Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Author: Frank Gilbane (Page 62 of 71)

Blog posting from Word 2007

Looks like Microsoft is adding blog posting support to Word 2007 in a way that not only does not screw up your HTML, but attempts to take advantage of Word features bloggers care about without other features getting in the way. This is more appealing than it may sound at first, and may be useful when building enterprise blog applications where Office is entrenched and familiar. It will be in Office 2007 Beta 2. Learn more from the developers.

Blog Posts and Podcasts from Gilbane San Francisco

Here are some comments on our conference in San Francisco 2 weeks ago. This is a partial list, but it is already long enough that my plan of introducing and commenting on the comments is history. So, I’ve decided to just list them to get them out since some of them are very useful. They are bunched by author. The Podcasts at the bottom were all produced by Rahel Bailie. Thanks Rahel!


.com/2006/04/web_office_gets _real_innovator.html


New Workflows with Intel Macs?

I couldn’t resist buying an Intel iMac and installing Windows on it. It really was incredibly simple to add Windows. I’m not sure how I will actually use both OSs yet, but it occurred to me that in the often heavily mixed Mac and PC creative and publishing environments, a few Macs running both operating systems could be very useful for smoothing out some workflows in potentially non-disruptive ways. I’ll let others figure out if this is the case, but one issue they will need to think through is whether to format their Windows partition with NTFS (more secure and reliable) or FAT (more compatible).

Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies for Government

With San Francisco’s conference behind us (another post on that in a bit) we are focused on our newest event coming up in Washington DC, June 13-15. Our DC conference is similar to our other conferences but focused on government application of content technology. Another difference is that we are working with our colleagues over at CMS Watch, whose founder Tony Byrne is chairing the conference. Tony, in turn, has enlisted the help of a program advisory committee made up of government IT and consulting experts. The preliminary conference program is available and registration is open (and yes, there is a government rate).

Late Breaking Updates for Gilbane San Francisco

Here is a quick update on next week’s event:

New Sponsors & Exhibitors
Adobe has joined us as a Gold sponsor – their Enterprise Solutions and Developer Group in particular. See announcements on some of the new products and features to be shown from our 50+ exhibitors.

New Debates
In addition to our popular analyst session, two analysts will face-off on 7 topics they disagree on in Content Technologies: A Town Hall Debate. And of course, don’t forget CMS Idol.

Keynote Survey
The early results from our survey on questions to ask the keynote panel show the topics attendees are most interested in are, in order:

  • (78%) What are the top 3 technologies that must be considered in any content management strategies in the next 12-24 months?
  • (60%) Are there any breakthrough classification or metadata tagging technologies on the horizon that you should be watching for?
  • (57%) How will content management lite offerings from Microsoft, Oracle, and IBM affect the content management market?
  • (55%) How is widespread adoption of RSS/Atom going to affect content delivery? And what does this mean to enterprise content management or publishing strategies?
  • (55%) What new publishing technologies should we expect to see in the next 12-18 months? Will they make it easier to incorporate better design elements to improve customer facing applications?
  • (55%) Is there any real breakthrough search technology search on the horizon that you should consider for your intranet or extranet applications?
  • (49%) How will Blog and Wiki tools be used in enterprise content applications? How are they being used today?
  • (49%) Are there authoring tools on the horizon that are both user-friendly and capable of authoring for both electronic and print output?

UPDATE: You can see partial final results of the responses to all the questions here, and contribute to the survey here.

Content Globalization
Also, the top write-in question topic so far is on globalization and content management. This is a hot topic at the event – there are multiple sessions covering it, and many vendors showing related products and services – some of them have even put together a Content Globalization Pavilion.

We have over 100 expert speakers covering these and other topics. Conference program .

And don’t forget to look into the Content Management Professionals Association Spring Summit

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