The Gilbane Advisor

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LEDS Announces MediaIndexer

Leading Edge Design & Systems (LEDS) introduces MediaIndexer, a digital media indexing tool based on MediaMiner, an engine that enables organizations to index, catalogue and annotate source files. Able to operate on Windows, Unix and Linux platforms, this engine can process digital video formats “faster-than-real-time” and can simultaneously process multiple streams. MediaIndexer extracts multi-resolution key frames from digital video and combines them with the audio track in a dynamically-generated SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) file for use in low-bandwidth situations. MediaIndexer can be used as a standalone engine and has the ability to automatically clip and segment video, producing results formatted in standard XML.

Web Crossing Releases ‘Content Blob Management’ Plug-in

Web Crossing, Inc. announced a new Content Blob Management plug-in to make site content management more accessible to non-technical administrators. Administrators with no HTML expertise can create access-controlled “blobs” of content that drop into Theme cells within the standard Web Crossing Theme manager. The new Content Blob Management plug-in facilitates easy site content management and organization, and installs in a few clicks directly from the “Shop For Plug-ins” link on an administrator’s Control Panel. The new Content Blob Management plug-in requires no knowledge of HTML for elemental text-based content blobs. Creation is also straightforward for blobs that contain images and other elements. Once blobs are created, placing them on a page simply involves choosing the correct blob from a popup menu. Content blobs can also include Web Crossing Template Language (WCTL) scripting for dynamic content. Optional “blob boxes,” which include titles and location-specific layout elements, ensure that repositioned blobs consistently look appropriate to their location. Blobs automatically inherit into subfolders, or can be individually set to never inherit into a subfolder. Complete access control, including host access controls, balance usability and control of the blobs. Free for a limited time, additional information and the new Content Blob Management plug-in is available today.

Dozing Dogs Updates Their ASP.NET Content Management System

Dozing Dogs released version 2.2 of their ASP.NET Content Management System. A new Getting Started Guide is now installed with the product and can be read offline. New administration menus and panels for all Content Management functions, from filtering and sorting your content to changing coverage, content type, visibility or using our abuse options when public membership is enabled. RSS 2.0 support has been added, plus improved HTML email and numerous small improvements, user controls and membership roles. The complete C# source code is available with the Enterprise Edition, now you can buy it separately to work with even the Personal Edition if necessary. A new Web Project source code add-on is included with the Professional Edition and can also be bought separately. They have added ComponentArt’s WebUI Suite which includes vertical and horizontal menus, tree view, nav bar, tab strip, multipage, site map, rotator and snap controls. All controls are now XHTML compliant and ready for ASP.NET 2.0 & Visual Studio.NET 2005. Works seamlessly with Visual Studio.NET 2002 onwards.

W3C Releases RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Working Draft

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group has released the First Public Working Draft of A Survey of RDF/Topic Maps Interoperability Proposals. The document is a starting point for establishing standard guidelines for combined usage of the W3C RDF/OWL family and the ISO family of Topic Maps standards. The group expects to publish Survey and Guidelines Working Group Notes based on this draft.,

Software AG & Rivet Software Partner to Deliver XBRL Information Supply Chain Solution

Software AG and Rivet Software announced a partnership to offer a complete Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) solution for implementing a business reporting supply chain. Software AG’s Digital Reporting Platform (DRP) and Rivet’s Dragon Tag enables financial professionals to create XBRL Financial Statements on their own, eliminating back office overhead. This lets organizations more quickly respond to and adopt XBRL financial reporting in response to increasing regulatory requirements such as Sarbanes-Oxley and Basel II compliancy. XBRL is rapidly becoming the de facto standard for defining, exchanging and storing financial business information by regulators, stock exchanges, statistical offices, banks, and corporations across the world. Many regulators will be introducing mandatory filing of financial statements in XBRL including the Belgium tax authorities in 2006 and the UK and Dutch tax authorities by 2007. Other regulators such as the SEC in the US will begin accepting voluntary filing of XBRL documents in April 2005. This partnership allows users of Software AG’s DRP to easily create XBRL documents based on information that exists within Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel via Rivet’s Dragon Tag. Users can markup, review, validate and export XBRL documents, easily, accurately and correctly.,,

Verity Delivers BPM Software Developer’s Kit

Verity Inc. announced availability of Verity LiquidBPM Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) for independent software vendors (ISVs). The integrated Verity LiquidBPM SDK offers an application programming interface (API) set that gives the developer capabilities when building applications that require or would be enhanced by workflow process automation. The API is based on Java, XML, SOAP, LDAP, HTTP and JDBC. Other LiquidBPM SDK features include code generators to simplify integration with external systems through custom tasks and for interfacing with RMI, COBRA, EJB and Web services; and source code for pre-built end-user interfaces.

Inxight & Agent Logic Partner on Real-Time Event & Information Monitoring

Inxight Software, Inc. announced a partnership with Agent Logic, a provider of enterprise event detection and response software, which offers customers a new way to access, exchange and use information. Using Inxight SmartDiscovery, Agent Logic’s Enterprise Agent Server automatically processes data and event information from existing enterprise data sources such as search engines, databases, live data streams, Web page inputs, incoming e-mail reports/alerts, and legacy systems. Based on pre-defined subscriber profiles, any new or changed data is processed and delivered directly to systems in other organizations, or to multiple users in the form of alerts through email, pagers, Instant Messages, or real-time Web browser displays. The joint solution features include Personalized Instant Alerts, Information Summarization, Actionable Data, Monitoring, Storage, Visualization, and Link Analysis. Enterprise Agent Server is available immediately.,

Insightful Announces InFact 3.0 for Text Analysis & Relationship Search

Insightful Announced InFact 3.0. InFact 3.0 delivers a new interactive text query language that enables users to execute custom, flexible, and complex searches from a simple Web interface. Other new features in InFact 3.0 include more precise and expressive linguistic data representations, improved scalability, and the ability to integrate an external “dictionary” of terms – often called a proprietary ontology – for rapid customization to address unique problems of specific vertical markets. InFact is designed to enable professional analysts and researchers to uncover facts and relationships within text documents. InFact reads every sentence in every document and is designed to develop a deep understanding of each statement it encounters. InFact tabulates the main sense or action of each sentence, determines who is driving the action, identifies the target of the action, and recognizes all entities that are affected or linked to the action. It also identifies modifiers of the action that may add insight, such as the date or location. Using linguistic data structures, InFact then compares ideas and events across document sources and databases. InFact is able to read thousands of pages in minutes, and to produce a “spreadsheet of ideas”. InFact is available for Sun Solaris servers. InFact can be deployed on any desktop that can run a Web browser such as IE, Netscape, or Mozilla.

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