iPlanet E-Commerce Solutions, a Sun-Netscape Alliance, announced the availability of iPlanet ECXpert 3.5, a server-side B2B software solution that routes and converts documents between designated senders and receivers. iPlanet ECXpert works across multiple protocols, partner types, and technology types. iPlanet ECXpert 3.5 software enhances the queuing of documents, minimizes information bottlenecks and efficiently processes rapidly-submitted data. With priority processing, iPlanet ECXpert now has the ability to handle translations based on specific rules and priorities. While some vendors force organizations to process documents on a first-in, first-out basis, iPlanet ECXpert provides organizational flexibility to process by priority type. High priority documents will be handled immediately and processed before lower priority documents. This minimizes companies’ time to market based on expedient implementation of document processing. In conjunction with billing codes, this allows a service provider to offer different pricing for different levels of service. iPlanet ECXpert 3.5 now offers full XML parsing support, full XML translation support, priority processing, billing code support, HTTP/SSL support, and support for the automotive standard -HTTP for AIAG. iPlanet ECXpert’s XML capabilities allow XML to be sent and received from any business partner, irrespective of document type, thereby substantially increasing the information exchange capabilities within the trading network. This enables organizations to expand the reach of their trading networks by an order of magnitude, and iPlanet ECXpert provides the bridge between disparate systems, processes and technologies used by each partner in the network. iPlanet ECXpert is immediately available beginning at a list price of $100,00 per two CPU’s. Pricing is subject to change. www.iplanet.com