Extensibility, Inc. announces the upgrade of XMLschema.com an on-line service that streamlines the exchange of valid e-business grammars. The newly introduced SchemaStream allows any application utilizing XML schemas to take advantage of this Internet based service. This interface for automated processing supports the XML-Schema (Dec. 17 draft) and is being offered for a limited time free-of-charge for remote application access. XMLschema.com now offers: Conversion – automated across all major and emerging schema dialects, including DTD, XML-Schema (Dec. 17 draft), XDR, BizTalk and SOX v2; Validation – automated service that ensures schemas are accurate; Instance documents can be converted into schemas or an XML exemplar document can be generated from an existing schema; SchemaDOC – schema documentation allowing for output in browser viewable graphics or style sheets in any of the major or emerging dialects; and SchemaSource – a resource for posting and searching for schemas on the Internet. The first customer applying technology from XMLschema.com is Microsoft’s BizTalk Framework. For a limited introductory period, SchemaStream is being offered free-of- charge. All other services are available to the public for free at www.xmlschema.com, www.extensibility.com