Authentica, Inc. announced NetRecall for Documentum 4i Web Content Management (WCM) Edition. NetRecall for Documentum gives users security and control over Web content after it’s published. This extended control enables businesses to share critical content through Web browsers while ensuring that the content is not forwarded to unauthorized recipients or unintentionally stored in an
unprotected state. Using Authentica’s NetRecall, Documentum 4i WCM Edition users can dynamically apply access control and usage policies to their Web content as it is being generated, made accessible on the Web or downloaded to a user’s Web browser, and can: establish enforceable information security and use policies, encrypt and protect content no matter where it is distributed or stored, expire obsolete content wherever it is located, dynamically control how content is used by recipients (print, copy, paste), protect against unauthorized forwarding or distribution of intellectual property such as product plans and drawings, and centrally track and audit individuals’ access to information.