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Day: September 8, 1999 (Page 2 of 2)

InsWeb Rolls Out XML Enabled Interface

InsWeb Corp. has implemented an XML interface designed to streamline the exchange of data among insurance carriers and other online partners connected to the Internet’s leading insurance marketplace. InsWeb has direct connections to 40 participating insurance companies, including State Farm, Nationwide, Progressive, AIG, CNA, Metropolitan Life, and Mutual of Omaha. Offering auto, term life, homeowners, renters and health insurance products, InsWeb also enables consumers to access its shopping services through the industry’s most extensive network of Internet partners. Today, InsWeb has relationships with more than 110 leading Web aggregators, including Yahoo!, GO Network,, ZDNet, LookSmart, E*TRADE, Wingspan, and

CSC Announces CALS XML Application

Computer Sciences Corporation announced a new XML tagging convention that allows information to be shared over the Web between disparate workflow applications to achieve end-to-end process interoperability. The new capability is the result of a cooperative effort launched by the DoD’s Program Manager for the Joint Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (JCALS) Office and CSC. The JCALS workflow manager is a key component of the JCALS system that CSC has developed and implemented for the DoD. JCALS is a joint service information technology program that improves the processes to acquire, develop and maintain U.S. military systems. It is deployed among all the armed services at 60 locations throughout the United States. The new XML-based specification, developed by JCALS program management and CSC, has been enthusiastically endorsed and accepted by the Technical Committee of the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). The coalition is a non-profit, international organization that promotes and develops the use of workflow through the establishment of standards for software technology, interoperability and connectivity between workflow products.

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