Marketing technologists are no longer rare birds, though they are often found in unfamiliar environments with less than obvious plumage. There are marketing technologists in many of our sessions this year, but we have selected a few to look at the two toughest challenges they, and their organizations, face in building modern digital strategies: support for consistent current and future multichannel experiences, and the necessary integration of data from multiple enterprise systems.

Join us Tuesday, December, 2: 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. at the Gilbane Conference to learn more.

T1. Track Keynote Panel: Marketing Technologists Discuss Multichannel and Enterprise Integration Challenges

Scott Brinker, Founder & CTO, ion interactive, inc. and Author, Chief Marketing Technologist Blog

Bill Simmons, CTO/Co-Founder, DataXu
Frederick Faulkner, Director, Marketing & Digital Strategist, ICF Interactive
Vikalp Tandon, Director and North America Customer Platform Lead, SapientNitro