Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Author: Frank Gilbane (Page 44 of 71)

Welcome Larry Hawes – yes another one!

I am happy to announce that Larry Hawes has joined us, starting today, as Lead Analyst, Collaboration & Enterprise Social Media Practice, along with Geoff. This has been an important area of coverage for us since we started writing about enterprise use of wikis and blogs over 4 years ago – it is hard to believe how unusual such a thing was then. Not so now, and it is great to have Larry aboard to help IT and business managers understand the role of social media tools in corporate and government applications.

Larry has most recently spent 6 years with IBM Global Business Services as a Consultant and Program Manager in collaboration and knowledge management, focused largely on public sector clients. Larry also spent 3.5 years at Delphi Group as an analyst and consultant where he worked with both vendors and enterprise customers. Larry’s bio has not been posted on our site yet, but can be found at:, and of course on LinkedIn.

Larry’s email is: and his phone extension is 154. You can follow Larry on Twitter at:

Welcome Larry!

Welcome back Kaija

Our colleaugue, Kaija Pöysti, has posted mostly on the content globalization blog, but also here in 2007-08. She took some time off to move back to Finland, get re-engaged with board work, and write a book on corporate use of social media with co-author Leenamaija Otala. She is now back and will be posting on both globalization and social media topics. Welcome back Kaija!

Welcome Barry Schaeffer

I am happy to announce that long time SGML/XML expert consultant Barry Schaeffer has joined us officially as a Senior Analyst, XML Strategies & Content Management. Barry joins our XML Practice, and has already posted the XML blog.

Barry sold his company, X.Systems Inc., to XyEnterprise last year, and has had extensive experience with large and complex SGML/XML projects, including a number for federal, and state governments over the years. I don’t remember exactly when I met Barry but it was in the early 80s and he was already involved with SGML projects. Mary, Bill, and Dale have also known Barry for some time. Our XML practice has some serious critical mass, and Barry’s experience with government, NGO, and enterprise consulting add considerable depth to the team. Barry’s bio has been posted.

Barry’s email is: and his phone extension is 213.

Welcome Barry!

Gilbane SF conference program posted

The conference session descriptions have now been posted at including bi-directional links with the schedule. The program (and the page) are about 90% complete – there are a couple of session descriptions to be added and not all speakers are listed yet. The speaker bio page is also posted at with many of the speakers listed. Bi-directional inks between the speaker bios are conference sessions are being worked on now. And attendee, speaker, and press registration are open at: .

Gilbane Group’s use of Twitter

We’ve started using Twitter in multiple ways, and while our use of it will certainly evolve, I thought it would be helpful to point how what we are doing with it. (I’ll save thoughts about how it could or should be used for another time.)

Any suggestions on how else we might use Twitter?

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