Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Category: Collaboration and workplace (Page 41 of 94)

This category is focused on enterprise / workplace collaboration tools and strategies, including office suites, intranets, knowledge management, and enterprise adoption of social networking tools and approaches.

Content Management Vendors on Twitter

So I have spent enough time on Twitter to conclude that it is useful, indeed very useful, for keeping up with news and trends in technology. Just like the blogosphere, Twitter has its “A list” folks like Guy Kawasaki and many hundreds of interesting people with smaller followings. But I have also found it to be the most useful means I have for following news feeds—from Scientific American (@sciam in Twitter) to Paid Content (@paidcontent) to New England Sports Network (@NESNcom).

Not surprisingly, content management vendors are getting involved as well, and I welcome this. I put out a call ages ago for vendors to alert me to RSS feeds of their press releases, finding them much more useful than emailed press releases in long form. (Few did.) But now I want these things via Twitter. I love Twitter search, and I have begun using TweetDeck to filter and group things. I feel like I can keep much better track of things, read what I want to in long form, and share what I think is especially interesting.

What I would like to see next is an easy way to share groups of Twitter feeds, and even collaborate on them. I have been collecting a list of CMS vendors on Twitter, and offer the start of that list here. Anyone have thoughts about how we could create a useful master list? To start with, I would love to add categories to this—some are WCM vendors, others more niche, some are open source, and so on.


Twitter User Name Twitter URL Company  
acquia Acquia  
AlfrescoCMS Alfresco CMS  
attivio Attivio  
boxdotnet Box  
brightcove Brightcove  
coremedia_news Core Media  
CrownPeakCMS CrownPeak  
daysoftware Day Software  
Dirxion Dirxion  
DotNetNuke DotNetNuke  
Drupal Drupal Org  
elcomtechnology elcom Technology  
ektrondave   Ektron  
emccorp EMC Corp.  
EMCsoftware EMC Software  
episerver EpiServer  
escenic escenic  
EE ExpressionEngine  
gentics Gentics  
google Google  
hpnews HP News  
HP_IPG HP’s Imaging and Printers Group  
HylandSoftware Hyland Software  
ibmevents IBM Events  
Intelledox Intelledox  
Interwoven_Inc Interwoven/Autonomy  
ipublishcentral IPublishCentral  
IronMountainInc Iron Mountain  
Jadu Jadu  
Jahia Jahia  
joomla Joomla Org  
Lionbridge Lionbridge  
Lotusphere Lotusphere  
magnolia_cms Magnolia CMS  
SharePoint Microsoft Sharepoint  
msoffice_us MS Office US  
MSDN_Office MSDN Office News  
NsteinTech Nstein  
Omtool Omtool  
openedit OpenEdit DAM  
OpenText OpenText  
Oracle Oracle  
papayaCMS papaya CMS  
plone Plone Org  
radiantcmsntcms Radiant CMS  
ScriptoriumTech   Scriptorium  
sdltridion SDL Tridion  
squizuk Squiz.NET  
streamserve StreamServe  
tizra Tizra  
Typo 3  
vignettecorp Vignette  
webworks_com WebWorks  
wordpress WordPress  
XeroxCorp Xerox  
XMPie XMPie  


Management of Content Authored in Enterprise Social Software

Suw Charman-Anderson posted a thoughtful piece with the title Businesses will live to regret their social media ignorance today.  Her main point is that organizations that do not deploy enterprise social software behind the firewall will lose control of information as it spreads through public social media.  This is an oft-heard refrain these days in the blogsphere.

Please don’t misunderstand, I agree with Suw.  If businesses want to retain some control over their information, they should provide secure, enterprise-ready versions of the specific types of collaboration and communication tools that employees want to use.  For example, if the risk of information leakage via Twitter is too high, the organization should deploy an enterprise microblogging application on its own servers (or subscribe to a SaaS offering hosted by a trusted vendor.)

What is especially valuable and somewhat novel in Suw’s post is her recognition of the content management issues surrounding the use of public social media to share corporate information.  She writes,

“…you need to make sure you know how communications using these tools are going to be logged, archived, and made searchable. Mostly, archiving (or logging) is built in, so it shouldn’t be that difficult. Cross-archive search might be a little bit more interesting, but it’s worth your while because more time is wasted in re-finding information than in finding it in the first place.”

Much of the dialog around enterprise social software has rightly been on connecting people to other people and the information and knowledge they possess.  The notion of using software to connect people to unstructured information hasn’t gotten nearly as much attention in the Enterprise 2.0 discussion.  Perhaps content management is a dull topic in comparison to connecting people, but enterprise social software is essentially a content authoring tool and it has fueled growth in the amount of content created within an organization.

Traditionally, unstructured information has been housed in what most would call a ‘document’, but it also may be contained in a message authored in a microblogging, wiki, or instant messaging application.  Those messages must be stored, indexed, and searchable so that users can find valuable information after it has initially been documented and shared by the author.  The same content management principles that we’ve applied to corporate email must also be used to ensure the findability of information generated in and shared via enterprise social software.

What is your view on this issue?  Do you have horror stories or best practices to share?  If so, please do by adding a comment below.

Welcome Larry Hawes – yes another one!

I am happy to announce that Larry Hawes has joined us, starting today, as Lead Analyst, Collaboration & Enterprise Social Media Practice, along with Geoff. This has been an important area of coverage for us since we started writing about enterprise use of wikis and blogs over 4 years ago – it is hard to believe how unusual such a thing was then. Not so now, and it is great to have Larry aboard to help IT and business managers understand the role of social media tools in corporate and government applications.

Larry has most recently spent 6 years with IBM Global Business Services as a Consultant and Program Manager in collaboration and knowledge management, focused largely on public sector clients. Larry also spent 3.5 years at Delphi Group as an analyst and consultant where he worked with both vendors and enterprise customers. Larry’s bio has not been posted on our site yet, but can be found at:, and of course on LinkedIn.

Larry’s email is: and his phone extension is 154. You can follow Larry on Twitter at:

Welcome Larry!

Welcome back Kaija

Our colleaugue, Kaija Pöysti, has posted mostly on the content globalization blog, but also here in 2007-08. She took some time off to move back to Finland, get re-engaged with board work, and write a book on corporate use of social media with co-author Leenamaija Otala. She is now back and will be posting on both globalization and social media topics. Welcome back Kaija!

Enterprise Search and Collaboration, or is it Compliance?

For two weeks in a row I have been struck by the appearance of full page ads on the inside cover of Information Week for Autonomy ControlPoint. For a leading search vendor, this positioning is interesting and raises a number of rhetorical questions about Autonomy’s direction and perhaps even the positioning of search in the marketplace. Top of my mind are these:

  • How will Autonomy be viewed by IT folks, whom I assume are the principal readers of Information Week?
  • Is this a shift away from an emphasis on search as “search” by Autonomy?
  • Is Autonomy just expanding its range to broader business interests to gain better enterprise penetration?
  • Will their deep technical competence in search be as rich in the areas of governance and compliance?

To try to get a handle on all of this, since the second ad had no URL, I went to the electronic version online at Information Week archives but discovered that the ads don’t appear in the PDF. No problem; I went to the advertisers’ index and clicked on the Autonomy link, thinking that the link would take me to the ControlPoint pages on their Web site. It only took me to the main page for Autonomy where there was nothing referring to ControlPoint, compliance, regulation or governance (all words prominent in the magazine print ads). I tried the drop-down for Products; nothing there either. At least Autonomy uses IDOL as its search engine on its own Web site, so I tried it. Yea! ControlPoint appeared in the results; the first entry got me to a page describing it.

But what else did I learn by following the breadcrumbs? A step back to the “products” level brought me to an Autonomy Electronics Records Management description and I began to notice the logo in the upper right said “Autonomy Meridio.” Lots of clicks later, I discovered that Meridio was acquired by Autonomy in 2007, which I probably would have known if I had paid more attention to “non-search” stuff. ControlPoint belongs in that family of products. When I clicked on this sidebar link, Autonomy ControlPoint: Information Governance for SharePoint and this one, Meridio eDRM for Microsoft Office, more questions came to mind:

  • Is Autonomy, the search company with its Meridio and Interwoven acquisitions, having a serious run at Microsoft by entering their traditional markets?
  • If an office tools software company like Microsoft slides into the search market by acquiring FAST and then leverages its great success with SharePoint by making FAST its default search offering, why shouldn’t Autonomy turn the tables?
  • By appealing to IT professionals will Autonomy be able to gain mind share that pits them directly against Microsoft with language like “Named Email and Compliance Vendor of the Year by Financial-i” and “Is SharePoint enough?”

Yes, we are going well Beyond Search, aren’t we?

EPiServer’s New Relate+ Incorporates Social Media Features and E-Mail Marketing into Websites

EPiServer announced the general availability of EPiServer Relate+ – a new package which combines the latest social media and web 2.0 features with EPiServer’s web Content Management System (CMS). Relate+ provides combines community building, email composition and maintenance, and a CMS in one package. EPiServer Relate+ contains a template package in the form of a ready-to-use community, inspired by Facebook, which can be adapted to customer-specific needs. You can now mix controlled content from EPiServer CMS with the dynamic and user-generated content which will appear in EPiServer Community.

Government confronts the new information world

With the rise of Web 2.0 and 3.0, growing Internet traffic, social networking and a host of other technologically driven applications and appetities, government at all levels is confronting the burgeoning changes in its role and participation in the society around it.

An important part of this process is the separation of the paths down which technology is taking society at large from the paths government should and should not follow in performing its essential functions. Experience has shown that not every tool, functionality and resource available to and used by citizens should become part of the governance process. The quandry is deciding up front which is which. This quandry can be seen in the very definition of government being used to described the future: “connected government”, “open government”, “participatory democracy”, “transparent government” are just some of the terms being used to describe what their users think government should be.

The core challenge, it would seem, is to develop an approach that makes government at once more effective in discharging its myriad day to day duties, more open and responsive to the honestly held beliefs and concerns of its citizens, yet still fully capable of discharging its constitutional responsibilities without infringing on or abrogating the rights of its citizens. History shows that this:

  • Will not be an easy process
  • Will not lend itself to a solution based solely on availablle technnology
  • Is likely to be tried unsuccessfully (or disastrously) more than once before we get it right.

This would seem to dictate that, whatever the technological imperatives, government should be changed carefully, in small steps and with well-considered fallbacks from the paths that turn out to be ineffective or dangerous to our liberties. One way to do this, for instance, would be to focus on those government functions we know are broken and understand how to fix (yes, there are such things.)  Then we could focus on applying new technology in areas where the target is familiar, the outcome more easily measured and the impact is less likely to spin out of control.

Structured Editing & Wikis

If you know me you will realize that I tend to revisit XML authoring tools and processes frequently. It is one of my favorite topics. The intersection of structured tools and messy human thinking and behavior is an area fraught with usability issues, development challenges, and careful business case thinking. And therefore, a topic ripe for discussion.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend about word processors and XML editors the other day. His argument was that the word processing product model may not be the best, and certainly isn’t the only, way to prepare and manage structured content.

A word processor is software that has evolved to support the creation of documents. The word processing software model was developed when people needed to create documents, and then later added formatting and other features. This model is more than 25 years old (I remember using a word processor for the first time in college in 1980).

Of course it was logical to emulate how typewriters worked since the vast majority of information at the time was destined for paper documents. Now word processors include features for writing, editing, reviewing, formatting, and limited structural elements like links, indexes, etc. Again, all very document oriented. The content produced may be reused for other purposes if transformed in a post process (e.g., it could output HTML & PDF for Web, breaking into chunks for a repository or secondary use, etc.), but there are limits and other constraints, especially if your information is primarily designed to be consumed in print or document form.

It is easy to think of XML-structured editors, and the word processor software model they are based upon, as the most likely way to create structured content. But in my opinion, structured editors pay too much homage to word processing features and processes. I also think too many  project teams assume that the only way to edit XML content is in an XML document editor. Don’t get me wrong, many people have successfully deployed XML editors and achieved targeted business goals, myself included, but I can point out many instances where an alternative approach to editing content might be more efficient.

Database tools that organize the information logically and efficiently are not likely to store that data as documents. For instance, you may have an financial system with a lot of info in relational fields that is extracted to produce printable documents like monthly statements, invoices, etc.

Or software manuals that are customized for specific configurations using reusable data objects and related document maps instead maintaining the information as static, hierarchically-organized documents.

Or aircraft information that needs to match the configuration of a specific plane or tail number, selected from a complete library of data objects stored centrally.

Or statutes that start formatted as bills, then later appear as enacted laws, then later yet again as published, codified statutes, each with their own formatting and structural peccadilloes.

Or consider a travel guide publisher that collects information on thousands of hotels, restaurants, attractions, and services in dozens of countries and cities. Sure, the content is prepared with the intent of publishing it in a book, but it is easy to see how it can be useful for other uses, including providing hotel data to travel-related Web sites, or building specialized, custom booklets for special needs (e.g., a local guide for a conference, guides to historical neighborhoods, etc.).

In these examples of what some might call database publishing, system designers need to ask them selves what would be the best tool for creating and maintaining the information. They are great candidates for a database, some application dialogs and wizards, and some extraction and transformation applications to feed Web and other platforms for consumption by users. They may not even involve an editor per se, but might rely entirely a Wiki or other dialog for content creation and editing.

Word processors require a mix of skills, including domain expertise on the subject being written about, grammar and editing, and some formatting & design, use of the software itself, etc. While I personally believe everyone, not just teachers and writers, should be skilled in writing well and making documents look legible and appealing, I realize many folks are best suited for other roles. That is why we divide labor into roles. Domain experts (e.g., lawyers, aircraft engineers, scientists and doctors, etc.) are usually responsible for accuracy and quality of the ideas and information, while editorial and product support people clean up the writing and formatting and make it presentable. So, for domain experts, it may be more efficient to provide a tool that only manages the content creation, structuring, linking, organization, etc. with limited word processing capabilities, and leave the formatting and organization to the system or another department or automated style sheets.

In my mind, a Wiki is a combination of text functionality and database management features that allow content to be created and managed in a broader Web content platform (which also may include static pages, search interfaces, pictures, PDFs, etc.). In this model, the Web is the primary use and printing is secondary. Domain experts are not bothered with concepts like page layout, running heads, tables of content generation, justification & hyphenation, etc., much to the delight of the domain experts!

I am bullish on Wikis as content creation and management tools, even when the content is destined for print. I have seen some that hide much of the structure and technical “connective tissue” from the author, but produce well formatted, integrated information. The blogging tool I am using to create this article is one example of a Wiki-like interface that has a few bells and whistles for adding structure (e.g., keywords) dedicated to a specific content creation purpose. It only emulates word processing slightly with limited formatting tools, but is loaded with other features designed to improve my blog entries. For instance, I can pick a keyword from a controlled taxonomy from a pull-down list. And all within a Web browser, not a fat client editor package. This tool is optimized for making blog content, but not for, let’s say, scientific papers or repair manuals. It is targeted for a specific class of users, bloggers. Similarly, XML-editors as we have come to know them, are more adept at creating documents and document chunks than other interfaces.

Honestly, on more than one occasion I have pounded a nail with a wrench, or tightened a bolt with the wrong kind of pliers. Usually I get the same results, but sometimes it takes longer or has a less desirable result than if I had used a more appropriate tool. The same is true for editing tools.

On a final note, forgive me if I make a gratuitous plug, but authoring approaches and tools will be the subject of a panel I am chairing at the Gilbane San Francisco conference in early June if you want to hear more. </>

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