OpenPages introduced Sarbanes-Oxley Express 2.0 a framework that supports companies’ corporate governance strategies. SOX 2.0, a Web-based suite of enterprise applications, addresses both the specifics of Sections 404 and 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, as well as ongoing modifications and additions proposed by the SEC and other regulatory organizations. Version 2.0 extends SOX with enhancements that address Section 302, which requires officers to sign statements verifying the completeness and accuracy of financial statements. Specifically, 2.0 includes a fully articulated Survey capability. Sarbanes-Oxley Express 2.0 is built on the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework, and runs on top of the OpenPages 4.0 Enterprise Edition OP4 Platform. The OP4, a J2EE-compliant environment, combines a set of services, including document and content management, collaborative and automated workflows, and multi-channel publishing.