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Category: Content technology news (Page 383 of 626)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Infodata Announces DocLuminate

Infodata announced the development of DocLuminate, a search and retrieval highlighting tool that allows term hit highlighting on Adobe Acrobat documents returned by web-based full text searches of documents in a Documentum repository. When a user searches on a specific keyword in an Adobe Acrobat document while using Documentum, DocLuminate highlights the term in the document. DocLuminate is compatible with Documentum’s RightSite client, and Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or later, Adobe Acrobat Business Tools 4.0.5 or later, or Acrobat Reader 4.0 or later. DocLuminate will be available to the public in April and can be purchased through Infodata.

iManage Adds New Government Sector Partners

iManage, Inc. announced new partners in the government sector that will support the company’s penetration in local, state and federal government departments. Computer & Hi-tech Management, Inc. (CHM), and Ciber, Inc. will use iManage WorkSite to meet the requirements of their public sector clients for centralized, secure collaborative content management. iManage provides the government sector departmental and enterprise solutions that meet regulatory requirements for content management, including compliance with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5015.2, the Government Paperwork and Elimination Act (GPEA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other standards. The company’s partnership with CHM and Ciber will help iManage deliver solutions and services to help government organizations address initiatives such as the Freedom of Information Act, correspondence management, e-government, case management, knowledge management and branch management.

Docent & Interwoven Partner

Docent Inc. and Interwoven Inc. announced an alliance to improve the way knowledge is created, managed, and delivered in large enterprises. Through the alliance, Docent and Interwoven customers will be able to converge their organization’s enterprise content strategy with their eLearning strategy. By integrating Docent Enterprise eLearning applications with Interwoven TeamSite content management software, customers can form an enterprise-wide content management infrastructure for knowledge exchange and more easily leverage information residing in content repositories. The ability to easily leverage the organization’s content assets into multiple learning experiences extends the value of that content.,

Documentum & Groove to Deliver Secure Content Management

Groove Networks Inc. and Documentum announced an alliance to deliver a content management solution that provides secure content creation and management capabilities for project teams whose members span company boundaries. Both companies will market and sell the combined offering. The joint solution consists of a connector between the Documentum ECM platform and Groove decentralized collaboration software, which allows project teams to access content stored within the Documentum content repository and pull it into a Groove shared space. Team members can collaboratively view, edit and update the content – either online or offline. The project team can then publish final content in the central, secure Documentum repository, where it can be accessed by other team members or anyone with appropriate permissions.

Interwoven Introduces Content Services Specification

Interwoven, Inc. announced the publication of the Content Services specification, a Web Services specification for access to Enterprise Content Management functionality. This proposed standard by Interwoven has support from vendors with portal offerings, including BEA, Bowstreet, Sun Microsystems, Inc., SAP Portals, Sybase and TIBCO Software, and will be submitted this month for consideration by one of the international open standards bodies. The new standard encompasses all lifecycle elements of enterprise content management, including content transfer, metadata, workflow, workareas, locking, and many other functions. These functions are made available as Web Services in a vendor-neutral solution, promising to hide many of the differences between competing software platforms, programming languages, and hardware specifics. The Content Services specification is available now through the site for anyone to review, comment on, and implement. A full reference solution is included in the Interwoven implementation.

IDC Says Content Management & Retrieval Software Market to Outpace Overall Software Growth by 2006

According to IDC, the content management and retrieval software market continues to grow rapidly despite the slowdown in 2001, and content management and retrieval software spending is expected to outpace the software market as a whole for the next five years. This growth has attracted the attention of large software vendors who are increasing their attention to this market. IDC’s forecast predicts, that in 2003, pent-up demand for the next generation of content technologies, such as multimedia and multiformat search and text mining will fuel increased spending. According to IDC, this growth will only be temporary, followed by a shakeout ending with a few large players dominating the marketplace with unified enterprise information system offerings. The products that are easily integrated with other enterprise applications will have the greatest potential for success.

Ecosystems Announces Release of The Environment 1.7

Ecosystems announced the release of The Environment 1.7 the latest edition of its XML content platform. The platform integrates with content management systems, databases and file systems to provide a single source representation of an organization. The software, available immediately, offers new functionality to improve document-publishing capabilities and content collaboration across the enterprise.

InterMedia PhD Launches IQ Author

UK-based internet developer InterMedia PhD launched IQ Author, its easy to use website content management product. With one copy of IQ Author, anyone can easily update their own website content; create pages; move pages around the site; delete old pages. There’s no specialist knowledge required – content creation happens in a familiar word processor-like environment. With IQ Author you can add and delete graphics, change font sizes and colours, and alter the design of the website in just a few seconds. IQ Author includes as standard many of the “high-end” features seen in more expensive products. A single IQ Author powered website can be managed by a team of people all who have their own centrally controlled access privileges. IQ Author is available immediately and starts at just (pounds)5000.

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