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Category: Content technology news (Page 434 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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IntraNet Solutions Acquires Content Management Assets from RESoft

IntraNet Solutions, Inc. announced that in July 2001 it acquired select assets of RESoft, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stonehaven Realty Trust and a provider of end-to-end content management solutions for the real estate and legal industries, for 200,000 shares of IntraNet Solutions common stock valued at approximately $5.5 million. IntraNet Solutions will integrate RESoft’s SmartCabinet content management product, which is built on IntraNet Solutions’ Xpedio Content Management system and designed for vertical markets such as real estate and legal, into its own product line. This will enable the company to utilize SmartCabinet’s specialized functionalities for other vertical markets, such as financial services and insurance. Through the acquisition, IntraNet Solutions will obtain 12 RESoft employees, including Mary Henschel, former president of RESoft, and developers and consultants with expertise in developing content management software products for the real estate and legal industries. IntraNet Solutions expects to release the first integrated product with RESoft technology in the third quarter ending December 31, 2001 of its fiscal year 2002.

OASIS Elects New Members to Board of Directors

OASIS announced the election of five new members to the organization’s board of directors. Jim Hughes of Hewlett-Packard, Christopher Kurt of Microsoft Corporation, Simon Nicholson of Sun Microsystems and Michael Weiner of IBM will each serve two-year terms as OASIS directors, providing business leadership to advance the Consortium’s technical work. In addition, Colin Evans of Intel was appointed to serve out the term of a former Board member, who vacated her seat earlier this year. The five new directors join current OASIS Board members, Patrick J. Gannon, Una Kearns of Documentum and Norbert H. Mikula of DataChannel.

Hummingbird Acquires Project & Document Collaboration Company

Hummingbird Ltd. announced the acquisition of PeopleDoc Ltd., a UK-based, privately held company specializing in software used to create secure, Web-based collaborative environments in which projects can be managed across the extended enterprise. The acquisition will allow Hummingbird to incorporate new collaboration functionality into its existing enterprise portal and document management products. PeopleDoc’s technology organizes teams and content in the context of their relevant projects, providing secure access to project documents, discussion threads, task lists and schedules. Users require only a Web browser to access the centralized work area, while a sophisticated security model enables extensive customization of access rights at the project, folder and document level.

A2i to use Inxight’s LinguistX to Enhance Product Catalogs

Inxight Software, Inc. announced that A2i, Inc. has chosen Inxight’s LinguistX Platform to enhance keyword search capabilities within its content management and catalog publishing system for large catalogs of structured product content. A2i selected LinguistX because of its multilingual support and the ability to seamlessly integrate within the A2i system. A2i offers an integrated, database-driven, cross-media catalog publishing system that centralizes and structures the management of catalog product content, simplifies the catalog production process, and completely automates project workflow. The system supports both printed and electronic output from a single data source for Web-based electronic commerce, CD-ROM-based electronic catalogs, and custom paper catalogs.,

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and empolis Forming Partnership

Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and empolis content management GmbH are forming an integration partnership to provide world wide implementation services for the sigmalink content management system and all other XML products from empolis. This cooperation focuses on grouping the professional project management, integration, implementation and support services from Cap Gemini Ernst & Young with the XML based technologies from empolis to serve international corporations with multi-national representation. Both digital rights management and digital content management are key service offerings of Cap Gemini Ernst & Young.,

Oracle Adds Collaborative Content Management Features to Oracle9i

Oracle Corp. announced feature enhancements in Oracle9i designed to provide collaborative content management capabilities within Oracle9i Database and Oracle9i Application Server. Using content management features in Oracle9i, customers and partners can tap into content once difficult to access. Some of the enhancements in Oracle9i for collaborative content management include support for XML and Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Oracle’s approach contrasts with those that employ separate servers for content management. Oracle’s approach is to centralize the management of content within a single repository where it is accessed by any application and easy to manage. Some of the key new features of Oracle9i’s collaborative content management infrastructure include: Oracle Text which allows advanced content-based queries on 150-plus file formats in more than 57 languages; Oracle Ultra Search provides a Web-based user interface for unified, searchable index of content stored in databases, file systems, mail servers, and Web sites; and Oracle interMedia enables automatic extraction of information about multimedia, such as the speed of a video or size of an image, and searching for content which lies within an image. Oracle9i collaborative content management solution is capable of managing all content, including productivity files (documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF files), HTML files, multimedia, e-mail, and XML documents.

ATG Launches Gear Network for Enterprise Portal Suite

ATG (Art Technology Group, Inc.) announced the formation of the ATG Dynamo Gear Network. The network of partner-developed solutions is designed to enhance the functionality of the new ATG Enterprise Portal Suite through an extensive set of portal building blocks, called gears, which will provide customers with a robust and expanding feature set to build portals for customers, partners, and employees. ATG partners will provide integrated gears to deliver functionality in several application categories. In addition to ATG’s framework platform and foundation gears for enterprise application integration, the Gear Network enables third-party developers to deliver component software features. The Network allows partners with technology that works within an open Java environment to plug their own solution into ATG’s portal offering. The ATG Gear Network consists of more than 20 vendors across technology and solution domains, including: Business Intelligence, NetGenesis; Content Management, Documentum, Escenic, Interwoven, and Mediasurface; Content Aggregation – Information Architects; Content Syndication – Screaming Media, YellowBrix, Newsedge, and iMediation; Web Services, Patkai; Collaboration – Message Machines; Search – AltaVista and Verity; Enterprise Systems – TIBCO, YOUcentric; Security, Netegrity; Systems Integrators – Appian, Fort Point Partners, ISL Consulting, McFadyen Consulting, and Novo; and Wireless/Mobile, Volantis. Most of the partner gears are currently under development and will be available later in Q3 2001. ATG is actively recruiting partners for the Gear Network through the ATG Gear Alliance Program.

Accumedia Updates Hosted Web Publishing & Content Management Solution

Accumedia introduced the latest version of its Accumedia Convergence Platform (ACP), a managed solution for Web publishing and e-business. New features of the ACP were developed to address the growing complexities and costs associated with building and maintaining a dynamic Web presence. Version 1.6, delivers a fully managed enterprise Web publishing system that enables companies to manage both their Web content and associated online business operations. Version 1.6 also features Accumedia’s Software-on- Demand system, a suite of pre-integrated applications that lets customers quickly and easily extend the functionality of their Web sites to include options such as community, commerce, syndication and email marketing. At the heart of the ACP is the Accumedia Enterprise Web Publishing System, which includes: Expanded page and template design capabilities; workbenches for importing Microsoft Word document, and performing Quark-to-Web conversion; New content categorization tools; and Integrated Digital Asset Management capabilities.

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