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Category: Content technology news (Page 230 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Alfresco Releases Open Source Enterprise Content Management Solution

Enterprises and developers can now download the Alfresco open source content management system. Alfresco is built on modern, service oriented technologies and standards such as Spring, Hibernate, Lucene and Web Services, JSR-168, JSR-170 and MyFaces. The Alfresco ECM solution is designed for small to mid-sized enterprises and departments that want a system that is easy for end-users to use while also being simple-to-install and flexible for developers to create new and customized content applications. Alfresco integrates to the JBoss Portal, JBoss Application Server, JBoss Cache, JBoss Application Server, Hibernate and MySQL. The Alfresco software is zero footprint ECM whereby no ActiveX or Java Applets are required on the client. Alfresco uses the Microsoft CIFS interface, which enables users to treat content just as they would a Microsoft Windows shared file drive. CIFS enables users to take work offline and synchronize it when reconnecting. It also allows applications that will only work with mounted drives or non-networked file systems to work natively with the Alfresco repository. Alfresco also announced the availability of both a free open source “Community Network” and a series of fee-based support networks. The Community Network is free and is available for download. The Developer Network is $4.99 monthly per user and the Professional Network is $9.99 monthly per user. The Enterprise Network offers unlimited users for a monthly fee of $625. For a limited period all customers taking out a support subscription to the Alfresco Professional Network will receive the Alfresco Enterprise Network product capabilities free of charge. The Professional and Enterprise Network’s are available for download at ,

Vasont Universal Integrater Keeps Pace with FrameMaker 7.2

Vasont Systems announced that the Vasont Universal Integrator (VUI) integrates with the latest release of Adobe FrameMaker software. The VUI is a software extension of Vasont, a content management system that enables organizations to store their multilingual content once for reuse and delivery to multiple media channels. Using VUI, Vasont users are able to work within FrameMaker 7.2 while accessing Vasont through a toolbar menu option. New Adobe FrameMaker 7.2 software delivers an authoring and publishing solution that combines the simplicity of word processing with the power of XML. The software enables WYSIWYG authoring in a structured environment optimized for the editing and production of valid XML. FrameMaker offers the ability to process XSLT during the FrameMaker import and export process, which can facilitate moving content in and out of FrameMaker to a desired structure. Vasont users are able to leverage this ability when moving content in and out of the Vasont repository using the VUI. FrameMaker also supports XML schema as well as DTDs, just like the Vasont content management system.

Google, IBM Team Up on PC desktop search

IBM is teaming up with Google to find documents on personal computers. The newest plug-in for IBMs enterprise search technology will integrate with Google Desktop for Enterprise, which is downloadable free. Customers using IBM WebSphere Information Integrator OmniFind Edition can now search and retrieve various types of content from their personal computers using the Google Desktop for Enterprise interface. That means users will have a single interface for searching desktop, enterprise and web content. Google has already announced that Google Desktop for Enterprise can search the full text of IBM Lotus Notes mail messages stored on a local computer. This feature allows search of all Lotus Notes databases and mail servers in addition to local mail files. Google Desktop for Enterprise is available from

Convera Positioned to Launch Web Service

Convera Corporation (NASDAQ: CNVR) announced that its Excalibur Web search technology is set to launch as the index now contains more than 4 billion pages. In addition to reaching 4 billion pages of textual Web content, the Excalibur technology also comprises approximately 500 million images, 20 million audio components and 5 million videos. The Company also disclosed that it has completed the build-out of its second data center located in Dallas, Texas. This site, in conjunction with the Company’s San Diego data center now affords prospective customers a fully redundant hosting environment. With the attainment of these operational and technology milestones, Convera is positioned to begin accepting customers for Excalibur, presently a private label search offering. The Excalibur Web search technology, while a newly developed search platform, leverages Convera’s experience over the past 15 years in creating “deep search” products for law enforcement, national security and intelligence agencies.

Hot Banana & WebTrends in Technology Partnership

WebTrends Inc. and Hot Banana announced a technology partnership to streamline the end-to-end process of creating, analyzing and optimizing web site content and marketing campaigns. With the integration of WebTrends 7 directly into the Hot Banana Active Marketing Web Content Management Suite, marketers are provided a single solution to set-up and access WebTrends web analytics and manage web site content on the fly without technical assistance. Hot Banana automates the process of placing WebTrends SmartSource tags on web pages, minimizes hand-coded errors and helps ensure web sites are accurately coded for collecting the desired information. Customers of the integrated solution gain insight into having total control and visibility into the effectiveness of their web site content and marketing programs. Marketers can A/B test different creative, campaign offers and web page layouts on-the-fly to optimize on the best performers, leveraging features within WebTrends 7 such as comparative reports, Product and Campaign Drilldowns and WebTrends SmartView, which superimposes complete conversions metric and visitor segment behavior directly on every web page or HTML email link. The Hot Banana-WebTrends integrated solution is available immediately, and is sold by both WebTrends and Hot Banana’s sales teams and select channel partners. ,

XyEnterprise & Blast Radius Partner to Create DITA Content Solution

XyEnterprise and Blast Radius Inc. announced a partnership that integrates Blast Radius XMetaL DITA Edition into XyEnterprise’s content management system, Content@ to support both content creation and management using the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), the OASIS standard for authoring topic-oriented content in XML. XMetaL Author DITA Edition is a solution for authoring and publishing content using DITA. The new product includes Natural Structured Authoring, a user environment designed to reduce time-consuming authoring tasks into simple steps, as well as a visual map editor, reusable components, and support for single-source publishing. Content@ 3.2 is a content management system that gives content authors the ability to manage extensive repositories of topics. Content creators can find related topics that they want to reuse or refer to in their writing, track and review changes in progress, shield changes from those who want to see only approved and published data, and participate in an automated workflow based on their role and responsibility. ,

Justsystems to Release xfy Basic Edition 1.0

Justsystems Corporation (JASDAQ: 4686), an enterprise software provider in Japan, announced that xfy Basic Edition 1.0 will be available starting October 31 for the U.S. market. xfy Basic Edition 1.0, an integrated XML application development and runtime environment, along with the xfy Developer’s Toolkit 1.0, which enables the generation of XVCDs (XML data processing sequence programs), can be downloaded free of charge. xfy Basic Edition 1.0, serves as a tool for creating and editing XML documents. It also provides in integrated fashion, a runtime environment for programs that contain XML data processing sequences, and an application development environment. Compound XML documents that include text, pictures, and tables can be displayed in xfy as a single seamless document, making it easy to create, edit, and view new documents. The scalable design concept of xfy helps ensure that, with this environment, future kinds of XML documents can also be edited. xfy Basic Edition 1.0 is written in Java, and runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac. To allow more businesses the opportunity to utilize xfy, “xfy Basic Edition 1.0” and “xfy Developer’s Toolkit 1.0” will be available free for non-commercial individual use, for academic research, and for enterprise use. Starting October 31, 2005 download xfy Basic Edition 1.0 at

Plone Foundation Releases Plone 2.1

The Plone Foundation recently released the 2.1 version of Plone, a Content Management System for the Zope application server. Plone runs on all major operating systems including Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. Plone is available in more than 50 languages. Notable features include time-based content deployment and role-based authoring and publishing. Plone 2.1’s new set of features provide users with tools to enhance their productivity while maintaining an optimal user experience. The new version also gives content managers and end users sophisticated, yet simple, ways to more effectively search and organize their content. “LiveSearch” provides an instant preview of search results when typing, while “Smart Folders” allow content managers to arrange content according to usage. Available add-on products allow Windows desktop integration, handling of multilingual content, rapid deployment into existing IT infrastructure, and a host of other features from blogs to enterprise authentication. A number of entities offer Plone products, training, support, hosting, and consulting services.

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