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Day: March 27, 2000

Oracle Announces Development Tool with End-to-End XML Support

Oracle Corp. announced the latest release of Oracle JDeveloper with Business Components for Java. This latest version offers end-to-end support for XML. With JDeveloper Version 3.1, Oracle delivers an integrated, full-featured application development tool for building and deploying applications in Java and XML. Developers will be able to use JDeveloper to build, debug and deploy Internet applications that create and process XML data and documents. Oracle JDeveloper 3.1 simplifies the task of working with Java application code and XML data and documents at the same time. It features color-coded syntax highlighting for XML and built-in syntax checking for XML and Extensible Style Sheet Language (XSL). With the included XML Structured Query Language (XSQL) Pages support, developers will be able to edit and debug Oracle XSQL Pages, Java programs that can query the database and return formatted XML, or insert XML into the database without writing code. The integrated servlet engine will allow developers to view the XML output generated by their Java code in the same environment as their program source, making it easy to do rapid, iterative development and testing. JDeveloper’s integration with Oracle8i and Oracle Application Server will also help improve productivity by allowing developers to remotely debug Java/XML programs running on either server. JDeveloper will also allow Java developers to produce, develop and debug multi-tier Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications and remotely debug Java components in any web server or application server through its support of the J2EE Platform Debugging Interface (JDI). The tool also includes Oracle’s XML Parser for Java Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation (XSLT) Processor, and related JavaBeans components that make it easy to do drag-and-drop XML development. Oracle Business Components for Java, which ships with Oracle JDeveloper, is a server-side framework for creating scalable, high-performance Internet applications. The framework helps developers build reusable components for all types of Web-based business applications. The same server-side business component can be deployed without modification as either a JavaServer Pages/Servlet application or Enterprise JavaBeans component. This deployment flexibility enables developers to reuse the same business logic and data models to deliver applications to a variety of clients, browsers, and wireless Internet devices without having to rewrite code. In JDeveloper 3.1, programmers will be able to customize the functionality of existing Business Components by using the new visual wizards to modify their XML metadata descriptions. Business rules can be changed on site without needing access to the underlying component source code. JDeveloper 3.1 is scheduled to ship and be made available online starting in April. Developers can download JDeveloper from the Oracle technology Network at

Mercator Announces Support for WML

Mercator Software announced it has joined the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Forum, and is supporting integration with WAP applications and devices through the Wireless Markup Language (WML) standard. Support for WML within Mercator E-Business Integration Broker products gives end user customers the ability to integrate information from existing business systems with WML formats, accelerating the integration of wireless applications into their e-business infrastructure. In addition, Mercator’s WML transformation support allows third party solution providers to deploy wireless applications that can be integrated with the diverse applications of their enterprise customers. In supporting wireless applications, for example, Mercator E-Business Integration Broker software can enable a telecommunications company service representative to receive information regarding a service outage through a WML transaction sent from a computer system in the home office directly to the rep’s mobile device. In the same exchange, the service rep can use the mobile device to check the history of service problems in the area where the problem occurred. All data required to complete this exchange, including information from the home office applications and databases, can be transformed into and out of WML using Mercator E-Business Integration Broker technology.

Arbortext Introduces “Extend” – ASP Support

Arbortext, Inc. announced the release of Extend, a set of software and services that support Application Service Provider (ASP) deployment of its XML-based e-Content management system. Arbortext has identified FutureLink to help implement the rollout of Extend. Server-based computing services offer customers reduced cost of ownership and deployment time, faster scale-up, increased flexibility, more widespread access and tighter security. Additionally, companies who have people located throughout the organization or in multiple locations now have the ability to collaborate as if they were working in the same office. Extend enables companies to utilize Arbortext software who might otherwise be unable to do so because of out-dated equipment, lack of technical support, or cost of ownership. Arbortext’s software can either be hosted on its customer’s servers or on a third-party Web hosting service, and is accessible using a standard browser or a thin client. The software runs on a variety of desktops, including Windows, Macintosh, DOS, UNIX, Java and OS/2 Warp.,

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