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Year: 1999 (Page 52 of 97)

Adhesive Software Introduces Web-Site Management Tool for E-Business

Adhesive Software, Inc., introduced an e-business system designed to quickly deploy and easily manage all aspects of an online business. Adhesive’s new Bizflash e-business system is suitable for both”business-to-business” and “business-to-consumer” operations. Bizflash helps manage the entire online selling process, from updating product offerings to capturing initial transaction data to fulfilling orders and following up (including cross promotion). Bizflash also has the unique ability to “syndicate” an e-business to third-party Web sites.

OASIS Summer Workshop — Special Offer

Companies, individuals and industry associations involved in XML are invited to participate in the sixth annual OASIS Summer Workshop. This year, Workshop highlights will include sessions dedicated to the Consortium’s Registry and Repository and XML Conformance Technical Committees. In addition to OASIS committee working sessions, the OASIS Board of Directors will conduct their quarterly meeting, interface with the Board of Directors of CGM Open, an OASIS affiliate organization, and meet with the Steering Committee. The recently formed Steering Committee, comprised of representatives from sponsoring organizations including Commerce One, DataChannel, Documentum, GCA, IBM, Oracle, SAP, SoftQuad and Sun Microsystems, will hold their second strategy meeting during which they will finalize policy regarding allowed schema languages for schema submissions for Registrations are now being accepted for the three-day meeting that will address future directions for the registry and repository capabilities of, the XML industry portal, and other OASIS technical projects. The members-only event, which will be held August 11-13 in Montreal, Canada, is expected to attract XML users and vendors from around the world. For the first time ever, the OASIS Summer Workshop is open to individuals, who are now able to join the consortium as part of recently restructured membership. As a special incentive, the OASIS Summer Workshop’s 150 USD meeting fee will be waived for Individuals who join OASIS for 250 USD before 10 August.

Bell Atlantic to Deploy Wireless Application Protocol

BellAtlantic Mobile operation will use Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) to give its customers access to electronic mail and information from their cellphones and to simplify phone upgrades. Bell Atlantic will deploy, Inc.’s microbrowser and associated server software with Motorola phones. The service should be commercially available early next year. Customers will need to buy the new Motorola phones in order to use it. Using’s UP.Browser, phone subscribers will be able to view specially tailored Internet and intranet content on the display screens of their phones. The micro-browser works with’s UP.Link server software, which delivers content using wireless markup language (WML) rather than the hypertext markup language (HTML) used for most World Wide Web content. Bell Atlantic is at least the fourth US wireless carrier to announce plans to use’s micro-browser. Sprint PCS and Nextel have announced plans for trials in the fourth quarter. SouthernLink, a regional carrier, has also announced plans for the technology, the spokesman told Newsbytes.

Kofax Introduces Support for Documentum 4i

Kofax Image Products has shipped a new release script that integrates Ascent Capture 3, the company’s document capture application, with Documentum 4i, Documentum Inc.’s content management platform for corporate and e-business portals. The release script also integrates Ascent Capture with Documentum’s prior product release, Enterprise Document Management System (EDMS 98). Ascent Capture 3’s DDI architecture combines document capture, data capture and Internet-based distributed capture in a single application. It’s the only tool required to digitize paper documents at remote locations, extract data from them and insert that information into workflow, document management and Web publishing applications. Documentum 4i is a content management platform that dynamically manages all facets of content creation and delivery for corporate and e-business portals. Kofax has partnered with Documentum for several years to develop solutions that integrate paper and electronic sources of corporate knowledge. The new 32-bit Ascent Capture 3 release script for Documentum provides full functionality for both the 4i content management platform and the EDMS 98 client/server-based document management platform. The Ascent Capture 3 release script for Documentum 4i and EDMS 98 is free and may be downloaded now at

XMLSolutions Announces Partnership with Lisle Technology Partners

XMLSolutions Corporation (XMLS) announced today that they have signed Lisle Technology Partners (LTP) as a strategic development partner. As a strategic partner, LTP will be involved in assisting XMLSolutions in technical product direction, as well as a resource partner for implementing the product strategy. The first project LTP will work on for XMLSolutions is the Exeter family of XML-based e-commerce products, a suite of products specifically designed to fulfill the objective of business-to-business e-commerce. The Exeter product set includes the Exeter XML Server, Exeter E-commerce Engine and Exeter EDI Parser. This application suite eliminates the manual processes of trade by enabling computer applications and humans to exchange business documents written in XML.,

OAGI & Microsoft Announce Pilot Project

The Open Applications Group Inc. (OAGI), a nonprofit industry consortium composed of business software component interoperability stakeholders, and Microsoft Corp announced a pilot project to review migration of the Open Applications Group Integration Specification (OAGIS) XML Definitions to the BizTalk Framework specifications. The XML working group within the OAGI, which includes Candle Corp., Compaq Computer Corp., HK Systems Inc., IBM Manufacturing Systems, Microsoft, NEC Corp., PeopleSoft Inc. and PricewaterhouseCoopers, plans to update the current OAGI XML documents, which were developed under the W3C XML 1.0 specification, by prototyping them under XML-schema and BizTalk Framework specifications. The goal is to produce a compatible set of XML-schema documents and publish them in the BizTalk.Org library. The OAGI plans to be in a position to have the prototyping and architecture issues completed as soon as possible after the W3C finalizes the XML-schema recommendation currently in review before that group. Once the XML-schema specification, which the BizTalk Framework will support, is completed and formally recommended by the W3C, the OAGI plans to very quickly publish its work under the XML-schema format and, subsequently, the BizTalk Framework.,,

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