Xenos Group Inc. announced the release of version 1.2 of d2e Vision. Two new major components are now available — one for processing Xerox Metacode/DJDE input printstream files and one for generating HTML/CSS output for web presentation. These complement the existing capability to process IBM AFP printstreams and generate PDF, Image, TIFF, AFP and XML output formats for e-business applications such as web-based customer statement presentment. Among other product features, two PDF output enhancements were also added: linearization of PDF files to enable faster viewing across the web of the first pages in a document while the rest of the file downloads, and Standard Acrobat 128-bit encryption for document security and fraud protection. d2e Vision v1.2 processes AFP and Metacode/DJDE input printstreams and generates AFP, HTML/CSS, Image (PNG, JPEG), PDF and TIFF output. d2e Vision is available on Windows NT/2000/XP, AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and IBM z/OS (under Unix Systems Services). www.xenos.com