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Category: Content technology news (Page 214 of 624)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

We focus on product news, but also include selected company news such as mergers and acquisitions and meaningful partnerships. All news items are edited by one of our analysts under the NewsShark byline.  See our Editorial Policy.

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WebSideStory Announces Merger with Visual Sciences

WebSideStory announced a merger with privately held Visual Sciences, LLC, a provider of streaming data analysis and visualization software and on-demand services with 40 employees and over 40 customers. The total value of the consideration payable to the former holders of interests in Visual Sciences based on yesterday’s closing price is $57.3 million and is comprised as follows: $22.0 million in cash; unsecured senior notes in the principal amount of $20.0 million; 568,512 shares of common stock to be held in escrow until March 31, 2007; and 189,511 shares of restricted common stock. In addition, in connection with the merger WebSideStory issued the former holders of interests in Visual Sciences warrants to purchase 1,082,923 shares of common stock with an exercise price of $18.4685 per share, exercisable for the next 18-months, and options to purchase 350,000 shares of common stock to the former employees of Visual Sciences. The transaction has aleady closed. Visual Sciences will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of WebSideStory, Inc. Co-founders Jim MacIntyre and David Scherer will serve as CEO and CTO of the business unit, respectively.

Mediasurface Announces Launch of V5.3.5

Mediasurface launched the latest version of its content management suite (CMS). Version 5.3.5 marks the arrival of the Morello Web Client, the company’s new web-based content management interface. The Morello Web Client is almost indistinguishable from its Morello Smart Client desktop equivalent. It allows web-based content contribution through both Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers.

DolphinSearch Releases Workflow Management Tools for eDiscovery & Litigation Markets

DolphinSearch, Inc. announced the release of its new Online eDiscovery Review Console for electronic discovery management. The DolphinSearch Online eDiscovery Review Console provides new work flow management, estimation tools, and management dashboards for complex eDiscovery projects. The Console is designed for large corporations, government agencies, and law firms involved with complex legal projects, including class action lawsuits, which can span years, international borders and multiple languages. It is for large and complex litigations where cases can require the review and analysis of millions of pages of documents, terabytes of data and tens of thousands of hours of attorney and paralegal time. The new dashboard technology finds all of the information attorneys and review managers need to track their team’s progress through the review. The dashboard is available now to all DolphinSearch eDiscovery customers. Coming soon is an enhanced version with a built in work-assignment wizard that allows review managers to distribute work among any number of reviewers.

Alfresco Announces Partner Network Program

Alfresco Software Inc. announced the Alfresco Partner Network Program to help organizations market, configure, customize and implement solutions leveraging Alfresco software for customers. More than 25 companies are already on board from the USA, Canada, UK, France, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Columbia, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela and Australia. These range from open source software providers to systems integrators, OEM, training and hosting companies. Companies that have already joined the program include System Integrators: Cignex, Comanaco, CorraTech, Enomaly, Evoltia, Lateral Minds, Lemontech, Mayastec, NeoDoc, Optaros, Rivet Logic, Saillant, SuiteSpot Solutions, TS Group, and ukwebworks; OEMs: Aimset and NeoDoc; Hosting: Hoike and Siennax; Training: Cignex and Rivet Logic. Alfresco is also adding to its existing ISV partner ecosystem with Technology Partners: BitRock, JBoss, MySQL AB, Novell, SugarCRM, Zend Technologies, and 3BView.

Inxight Partners with Google for Government & Enterprises

Inxight Software announced that it has joined the Google Enterprise Professional program. Inxight and Google will integrate their technologies for both the enterprise and government sector. Companies and government agencies who use the Google Enterprise Search Appliance can now extend their searches to federate and filter the results set with Inxight’s federated search solution, SmartDiscovery Awareness Server. Google Enterprise Search Appliance users can also integrate it with Inxight SmartDiscovery Analysis Server to automatically identify concepts, people, organizations, places and other information, providing structure to unstructured text as XML-out for use in routing, categorization, search and business intelligence applications. The Google Enterprise Professional program includes developers, consultants and independent software vendors that provide value-added services for Google enterprise products.,

Bamboo Solutions Announces New Web Part for Managing Data Stored in SharePoint Lists

Bamboo Solutions Corporation, a technology provider specializing in collaborative information management solutions for government and industry, announced the immediate availability of a new web part for Microsoft SharePoint Technologies. The List Integrity Web Part enforces various constraints and performs background “housekeeping” tasks while maintaining referential integrity between SharePoint lists. SharePoint lists, as they are designed today, can be linked using a “look up” field, where one list can refer to data from another list, thus supporting a 1:N (one-to-many) relationship. This lookup capability allows developers to architect information using a familiar relational approach. In a standard SharePoint environment, managing the relationship between different lists is left to the end user, often leaving data unidentified or orphaned during basic list operations. The List Integrity Web Part allows for a referential integrity relationship between two data sets to be defined much like a traditional database defines relationships between tables. It then enforces (based on user selections) various constraints and performs background “housekeeping” tasks to maintain the relationship automatically. The List Integrity Web Part is available for immediate purchase and download via Bamboo’s online store.

SpringCM Launches its Hosted Content Management Service

SpringCM launched as an on-demand content management company for businesses of all sizes. Dozens of customers, ranging from service and manufacturing businesses to state agencies and non-profits, are already leveraging SpringCM’s solutions to share and manage documents, images and multi-media files, inside and outside the organization. By combining software-as-a-service (SaaS) technologies with a complete and integrated solution, SpringCM can provide any businesses an affordable alternative to installed client server solutions. With SaaS there is no need to install or download the software.

X1 Announces X1 Content Connector for Interwoven Worksite

X1 Technologies announced the availability of the X1 Content Connector for Interwoven WorkSite. Now users of X1 Enterprise Edition have a pre-built connector to the Interwoven WorkSite 8 document management repository, enabling a unified presentation of search results across both local and server-based content upon which users can immediately act. Through the new X1 Content Connector, the client interface provides access to WorkSite document management functionality, including “open,” “check-in,” “check-out” and “send” features. X1 Enterprise Edition aligns with existing Interwoven security schemes and provides schedule-based indexing, so that users can take action on the search results. Law firms can now expand their enterprise desktop search capabilities to include designated repository systems, such as WorkSite 8, enabling their users to quickly produce information that may be relevant for a civil or criminal case.

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