Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Year: 2004 (Page 42 of 75)

CA & Zope to Bring Open Source Content Management to Enterprises

Computer Associates International, Inc. and Zope Corporation announced plans to provide customers with open source content management solutions that are compatible with relational database technology and meet enterprise demands for performance, data persistence and manageability. These collaboratively developed solutions will combine Zope’s open source content management platform with CA’s Ingres Enterprise Relational Database (Ingres). Zope implementations are currently supported by the open source, flat-file database, ZODB. Software engineers from CA and Zope will build an open source RDBMS persistence module that takes advantage of APE (Adaptable Persistence Engine). As a result of this new module, Zope implementations will be supportable by Ingres. The new module could also facilitate support of Zope implementations by relational database management systems other than Ingres. CA is prepared to commit significant development resources to Zope technology.
CA and Zope Corporation are expected to announce availability of a Zope RDBMS persistence engine by the end of the year.,

FatWire Software Announces Spark 6

FatWire Software announced that it has expanded its integration with the BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 through the latest release of Spark 6 pCM (portal Content Management) for the BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1 and the introduction of FatWire’s BEA Control Bridge for BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1. Spark 6 pCM supports BEA WebLogic Portal 8.1 standards, CM: SPI and JSR 168. Spark features content management and document management interfaces, and installs with four pre-built delivery portlets for job postings, corporate communications, documents and advertisements. FatWire’s BEA Control Bridge provides developers the ability to create applications in BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1. The Control Bridge allows developers to access all content and assets, regardless of data type, stored in FatWire Content Server repositories. Spark 6 pCM is $25,000 per server, and is available

Authentica Extends Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services

Authentica, Inc. announced planned support for Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services (RMS). Authentica will partner with Microsoft to extend Windows RMS capabilities beyond the user desktop level to let organizations centrally and automatically enforce document and email usage policies within and outside of corporate boundaries. Authentica will extend the Windows RMS platform with mandatory policy enforcement, e-mail content filtering integration, network folder integration, user enrollment and initialization, and heterogeneous messaging support. Authentica protects corporate IP and other sensitive data both during and after delivery with its Active Rights Management technology. Documents and email are continuously protected and secured, even while letting others revise them. Information owners can control who can access, edit, copy/paste, forward, and print documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

Interwoven Announces WorkSite MP 4.0 for Collaborative Document Management

Interwoven Inc. announced Interwoven WorkSite MP 4.0, enterprise-class collaborative document management software for multiple platforms. The new version features improved usability, better business-unit level configurations, and enhanced compliance capabilities. WorkSite MP 4.0 brings collaborative document management to front-office professionals (such as lawyers, consultants, and other domain experts). WorkSite MP is an Internet-based product suite that delivers collaboration and document management solutions capabilities to allow teams, departments, and divisions of large enterprises to collaborate, build, and share information and manage projects. The software is available in a browser-based interface, integrated with front-office applications such as Microsoft Office, Outlook, and Lotus Notes, or as portlets for the most widely used portals. Interwoven WorkSite MP 4.0 will be available in June.

Document Sciences & Xenos Partner

Document Sciences Corporation and Xenos Group Inc. announced that they have entered into a cooperative marketing agreement. The partnership will enable organizations to use Xenos Group’s GoXML product suite to transform legacy and disparate system data into personalized content that can be delivered by Document Science’s xPression content processing software to multiple output channels, including Web, print, and email, while maintaining complete fidelity of the originating systems. GoXML is an integration and transaction processing solution for structured data such as EDI, EDIFACT, AL3, HL7, X12, XML, FIX/SWIFT and other industry standards.,

Day Announces Group has Released JSR 170 for Review

Day Software announced that the industry expert group has placed in public review the specification request for JSR 170. JSR 170, which has been developed according to the Java Community Process (JCP), is designed to improve the interoperability between content repositories and applications, allowing developers to work with a homogenous API for all content repositories. The JSR 170 standard will help companies manage content across the large-scale enterprise. In addition to Day, Apache, IBM, SAP, BEA Systems and Oracle all serve as members of expert group for JSR 170. Other industry participants include, Documentum Inc., Filenet Corp., and Vignette. The standard is now available for public review. The public review closes on July 19, 2004.,

Vignette Announces Series of Organizational Compliance & Governance Offerings

Vignette Corp. announced a series of technology solutions to help companies meet organizational compliance challenges, including records and document management, process controls and business productivity applications. Building on the records and document management technologies acquired with TOWER Technology Pty Ltd., Vignette now provides a series of solutions that, together or individually, can help organizations meet the audit and reporting requirements of regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Financial Services Authority and the Securities and Exchange Commission, while providing the data security and accessibility required by regulations and guidelines such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Vignette’s enterprise capture technology handles paper records, electronic documents, scanned images and e-mail communications, and manages the information through its life cycle, from creation to destruction. Vignette’s integrated records and document management product has achieved the Department of Defense 5015.2-STD certification.

Plumtree Launches Retail Solutions Group

Plumtree Software launched a new retail solutions group to develop, market and sell Plumtree-powered solutions to the retail industry. Staffed with sales, marketing and engineering professionals, the group is focused on working with retail-focused services and software companies to build solutions for store performance management, associate productivity and retention and supplier collaboration. By using Plumtree’s portal, integration and collaboration software to build these solutions, retailers can combine data and functionality from many existing systems.

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