Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Year: 2003 (Page 3 of 70)

Bluebill Advisors & Gilbane Report Named to EContent 100 List of ‘Companies that Matter Most’

Bluebill Advisors, Inc. and its publication, The Gilbane Report, announced they were named one of the top 100 companies in the digital content industry by EContent magazine, an IT business monthly that focuses on development and implementation of digital content strategies and resources. Bluebill Advisors and The Gilbane Report are acknowledged as leaders in the Consulting Services category on the ‘EContent 100,’ a list of companies that matter most in the digital content industry as determined by a panel of editors from the magazine and other Information Today, Inc. publications, in the December 2003 issue of the magazine.,,

iMarkup Announces Launch of iMarkup/Vignette Solution

iMarkup Solutions announced the availability of a joint iMarkup/Vignette V7 content management, document annotation and markup solution. The joint solution combines Vignette V7 content management products and iMarkup Server V4 to allow text markups, sticky notes, freeform drawings and other types of annotations to be applied to all types of Web formats, from HTML and ASP to JSP and PDF.

Merant Gets SAP NetWeaver Certification

Merant announced that its content management solution, Merant Collage, achieved certification as part of the SAP NetWeaver Partner Initiative. Merant Collage’s “Powered by SAP NetWeaver” status means that it can be deployed on the SAP Web Application Server and accessed through mySAP Enterprise Portal via pre-built iViews. The integration between Merant Collage and the SAP NetWeaver integration and application platform enables users to integrate sources of enterprise data and content from SAP and other vendors to control heterogeneous IT environments. Merant Collage is certified for SAP Web Application Server 6.20 and SAP Enterprise Portal 5.0.

Panscopic Announces Integration with Tamino XML Server

Panscopic announced that it has integrated the Panscopic Scope Server reporting solution with Software AG’s Tamino XML Server. The combination provides self-serve access to XML content and allows users to combine XML data with non-XML data. The combined solution leverages existing J2EE and application server infrastructures, is faster than custom coding alternatives and is a cost-effective means to visualize XML content. With self-serve reporting access to enterprise content via native XML, presentation and reporting are enabled, with no delay between content storage and user accessibility. Authorized users have secure access to current business data when they need it. The new solution gives customers: the ability to report off of information stored inside Tamino XML Server without “shredding” the XML data, i.e., without destroying its descriptive structure; the power to combine, filter, and aggregate information from multiple documents stored in Tamino XML Server with XQuery; and support for interactive reporting on Tamino XML data using XQuery.,

Snapbridge Releases Beta Versions of XML Developers Tools for Information Integration

Snapbridge Software released Beta versions of Snapbridge FDX Information Server Developers Edition and Snapbridge XStudio, XML development tools for creating information integration and content publishing solutions. Snapbridge FDX Information Server Developers Edition is a fully integrated development environment, composed of XStudio and FDX Information Server. XStudio is a graphical design environment, offering drag-and-drop tools for XML and non-XML data for the creation of XSL. FDX Information Server allows developers to rapidly design, test, and debug real-time information integration and content management solutions, then deploy them into a production environment. Beta versions of both products are currently free to developers and are available for download. Snapbridge FDX federates multiple data sources such as data from relational databases, flat files, mainframe data, Web services, digital images from content repositories, streaming feeds, etc., to create composite objects that can be viewed, or updated as part of a transaction. Beta versions of Snapbridge FDX Information Server Developers Edition and XStudio are currently free, and are available for download from the Snapbridge Web site at

FatWire Expands Worldwide

FatWire Software announced the establishment of new offices in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, China, Japan, and Singapore. The move follows FatWire’s recent acquisition of the Content Server product line from divine, inc. FatWire has also signed reseller agreements with Content Server representatives in Australia and the Nordic region. Covering the European and Asia/Pacific markets, FatWire’s facilities will provide local support, sales, and service.

Interwoven Announces Availability of Web Change Management Solution

Interwoven, Inc. announced the availability of the Interwoven Web Change Management Solution. The solution addresses the change requirements of Web applications faced by IT departments today by standardizing the way an organization’s code and content changes are aggregated, synchronized, and deployed throughout development, testing, staging, and production environments. While the solution delivers full reporting and version control capabilities required for regulatory compliance, it also speeds application time-to-market and reduces IT costs by automating inefficient, manual change management processes. Components of the Interwoven Web Change Management Solution include Interwoven OpenDeploy Distribution Server software, Interwoven Control Hub Server software, and Interwoven Trusted Advisory Practice.

Click2learn & Recombo Deliver Learning Content to the Enterprise

Click2learn in conjunction with partner Recombo announced the availability of a new library of “Aspen-Ready” content developed to run through Click2learn’s Aspen Enterprise Productivity Suite without customization or integration. Housed on Recombo’s Aspen-specific Web site, the catalog of more than 3000 “Aspen-ready” courses and other learning resources is drawn from third-party content providers and spans a range of subject matter, including software training, business skills, regulation compliance and certification, as well as content relevant to specific vertical industries. To ensure that third-party content will be immediately interoperable with Aspen when it reaches Click2learn’s customers, Recombo has installed Aspen in its content integration lab and has developed tools and processes for accelerating content integration. The resulting content catalogs are mapped to Aspen’s descriptions of learner paths and competency requirements and tailored to the needs of specific industries. In addition to their ongoing content partnership, Click2Learn and Recombo share a common commitment to promoting the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM).,

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