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Category: Content management & strategy (Page 185 of 468)

This category includes editorial and news blog posts related to content management and content strategy. For older, long form reports, papers, and research on these topics see our Resources page.

Content management is a broad topic that refers to the management of unstructured or semi-structured content as a standalone system or a component of another system. Varieties of content management systems (CMS) include: web content management (WCM), enterprise content management (ECM), component content management (CCM), and digital asset management (DAM) systems. Content management systems are also now widely marketed as Digital Experience Management (DEM or DXM, DXP), and Customer Experience Management (CEM or CXM) systems or platforms, and may include additional marketing technology functions.

Content strategy topics include information architecture, content and information models, content globalization, and localization.

For some historical perspective see:

Hummingbird Acquisition: Open Door or Not?

See updated links for 5/30 and 5/31 below.
Friday was a busy day and I did not see the press release on the Hummingbird acqusition until about 3pm. Curiousity killed that cat and I took some time to listen to the archived conference call (find the number in the “Conference Call” section of the Hummingbird press release.)

I got more than I bargained for on a Friday afternoon. Not surprised to find an audience of financial analysts, I was more than a bit surprised to hear comments such as “stunned,” “ridiculous,” and “questionable as to fiduciary responsibility.” Cetainly, many of the financial analysts asked (redundant) questions in the manner that reporters would use, i.e. slow, steady, and determined to get an answer. Others however, were quite more emotional than I’ve ever experienced from an acquisition- or earnings-type call — or from financial analysts for that matter. Some analysts advised shareholders to “vote against this” with vigor. It got so interesting that I realized I had listened to the entire call without intending to.

I must say I too was “stunned” at the announcement because the acquisition was not a technology to technology play. I have followed Hummingbird for years and think they have done a great job educating the market on ECM as well as expanding a very tangible beachhead in the legal vertical. So *my* stunned was that I thought it would be… well, just someone else! Just who is Symphony Technology Group? According to their Web site, it is a strategic holding company. According to Hummingbird, it was the only *serious* bidder they spoke to about an acquisition and talks began in February.

The “open door or not” title describes the crux of the emotion on the part of the financial analysts. In essence, Hummingbird described a process in which Symphony approached Hummingbird. Hummingbird did not solicit other bids from other financial or technology vendors. At the same time however, Hummingbird was repeatedly adament at stating that Symphony was the only serious bidder. Clearly there was at least one more.

In response to repeated analysts’ opinions that the valuation was extremely low, that the company was worth far more, and that the bidding process should have been more open, the Hummingbird response was: “The door is now open, other bidders can come to the table; we were not shopping – we did not put ourselves on the block.” The “or not” part of the “is the door open?” question is that simultaneously, Hummingbird stated that the process will move swiftly and the company is confident that Sympony has no other technology company holdings that overlap Hummingbird’s expertise in ECM. Also according to Hummingbird, “nothing has changed in our company” and there are no management contracts in place with Symphony for the deal.

The documents on full disclosure on the details will be available tomorrow, Tues 5/30, according to Hummingbird. I am sure more blog entries will add to my report. I’ll update this entry with links I find tomorrow.

Reuters has weighed in…

Tony Byrne from CMSWatch has weighed in…

Tuesday 5/30 Update:
Computer Business Review Online has weighed in…

Wednesday 5/31 Update:’s National Post has weighed in… Note the quote “Fred Sorkin and Barry Litwin, Hummingbird’s chairman and chief executive, respectively, own about 12% of the outstanding shares and don’t want the company bought by another technology firm. The company might cut [our] products,” said Mr. Sorkin, although all offers will be entertained. This leads to distraction and lack of value creation.”

Arrangement Agreement Papers Available… The site is, “the official site that provides access to most public securities documents and information filed by public companies and investment funds with the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) in the SEDAR filing system.” Search for Public Companies = Hummingbird + Date Filed = May 26,2006 if you are interested. Curiously, the Document Type is listed as “Other”.

Gilbane Conference on Content Management Technologies for Government Unveils Program

For Immediate Release:


Welz & Weisel Communications
Evan Weisel, 703-323-6006
Cell: 703-628-5754

Cambridge, MA, May 9, 2006. The Gilbane Report and Lighthouse Seminars in cooperation with CMS Watch, today announced its analyst and end-user driven conference program for the inaugural Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies for Government taking place June 13-15 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC. The conference program is divided into three tracks: Enterprise Content Management, Web Content Management and Enterprise Search & Discovery.

“We have put together a strong program that ensures every conference session leads off with a leading industry expert who can educate and provide big-picture perspectives, followed by a federal information manager explaining how they solved a particular problem,” said Tony Byrne, Conference Chair. “This way, the attendee learns both how to approach a content technology challenge as well as draw lessons from peers. And for maximum information exchange, we have avoided clogging the sessions with vendor marketing-speak. All in all, it promises to be a great learning experience for attendees.”

The following highlights several conference sessions taking place at the event:

Opening Keynote Panel: Industry Analysts Debate Current and Future Trends in Content Technologies

Government Keynote Panel: Key Issues in Federal Content Technologies

Enterprise Content Management Track

ECM and the FEA

The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) comprises a collection of interrelated “reference models” designed to facilitate cross-agency analysis and the identification of duplicative investments, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration within and across federal agencies. This session will look at Enterprise Content Management in the context of the FEA. Inasmuch as there is no Content Reference Model, do the Business Reference Model (BRM) Service Reference Models (SRM) provide an adequate business framework for architecting ECM solutions? Could either taxonomy serve as an organizing principle for content in a production system?

The iECM Standard: what’s in it for you?

iECM, “Interoperable Enterprise Content Management”, is a proposed standard sponsored by industry trade group AIIM. The goal of the new standard is to produce a single set of functional requirements for process oriented web services that enable disparate enterprise content management systems, portals, and enterprise applications to interoperate – better enabling content to be exchanged, integrated, and managed securely between systems. Led by FAA enterprise architect and iECM co-chair Paul Fontaine, this session will look at how iECM can facilitate greater interoperability among content technologies within and beyond federal agencies.

Web Content Management Track

Building a successful business case for your agency CMS

Content management technology can help relieve overtaxed federal content managers and add value for the enterprise, but CMS implementations typically represent a significant, multi-year investment as well. Join a panel of federal managers who have successfully built a business case to justify the purchase of content management technology. Discussion will include business case justifications, anticipated efficiencies, and navigating the 300-B process.

Role of new media technologies in Government Part I: Blogs, Wikis, and RSS

New communications tools – blogs, wikis, and RSS – have proliferated in the past few years. In industry, many companies now employ these technologies for collaboration, knowledge management, and publishing applications, and innumerable vendors now market products based on these new technologies. Meanwhile, some government agencies have begun to experiment with these tools. Do these agencies only represent the experimental fringe, or are they early adopters of technologies that will soon be part of every agency’s bag of IT tricks? This panel will look at the actual implementation experience: when do blogs and wikis make sense, and when do they not? How do they fit into broader content architectures?

The future of the federal government web

Mired in the day-to-day operations of large, high-profile federal web properties, it’s easy to lose sight of long-term trends in government website management. In a lively look into the future of the government web, Senior Content Manager Sheila Campbel will identify key patterns and emerging norms, and leave participants with a peek at what the federal web landscape might look like 5-10 years from now.

Enterprise Search & Discovery Track

Enterprise Search: the federal experience

Google has made everyone pay more attention to search. But providing effective search capabilities across diverse enterprise information repositories represents a far more complex problem than indexing web pages and measuring link relevance. Join this panel of federal managers who have implemented different search technologies as they share lessons learned and advice for their peers.

To view the full conference program, visit:

About CMS Watch 

CMS Watch(TM) is an independent source of analysis and advice on content management and enterprise search. In addition to the freely-available articles on its website, CMS Watch publishes vendor-neutral technology reports that provide independent analysis and practical advice regarding web content management, records management, and enterprise search, and portal solutions. These reports help sort out the complex landscape of potential solutions so that project teams can minimize the time and effort to identify and evaluate technologies suited to their particular requirements. For more information, visit

About The Gilbane Group 
Gilbane Group, Inc. serves the content management community with publications, conferences and consulting services. The Gilbane Group administers the Content Technology Works(TM) case study program disseminating best practices with partners Software AG (TECdax:SOW), Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ:SUNW), Artesia Digital Media, a Division of Open Text, Astoria Software, ClearStory Systems (OTCBB:INSS), Context Media (Oracle, NASDAQ:ORCL), Convera (NASDAQ:CNVR), IBM (NYSE:IBM), Idiom, Mark Logic, Open Text Corporation (NASDAQ:OTEX), SDL International (London Stock Exchange:SDL), Vasont Systems, Vignette (NASDAQ:VIGN), and WebSideStory (NASDAQ:WSSI).

About Lighthouse Seminars 
Lighthouse Seminars’ events cover information technologies and “content technologies” in particular. These include content management of all types, digital asset management, document management, web content management, enterprise portals, enterprise search, web and multi-channel publishing, electronic forms, authoring, content and information integration, information architecture, and e-catalogs.


JBoss Adds WSRP Support to JBoss Portal

JBoss, Inc. announced JBoss Portal 2.4, which adds support for the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) specification, a standard for enterprise portals and service-oriented architectures (SOAs). Supporting both the Java portlet API (JSR-168) and now WSRP, JBoss Portal is an extensible portal framework that integrates dynamic Web pages, applications and content within reusable portlets. Instead of bundling portlets and the portal into a single application, users can deploy portlets remotely and let the portal consume portlets as needed via WSRP. WSRP support in JBoss Portal 2.4 extends to both the producer, i.e., portlet containers, and the consumer, which is the system communicating with presentation-oriented Web services on behalf of users. Version 2.4 supports service description and markup interfaces and implicit cloning for both producers and consumers. In addition, version 2.4 extends support on the consumer side to standard window states and mode and the registration interface. The company also announced that it has joined OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards), the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and WS-I (Web Services Interoperability). The JBoss community is also enhancing the JEMS platform with related technologies such as portlets and content management systems that enable enterprises to pick and choose the extensions that make the most sense for their portal applications. A library of portlets, themes and layouts contributed by the community is available. Licensed under the open source GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), JBoss Portal is free to download and use for both development and production deployments.,

ISO and IEC Approve OpenDocument OASIS Standard

The OpenDocument OASIS Standard (also known as ODF – OpenDocument Format), a format which enables users of varying office suites to freely exchange documents, has been approved for release as an ISO and IEC International Standard. OpenDocument was balloted through the Joint Technical Committee on Information Technology (JTC1) of the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The OASIS OpenDocument submission has been given the designation, ISO/IEC 26300. OpenDocument defines an XML file format for office applications. Suitable for text, spreadsheets, charts, graphs, presentations, and databases, the standard frees documents from their applications-of-origin, enabling them to be exchanged, retrieved, and edited with any OpenDocument-compliant software or tool. In May 2005, OpenDocument was ratified as an OASIS Standard and subsequently submitted by OASIS to the ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, subcommittee SC 34, Document description and processing languages. As ISO/IEC 26300, the standard will continue to be maintained and advanced by the OASIS OpenDocument Technical Committee and the recently formed OASIS ODF Adoption Committee, both of which remain open to participation from users, suppliers, government agencies, and individuals. Current members of OASIS committees focusing on OpenDocument include representatives of Adobe, IBM, Intel, Novell, Oracle, and Sun Microsystems, as well as government agencies and other organizations, such as the Chanfeng Open Standards Platform Software Alliance in China, National Informatics Center of the Government of India, Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration, Royal National Institute for the Blind, and Duke University.,

Stibo Catalog Announces STEP 4.8

Stibo Catalog announced the next generation of STEP. With STEP 4.8 Stibo Catalog will release a new merchandising planning module to help catalogers drive sales. STEP Merchandiser gives product managers on-demand visibility and lets them analyze product performance of products and pages. The tool lets merchandisers pre-plan pages, as well as initiate product, image and copy writing workflows. Designed to tear down the walls between product managers and creatives, STEP Merchandiser will help reduce review cycles and increase the speed to market of new promotions and multiple versions. STEP Document Author is a new optional module designed to create documents such as data sheets and provide detailed information about a product that will often include tables, diagrams and long descriptive text and editorial text. Data sheets are updated regularly and reused throughout the life of a product. These characteristics lead to publishing workflows that can be very different to those used when producing catalogs and other direct marketing publications. The new tool will include an authoring interface within STEP PIM that provides both creation and reuse of data within a document format STEP’n’design will provide a print publishing tool for documents enabling a multi-page document to be paginated fully formatted with a single drag & drop. STEP 4.8 will support print publishing with QuarkXPress v7 and Adobe InDesign CS2 as well as Quark DDS and Adobe InDesign Server. Other enhancements will include Proof views in STEP PIM, Image Workflows, user password authentication using LDAP and support of external digital asset management systems via Asset Push. Stibo Catalog will be working with selected customers on testing STEP 4.8 and expects to commercially release the solution in Q4, 2006.

CambridgeDocs Announces Server-Side, Java-Based Microsoft Word to PDF Publishing Using XML

CambridgeDocs announced xDoc Server Version 2.02, and with it the ability to publish Microsoft Word .DOC files to PDF in a cross-platform environment. The Java-based xDoc Server can be called from any J2EE application server, including the popular platforms IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic and Apache Tomcat. Organizations can now process and publish high volumes of Microsoft Word content on Windows, Linux and Solaris serves – free of the licensing and performance issues related to installing Microsoft Office or Adobe Acrobat or Distiller on a server. This links business users’ preferences for Microsoft Word into IT departments who are consolidating servers and implementing applications ranging from contract generation to custom publishing. Previous generations of PDF publishing have relied on direct “print-stream” approaches, which rely on the original desktop applications “print to” a PDF format. By using Java and XML, the multi-threaded xDoc Server can also merge individual Word files, add data from databases into document “templates”, and publish as XML, HTML, or Microsoft RTF. A benefit of using XML as the file format transformation medium for xDoc Server is it helps companies in maintain corporate branding for document “templates” for policies, applications or contracts that are created in Microsoft Word, and that then require database information to be merged into these “templates” as part of a multi-threaded J2EE application. In these scenarios, the documents can be concatenated or merged together as necessary before being published to PDF and thereby retain their corporate “look and feel”.

Open Text Extends Agreement with HP Business Processes & Compliance Solutions

Open Text Corporation (NASDAQ:OTEX) (NASDAQ:TSX:) (NASDAQ:OTC) announced that it has extended its global agreement with HP to provide customers with solutions that improve the way documents, emails and other information are managed though complex business processes. The solutions from Open Text and HP will help better manage information throughout its lifecycle in ways that meet both compliance rules and efficiency demands. The solutions will use Open Text’s Livelink ECM software and compliance solutions with HP Integrity servers and the HP StorageWorks File System Extender offering. In addition to Europe, the companies will focus on opportunities in North America to work with systems integrators and consultants on compliance solutions. Open Text and HP’s combined offerings help customers manage the massive volumes of documents and other content generated by ERP systems that run critical business functions, such as finance and human resources. Open Text is a member of the HP StorageWorks Information Lifecycle Management Partner Program.

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