Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Year: 2002 (Page 37 of 69)

Authentica Introduces Content Security Server

Authentica, Inc. has expanded its product line with the introduction of the Authentica Content Security Server, an enterprise application for securely delivering or persistently protecting e-mail and documents whether they are shared internally or between companies. The Authentica Content Security Server enables enterprises to apply the appropriate level of content security using two protection levels on a case-by-case basis: Secure Delivery for point-to-point information security, and Secure Content for continuous protection and lifecycle control of content after delivery. Secure Content incorporates Authentica’s Active Rights Management technology for after delivery security and lifecycle control of messages and documents. The sender always retains control over the recipient’s ability to forward, print and copy, and can recall or expire that information at anytime after delivery. Authentica Content Security Server is available immediately. Pricing is based on concurrent users and server configuration and starts at $32,500.

Documentum Releases Content Distribution Services

Documentum announced the availability of Content Distribution Services (CDS). Based on the technology from Boxcar Software that Documentum acquired in the first quarter of this year, CDS extends the Documentum platform by automating and controlling the distribution of enterprise content to any number of subscribers, including customers, distributors, affiliates, marketplaces and business partners. CDS, which is completely integrated with the Documentum ECM platform, enables companies to create any type of content offering and automatically distribute it, to any destination, using any transport protocol. Using CDS, the content distributor can allow recipients to subscribe to content through an offers-based model and set the method of content delivery, including scheduled, events-based or on demand. CDS is fully integrated with the Documentum platform.

Merant Launches Collage

Merant announced the availability of Merant Collage, an enterprise content management solution for application-driven Web sites. Merant Collage’s integration with software configuration management (SCM) tools, including the MERANT PVCS product family, provides a collaborative environment for the application developers and the Web design team to build Web applications and dynamic Web sites. New features and functionality include: task management with workflow control, auditing and reporting, content contribution editor and templating, automatic notification, and integration with PVCS Dimensions and Version Manager. Merant Collage is available now.

X-Hive Updates XML Database

X-Hive Corporation announced the release of version 3.0 of X-Hive/DB, the native XML database designed for software developers who need to process and store XML data in their applications. X-Hive/DB supports all major XML standards including XML 1.0, XQuery, XPath, XPointer, XLink, XSL, XUpdate and DOM. It also offers a transaction mechanism, versioning with branching, BLOB storage and various indexing methods, as well as support for J2EE and WebDAV. Next to overall performance improvements the following features have been added or enhanced in X-Hive/DB 3.0: support for XQuery; support for DOM Level 3 Abstract Schema and Load & Save; a new indexing method; improved XPath/XPointer and administrator client with new functions and updated GUI; and simplified database setup with default configuration based on best practices. X-Hive/DB 3.0 is available as of today on Linux, Solaris and Windows. A free 30-day evaluation license can be obtained.

XML Conformance Test Suite Released

W3C released the “XML 1.0 (Second Edition) Conformance Test Suite,” built in cooperation with NIST and formerly hosted by OASIS. The suite contains over 2000 test files that any developer can download free of cost and use to test the conformance of an XML processor to the XML Recommendation.

RealObjects in OEM Deal With WebCT

RealObjects announced an OEM partnership with WebCT, Inc., to deliver in-browser word processing capabilities as part of its WebCT Vista solution. By integrating RealObjects’ WYSIWYG HTML/XML editor edit-on Pro with WebCT Vista, customers will be able to easily publish content without having knowledge of HTML/XML. The editor provides word processor-like features within common web browsers in order to simplify and streamline the process of in-browser content authoring.

Pindar Systems Releases Agility

Pindar Systems announced the commercial release of Agility v. 1.0, its new enterprise catalog commerce server. Agility, a comprehensive product information management system built with a Java-based, J2EE-compliant Web application server architecture, is now available for sale and installation, following field testing and quality assurance work with customers. Already supporting the latest BEA WebLogic application server, Agility is being extended to support IBM’s WebSphere server by this Fall. In addition to integration with QuarkXPress, Pindar Systems is working on a product information solution that integrates Adobe InDesign 2.0. Agility can be deployed across traditional Microsoft Windows, Web or the new Apple Macintosh OS/X platforms. It runs on Sun SPARC Solaris 7.0 and Intel NT 4.0 (and greater) servers. Supported enterprise databases are Oracle 8i and 9i and Microsoft SQL 2000.

Inxight Releases MetaText Server 2.0

Inxight Software, Inc. announced Inxight MetaText Server 2.0. Inxight MetaText Server provides a solution for integrating vast resources of unstructured data — email, text files, Web pages, news feeds — into mission-critical business processes. The new version includes a repository for storing metadata — key descriptors collected from a document to quickly and easily identify its meaning; a collection manager for easy scheduling of Web and file system crawls to continually update information stored in repositories; simple concept search integration with third-party search engines; and the addition of full-text search, including Boolean query support for Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. The product also supports English, French, German and Spanish. Inxight MetaText Server provides interfaces for integration with enterprise portals and customer relationship management, text mining, business intelligence, content, document and knowledge management applications. Inxight MetaText Server 2.0 is available immediately.

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