The Gilbane Advisor

Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

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NuMobile’s Stonewall Networks Releases Xidget Toolset for XML Developers

NuMobile, Inc. announced that its subsidiary, Stonewall Networks, Inc., has released the Xidget toolset. Stonewall is working to have Xidget become a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard. Xidget is a fragment of the eXtensible Markup Language commonly referred to as XML. Stonewall developed Xidget as a toolset that utilizes a subset of XML during the development phase of Stonewall’s core product Cornerstone. The Xidget toolset is used to handle graphical calls at the user level to and from the internet. Other enhancements will include improving the time during the design and development life cycle.

Road Trip: Localization World Barcelona

Just back from the latest Localization World in beautiful Barcelona. Here are some quick highlights from the conference before they recede in the crush of day-to-day work.

The event continues to grow beyond its core audience of localization and translation professionals, attracting business and marketing managers from companies like Expedia, Fedex, and SAP. Of the practitioners attending our panel on global marketing communications, about half self-identified as marketing, the other half as localization managers supporting marketing. Hats off to conference organizers Ulrich Hennes and Donna Parrish for nurturing a program and venue that enables critical cross-functional interaction.

Speaking of our panel, we moderated a session entitled Global Marketing Communications: Bringing Order to Chaos. The core premise of the panel drew on the results of our 2011 study on multilingual marketing content, which revealed that the global content value chain for marketing content is very much in the formative phase. How are leading global companies making progress towards bringing stability and maturity to their globalization practices for marketing content? Speakers included Meritxell Guitart from Hogarth Worldwide, Sophie Hurst from SDL (speaking in her role as director of global corporate communications, not as SDL), and Amanda Lordan from Philips, who used a video to demonstrate Philips’ practice instead of just talking about it. Thanks to Meritxell, Sophie, and Amanda for sharing their experiences.

There was — finally! — a broader recognition of the position we have long taken regarding localization as a key element of an integrated content value chain, not as a standalone function that happens in a back office or black box. We were happy to see a session on CMS/TMS integration presented by Intel, for example, and references to eliminating language afterthought syndrome throughout the conference. The notion that a localization strategy is essential to mainstream business success was a consistent and prominent theme throughout the conference. Music to our ears, of course.

We left the conference with insights into what’s emerging as the new primary driver for investments in content globalization strategies, practices, and infrastructure. In 2011, it’s all about velocity — enabling the organization to operate effectively in an age of rapid change. While there is still much talk about audience engagement and customer experience, the tremendous pressure to deal with velocity was clearly top-of-mind for all attendees. This topic will be featured prominently in our analyst coverage in the weeks to come.

All in all, a great opportunity to spend a few thought-provoking days looking at the current state of content globalization and gleaning insights into what’s next, with the backdrop of a drop-dead gorgeous city as an added bonus.

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North Plains Releases New Version of TeleScope Digital Asset Management System

North Plains, LLC announced version 9 of their Digital Asset Management (DAM) system TeleScope, a release focused on helping companies build and manage the digital asset platforms. TeleScope 9 securely connects everyone who needs to work on, distribute, or use digital content no matter where they are. The major enhancements to TeleScope 9 to achieve this include: An HTML5 user interface designed to be easily usable by anyone, at any point in the digital asset lifecycle. Drag and drop of files accessed in TeleScope via a browser directly into desktop applications, simplifying and speeding critical manual editorial or distribution tasks; TeleScope Orchestration, a user-friendly visual workflow engine; Multilingual enhancements to fully support left-to-right and right-to-left language presentations, as well as the ability to see asset metadata in two or more languages side-by-side for international distributed teams. TeleScope is available as either software-as-a-service (SaaS) or installed on premise.

OpenText Announces New Release of Social Workplace

OpenText announced the availability of the next major release of OpenText Social Workplace, an integrated social collaboration environment. OpenText Social Workplace is available through either SaaS or on-premise deployment. It designed to help teams form quickly and collaborate effectively with minimal training or technical support. The latest release has a number of new features including optional integration with OpenText ECM Suite 2010 for comprehensive records management and governance, chat, and important additions to the wiki editor, among others.

Nuxeo and Hippo Team Up to Provide ECM / WCM Solution

Nuxeo, the Open Source Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform company, announced a technology alliance with Hippo, a vendor of commercial Java Open Source Web Content Management. The two companies have built an ECM/WCM connector based on the OASIS CMIS (Content Management Interoperability Services) standard. Both Nuxeo and Hippo are open source, Java-based, CMIS-compliant platforms. The Nuxeo/Hippo connector benefits from a high degree of flexibility and ensures that content coming from other sources within the organization can be integrated into both platforms. Based on the CMIS standard, the connector allows for content from a Nuxeo-based ECM application to be accessible on a Hippo-based website. This eliminates the need to duplicate the information, and maintains the content history, validation workflow, versioning, and associated metadata. The connector is currently available as a service offering.

Google Now Supports “Author” Tag

Google announced support for authorship markup—a way to connect authors with their content on the web. They are experimenting with using this data to help people find content from great authors in our search results. They now support markup that enables websites to publicly link within their site from content to author pages. For example, if an author at The New York Times has written dozens of articles, using this markup, the webmaster can connect these articles with a New York Times author page. An author page describes and identifies the author, and can include things like the author’s bio, photo, articles and other links. The markup uses existing standards such as HTML5 and XFN to enable search engines and other web services to identify works by the same author across the web. If you’re already doing structured data markup using microdata from, they will interpret that authorship information as well.

Granite Horizon In The Cloud: New Mobile/API and Canonical Features

SaaS content management system (CMS) Granite Horizon In The Cloud now provides enhanced mobile features as well as a new search engine (SEO) optimization tool. In The Cloud (ITC) subscribers now can easily deploy mobile apps to make use of their content in ways optimized for iPhone, iPad, and other mobile devices. Thanks to its new application programming interface (API), the information stored in the CMS can be consumed in attractive apps. A “canonical link” feature was introduced today as well. The CMS allows content to appear in multiple locations (for example, on the mobile version of the site as well as the main version). Other features deployed include an enhancement to the editorial interface and an improvement to the workflow system.

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