The Gilbane Advisor

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SearchBlox Content Search Software Version 4.0 Released

SearchBlox Software, Inc. has released SearchBlox Content Search Software Version 4.0 with replication support and a completely re-designed AJAX-based Admin Console. The new release also supports hit highlighting of search terms in HTML and PDF documents. The replication feature, available in SearchBlox ENTERPRISE Edition, keeps search indexes in multiple instances of SearchBlox synchronized. Using the new replication feature, search applications can be deployed using multiple instances of SearchBlox. The new release also features a new AJAX-based Admin Console which makes the management of SearchBlox Content Search Software more interactive. The new UI hides the complexities of managing the built-in HTTP, File system and RSS crawlers and makes the software accessible to novice users. SearchBlox is 100% Java and uses the open source Apache Lucene search API. SearchBlox supports indexing and searching of content in 37 languages and can be deployed on any platform that supports Java. It been tested on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, UNIX, IBM AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and z/OS operating systems. SearchBlox can be deployed as a J2EE Web Component to all major J2EE Application Servers including BEA Weblogic, JBoss, IBM Websphere, Oracle OAS, JRun and Apache Tomcat. It is also available as a standalone server for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix/Linux platforms. The SearchBlox Free Edition is available free of charge and can index up to 1000 documents. The software can be downloaded from

The question of culture

I recently spoke about language needs with a person who works in a multinational company. She mentioned that although English was the official corporate language, and all employees in different countries spoke it, issues arose when non-native speakers communicated with each other. The problem was not with special terminology, which everyone knew well, but rather with an incorrect tone of the message.

My native Finnish is a good example of a language which is quite different from e.g. Latin languages. We use a lot of the passive tone, and rather straightforward sentences, with little or no flourishes. When “translated” literally e.g. into English, the message can sound curt or commanding, due to lack of words like “please”, “I would like to…” etc. A Finn could happily say “I want a steak” in a restaurant, without thinking that it sounds different from “Could I have a steak, please”. On the other hand, a Finn would find a typical US user manual with its extremely exact instructions almost offensive to his or her intelligence.

A translator or an interpreter knows such cultural differences and takes them into account. But an increasing number of people communicates daily with each other in a non-native language. (All the worse when the communication is done mainly via email, where short sentences, typos and too many recipients on the cc: line add to the problem!) Knowing the special terminology is essential, but not enough. This also means that companies need to think about testing the language skills of their employees, and about giving them language and cultural training. After all, a satisfied customer would expect to hear not just the right words, but the right message.

CrownPeak Launches Interactive Agencies Program

CrownPeak announced its CrownPeak for Interactive Agencies Program. The program helps agencies provide customized and unique Web site management solutions without the overhead, time constraints and worry about technological limitations. CrownPeak Partner agencies can now outsource a complete Web site management platform, or work directly in the CrownPeak CMS to integrate their custom solutions. The agency program allows qualified, participating agencies to do as much or as little of the CMS implementation, development or support as they are comfortable with. This also allows them to earn additional revenue from both the services side and the software side as a CrownPeak reseller. The CrownPeak for Interactive Agencies Program offers the following three tiers of involvement: CrownPeak Partner Agency – Agencies simply sell CrownPeak to customers or introduce CrownPeak to opportunities. CrownPeak takes care of all implementation and support; CrownPeak Enabled Agency – Agencies enable their teams to implement and support CrownPeak’s software solutions for their customers. Agencies get special pricing, training and specialized support; CrownPeak Certified Agency – All CrownPeak partners can become CrownPeak Certified for either just design and strategy or full implementation of the software. CrownPeak Certified Agencies receive direct leads from CrownPeak’s sales team. The new program provides CrownPeak Enabled Agencies with a free instance of CrownPeak Software to use for demonstrations and/or for the agency’s own Web site management. CrownPeak will also provide developer training, sales materials and a dedicated CrownPeak Partner Representative to qualified agencies. In return, and in order to stay qualified, CrownPeak asks partner agencies to bring at least one new customer to CrownPeak CMS per year.

Day Delivers Connectivity for Microsoft SharePoint

Day Software (SWX:DAYN)(OTC:DYIHY) announced their latest repository connector that are compliant with the Content Repository for Java Technology API standard (JSR 170) is for Microsoft SharePoint. The Microsoft SharePoint connector is part of Day’s Content Integration family of products that enable enterprises to access and manage all organizational content through a standardized API. This technology allows the implementation of content access, synchronization and consolidation even if the content resides in data stores that do not provide a JCR compliant API.

Interwoven Announces Content Optimization Solutions for Global Enterprises

Interwoven, Inc. (NASDAQ:IWOV) announced a series of new solutions to help organizations turn content into an asset for improving customer relationships and driving top-line revenue growth. The portfolio includes Interwoven Segmentation and Analytics, a new solution for increasing the conversion of prospects to customers across online channels; Interwoven Collaborative Document Management, an enhanced solution for improving enterprise collaboration of document-intensive business processes; and Interwoven Brand Management and Interwoven Multi-Channel Delivery. The Interwoven Segmentation and Analytics solution includes Interwoven Targeting, a new product that provides online customer segmentation and a dynamic content-targeting rules engine. In conjunction with this announcement, Interwoven has partnered with WebSideStory, to integrate and resell WebSideStory’s HBX and Visual Sciences analytics products as part of the Segmentation and Analytics solution. Interwoven WorkSite MP 5.0, provides users with enhanced search capabilities and a richer user experience using Ajax and other new Web-based technologies and services. WorkSite MP 5.0 also includes capabilities for facilitating eDiscovery and email management, and improved language support including double-byte support. An upcoming release to MediaBin, Interwoven’s Digital Asset Management (DAM) product, will bring numerous performance, usability, and compatibility enhancements, including new Digital Camera Raw file support and 2D and 3D CAD file support. The Interwoven Segmentation and Analytics solution, Interwoven Targeting, and the Interwoven Collaborative Document Management solution will be generally available later this month. The Interwoven Brand Management and Interwoven Multi-Channel Delivery solutions will be generally available in the first half of 2007.

Webinar: DAM+WCM = Improved Communication

Gilbane Group Lead Analyst Tony White is the featured speaker at an AIIM webinar this Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 2:00-3:00 P.M. EST.

Many companies today are merging their digital asset management with web content management as part of their overall ECM Strategy. This webinar will discuss how to take advantage of this convergence to improve communication with customers and business partners. This webinar will address:

– How to fit media creation such as marketing and publishing into a creative workflow that will not be impinged by too much security

– Whether it is best to use multiple repositories or a single repository

– How to handle multi-channel publishing and distribution

Learn More

Keeping track of ODF and Open XML

The last time I posted on this topic I claimed the controversy over the two applications was no longer interesting. Unless you have to deal with standards organizations’ politics this is still true. However this does not mean that there are not good reasons to keep up with developments of new tools and new (governmental) decisions on adoption of one of the two applications. (Note the use of ‘applications’ is deliberate and correct both from a standards perspective since both ODF and Open XML are ‘XML applications’, and from a product point of view since a decision to use one or the other is, from a practical point of view, a product decision). All our coverage with links to most other historical coverage is here.

For recent updates see:

Consolidation of translation market

As I said a few entries earlier, there are many estimates of the size of the translation market. EUATC, the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies, has published an interesting paper about the market size and growth at .

The study points out that the translation market is going towards more consolidation, i.e. the bigger agencies are gaining more market share and growing faster than the 5% of the overall translation market. Then again, there is still a lot to consolidate: according to EUATC, about 3,000 translation companies manage 25% of the market, whereas about 200,000 free-lancers take care of 75% of the market, worth over $9bn.

As companies begin to see the importance of multilingual communication, instead of looking at translation only as a cost, they will need more complex and extensive services. At the same time they will still require a lot of individual skills. Managing a high level of personalized service to companies operating in several geographical locations is going to be an interesting skill in itself.

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