Infoteria Inc. unveiled a new software product named “XML Solution Components.” XML Solution Components is a series of components for building the XML-based solution systems. Using XML Solution Components, the inter-Enterprise XML-based information system, and XML-based e-Commerce internet systems are built easily and rapidly. The first version of XML Solution Components consists of 7 components, iAccess, iHTML, iMessage, iNotes, iOracle, iPad, and iRule. For example, iMessage handles the XML data send via SMTP and retrieves it from the mail box to the XML storage. iHTML generates HTML file from XML data with XSL based style rules, so that the end-users do not require the latest Web browser such as Internet Explorer 5.0 to access to XML-based system. Each component in XML Solution Components can be purchased separately. The components are available as Executables, Windows COM modules and C++ libraries. The components will separately start shipping in May, 1999 to August, 1999. Japanese versions will also be available in addition to the English versions. Infoteria Inc., founded in 1998, is a software company that focuses on XML technology. The company is dedicated to the development of a wide range of practical XML software products from XML access libraries to XML Servers for the purpose of inter-enterprise electronic commerce.