop, which allows users working from Macintosh-based design applications such as Adobe InDesign CS2 and QuarkXPress to leverage the content management functionality of Artesia DAM running on Windows or Unix servers. Version 6.5’s integration with Adobe InDesign software includes intelligent ingest of compound document layouts from Adobe InDesign into Artesia DAM, with optional XMP capture. XMP is an XML-based metadata interchange framework from Adobe. Users can import a layout and the components of the layout, such as graphics, as separate assets in the system, each with separate metadata. The integration of Livelink Discovery Server into the Artesia DAM solution gives customers a search technology to find digital content in their Artesia DAM systems. This capability will be included as part of the base Artesia DAM product license.

JotSpot Launches JotSpot Live

JotSpot launched JotSpot Live, the first in a series of online collaboration products that the company will introduce this fall. JotSpot Live is a simple Web-based application that enables live note-taking by multiple users on the same Web page at the same time. Combining the interactivity and speed of chat with the utility of building collaborative documents, JotSpot Live is designed for group brainstorming, virtual meetings, and collaborative agendas. JotSpot Live is Web-based, accessible from any browser, and requires no software installation. JotSpot Live is available immediately. Users can use the basic version of JotSpot Live for free and paid plans start at $5 per month, where users can create up to 15 pages per month. There is also workgroup plan for greater use. All plans allow for unlimited collaborators on any page.

Vignette Launches Business Unit & Solutions for Enterprise Learning

Vignette Corp. (NASDAQ:VIGN) announced the creation of a dedicated business unit designed to help organizations seamlessly blend learning with work. The Vignette Enterprise Learning solution enables organizations to better align training and business initiatives across the enterprise. Vignette Enterprise Learning is a holistic solution of products and services that manages the entire learning lifecycle. Subject matter experts may asynchronously discuss and share their knowledge by authoring discrete learning modules in collaborative spaces. Learners may search for learning content, identify prerequisite skills, informally assemble learning modules, schedule relevant training, review course history and assess their professional development within the context of their online work environments. Line-of-business executives may directly correlate investments in employees, such as sales force enablement, with corporate financial objectives through composite application dashboards. Vignette Enterprise Learning helps organizations operate within the processes prescribed by human resources departments and other mandates, such as BASEL II, NASD 3010 and 3012 and Sarbanes-Oxley sections 302 and 404. Vignette helps organizations reduce the time to comply by accelerating employee adherence to policies and operating constraints.

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