FileNet Corporation introduced the newest version of its Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform, FileNet P8 3.5. FileNet P8 3.5 enables organizations to address a broad range of content, process management and compliance needs. This platform upgrade brings significant new features and capabilities including Content Federation Services (CFS), which enables FileNet P8’s ECM platform capabilities to be integrated with and federate content from a broad range of both FileNet and non-FileNet content repositories. With CFS, FileNet customers can manage all content in their organizations from one enterprise content catalogs. FileNet’s Content Federation Services allows enterprises to search, catalog, classify, secure, retain, comply, activate, update and delete content residing in repositories across the enterprise. CFS enables the FileNet P8 3.5 platform to manage information that is stored in remote content repositories as if it were native FileNet content. This content can also be exposed to external business applications through FileNet’s XML Web Services. Similarly, content and its associated metadata can be accessed and consumed by the various product suites that FileNet offers (i.e. Business Process Manager, Email Manager, Records Manager, etc.)