UWI.Com, announced a free addition to its InternetForms System product line that provides support for Netscape Certificate Management System 4.0 and Communicator. The InternetForms System is the first third-party solution offering digitally-signed XML documents compatible with Netscape Communicator and Netscape Certificate Management System. UWI.Com’s InternetForms System is a suite of XML software that allows organizations to conduct secure, verifiable business-to-business e-commerce transactions on the Internet. InternetForms are based on Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL), the XML protocol for legally-binding transactions on the Internet. Users can sign InternetForms using digital signatures in either Netscape or Microsoft browsers, providing a secure transaction record that offers non-repudiation. www.uwi.comMiva Introduces Miva Commerce4/5/99 Miva Corporation, introduced the Miva Commerce Server, a complete e-commerce solution designed for small- to mid-sized enterprises to enable their Web servers with a application engine, an XML-based scripting language and a browser-based electronic storefront development and management system. The product gives enterprises complete autonomy in the development, deployment and management of robust and scaleable commerce applications, data-driven Web sites and corporate Intranets. The Miva Commerce Server is a fusion of the company’s Miva Merchant v1.2 electronic storefront development and management system and its Miva Empresa v3.6 application engine and is available for the Windows NT and Cobalt RaQ2 platforms. In addition, Miva Corporation has developed a customized installer for the Cobalt RaQ2 platform allowing for ten-second installation of the product for RaQ2 customers. The Miva Commerce Server includes an application engine and enables enterprises with Miva Script, an XML-based scripting language. Once the Miva Commerce Server has been plugged into a Web server, Miva Script files, identified by specific extensions, are automatically parsed and deployed by the engine. In addition, the electronic storefront development and management system included with the product enables non-technical users to create and manage customized commerce sites in a point-and-click interface and offers advanced developers the ability to manipulate application source code (Miva Script) to author complex, highly customized commerce sites. www.miva.com