Interwoven, Inc. announced the Interwoven Self-Service Solution, enabling organizations to shift customers and employees to online channels to find information, transact business, and resolve issues. Extending an existing relationship with self-service search and navigation provider iPhrase, Interwoven also announced it will re-sell iPhrase One Step, a search and navigation solution. iPhrase’s offerings complement Interwoven’s content management platform, and most importantly Interwoven MetaTagger content intelligence server software, for creating, tagging, managing, and deploying business-critical enterprise content. Utilizing metadata services from Interwoven MetaTagger software and natural language capabilities from iPhrase that understands customers’ intent, users are routed to the proper online application or information that enables them to serve themselves online without ever speaking with a customer service representative. The Interwoven Self-Service Solution with iPhrase can be purchased from Interwoven today.