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Day: March 18, 2001

Radio UserLand Brings Internet Publishing to Desktop Users

UserLand Software announced the release of Radio UserLand, software that brings the power of Web Services and XML to the personal computer desktop. UserLand is working with Microsoft and others to facilitate both XML-based interoperability conventions and a new generation of Web Services built on those standards. Radio is a powerful news publishing and routing tool that runs on the desktop, patterned after the easy to use “weblog” concept, and supports web services protocols such as SOAP and XML-RPC, co-developed by Microsoft, Developmentor, IBM and the open source development community. Radio comes with a built-in XML-based application that streams news from publications such as Red Herring, Wired News, Salon, CNN, Reuters, the San Jose Mercury-News, Motley Fool, Internet.Com, and from news sites such as Tomalak’s Realm, AppleSurf, Slashdot.Org, XML.Com, Freshmeat and Scripting News. Thousands of compatible XML-based news feeds are available in RSS format, co-developed by UserLand and Netscape. Radio UserLand is available for free download at . A subsequent version to be released in Q3 2001 will be available as a commercial product.

W3C Issues Canonical XML as a Recommendation

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced the release of Canonical XML 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation. This specification defines a method for serializing XML documents such that it eliminates incidental variances in their syntax as permitted by XML 1.0. This functionality is necessary to XML Signatures, which requires documents to be consistently serialized for digital signature processing, so that these incidental variances do not invalidate the signature. Digital signatures provide integrity, signature assurance and non-repudiatability over Web data. Such features are especially important for documents that represent commitments such as contracts, price lists, and manifests. XML Signatures have the potential to provide reliable XML-based signature technology. However, various processors may introduce incidental changes into a document over the course of its processing. Canonical XML 1.0 provides a method of serializing an XML document into its canonical form. If two documents have the same canonical form, then the two documents are logically equivalent within the context of this specification. This relationship combined with XML Signature is critical for electronic commerce because it ensures the integrity of documents and protocol messages that travel between multiple XML processors. This is the first recommendation produced by the joint W3C/IETF XML Signature Working Group. Contributors include representatives from Ariba, Baltimore Technologies, Done360, IAIK TU Graz, IBM, Microsoft, PureEdge, Reuters, and the W3C technical team. The Working Group is still at work on XML Signatures, which already enjoys significant implementation, and will have more with the completion of the work on Canonical XML.

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