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Day: May 5, 2009

Coveo Announces Enterprise Search (CES) 6.0

Coveo announced the general availability of Coveo Enterprise Search (CES) 6.0. The new Coveo CES 6.0 platform provides a combination of enterprise-grade scalability, deep connectivity and security to data repositories and performance improvements. Some of Coveo Enterprise Search 6.0’s key features include:  Improved scalability with up to 50 million documents per server, faster query performance and  contextual faceted search; Coveo’s unified view‚ Out-of-the-box ability to create unlimited unified interfaces, providing users with a tabbed search interface for optimized access to information; Deep connectivity, which enables companies to leverage existing and legacy IT assets; New and improved connectors and interfaces‚ Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Notes,, Open Text LiveLink, Confluence, Quest Archive Manager, SiteCore, Symantec Enterprise Vault, etc.; A customizable super-user mode that can be integrated in the search interface for enterprise-wide content discovery across all employee data, and; Extended capabilities for mobile phones‚ Contextual faceted search & filtering, added support for intranet (SharePoint, etc) and CRM (, document quick view (for a device friendly, low-bandwidth access to documents), conversation tracking and people search.

Autonomy Unveils Expertise Location Capability for iManage Universal Search

Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE:AU. or AU.L) unveiled a new Expertise Location module for its iManage Universal Search (IUS) solution, the company’s pan-enterprise search solution tailored for law firms. With this new module, lawyers can connect with other subject matter experts within the law firm, enabling the firm to efficiently staff matters and match the right talent with the needs of a case. Powered by Autonomy’s Meaning Based Computing platform, IDOL, the IUS Expertise Location module supports a law firm’s complete practice support needs on a single platform. IUS leverages IDOL’s ability to automatically build conceptual profiles of users based on the understanding of information. As lawyers interact with information as part of their daily routine in the iManage WorkSite document and email management system or IUS such as create or view documents, respond to emails, create time entry systems, etc., IUS can automatically build a profile of the user in real-time. As a result, IUS can identify experts within the law firm and connect their expertise with the most relevant information from multiple content repositories. With IDOL’s meaning-based approach, a user can find an expert even if the exact search terms are not included in the users’ profile. For example, searching for an expert in ‘copyright law’ will also show experts in conceptually related areas, such as ‘trademark’. The Expertise Location module is an add-on to iManage Universal Search and is available now.

Platformic Unveils New Version Online Web Development and Content Management System

Platformic unveiled version 3.0 of its enterprise web development software. Acontent management system (CMS) with a built-in point-and-click mechanism for building layouts visually, Platformic removes the need to hard-code websites or use third-party web authoring tools. The new version is based on Platformic’s ability to simplify web development and management with its browser-based building capability and cascading style sheet (CSS) template generation tool that automatically and visually writes fully validated, nested CSS Div structures through a point-and-click architecture. Users can now import a flattened Photoshop file of their website using the Image Guide, which can then be used to guide the building process. The Layout and Style Console are used to build the structure of the site based on the Image Guide. The Platformic system then automatically builds a nested, compliant and validated CSS structure as the user visually creates each page. Previous releases of Platformic had browser based CSS generation functionality, but with the new release, the method of navigating through a nested div structure has been made even easier. A Platformic user can now navigate through “parent” and “child” user levels and highlight the complete contents of specific layers, enabling him/her to see everything within that container. Complex nested structures can be easily navigated as the page structure is organized. Tool Tips show users exactly where they are within the CSS structure and reveal the properties of each container.

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