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Category: Content technology news (Page 308 of 625)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Interwoven Announces mySAP Enterprise Portal Certification

Interwoven, Inc. announced that it has received certification from SAP AG of the Interwoven TeamPortal software integration with mySAP Enterprise Portal. With the Interwoven TeamPortal for mySAP Enterprise Portal, customers can transparently access and act on trusted content through SAP iViews. Built on Interwoven ContentServices, a Web services layer that enhances the integration process, TeamPortal enables companies to integrate content management into their corporate mySAP Enterprise Portal, and provides an organizational-based, collaborative model that ensures the accuracy, reliability, and security of that portal content. The Interwoven TeamPortal for mySAP Enterprise Portal is shipping and is available directly from Interwoven.


TRADOS Incorporated announced the availability of TRADOS 6 LSP (Language Service Provider) and TRADOS 6 Freelance. In addition to improvements in Translation Memory manageability, quality assurance and language support, TRADOS 6 provides single and multi-language vendors compatibility with the translation memories of clients, using TRADOS TM Server, the new server translation memory technology from TRADOS. Performance improvements for tagged file formats in all TRADOS 6 applications speed up the translation process for TRADOStag files. Because of Unicode refinements, TRADOS 6 now supports a number of new languages, among them Maltese, Malaysian, and Tagalog. Support for other languages such as Vietnamese and Serbian has been enhanced and even complex chains of Unicode characters are now fully preserved during translation. TRADOS 6 Freelance now combines all TRADOS freelance applications into one tool set. TRADOS 6 Freelance will be normally priced at 895 EUR/USD. However, as a special introductory promotion, TRADOS 6 Freelance is priced at 695 EUR/USD until June 27, 2003.

Software AG’s Natural Mainframe Development Platform Supports XML

Software AG, Inc. announced that version 4 of its Natural 4GL development platform for mainframes now supports the creation and processing of XML documents. In addition to supporting XML, Natural Version 4 provides several other new capabilities, including improved overall application performance, accelerated and simplified access to Software AG’s Adabas by other databases, the ability to develop applications for a UNIX production environment using a Windows desktop, and expanded interoperability between Natural for IBM’s OS/390 or z/OS and Natural for Linux. Natural Version 4 for OS/390, z/OS, VSE/ESA, VM/CMS and BS2000/OSD is now available as a controlled release to registered customers. The general release is scheduled for September 2003.

SavvyBox Announces Release of Author.CMS v3.3

SavvyBox announces a new release of their new Content Management System Author.CMS v3.3. The system’s usability-tested user interface simplifies most common tasks related to information publishing. Author.CMS is specifically geared to small to medium size sites. Author.CMS embeds a variety of intuitive site management tools that save content publishing time and give full control over the website. The main system features are: usability-tested administration interface, WYSIWYG editor and intuitive site management tools, special installer that easily installs the system on a server, high-level functions that save template creation time. The new version of Author.CMS has a new directory structure to improve system adaptability for servers with different settings.

Texterity Launches “FreeSVG” Service

Texterity, Inc. announced FreeSVG, a web-based service providing conversion of PDF into SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). This free service enables users to create self-contained “SVG packages” that can be viewed using a standard web browser. Users get a complete set of HTML and SVG files with a self-contained “viewer” enabling searching, page turning, table of contents navigation, linking, and zooming. Pages contains a complete representation of all text, images, and vector drawing, viewable with a browser and the Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0, or with SVG viewers for PCs and mobile devices. Original PDF bookmarks are converted into a multi-level table of contents, and embedded links are converted into standard intra-document and HTTP web links. Document navigation includes direct page access or relative movement within the document with first, last, next, and previous page buttons. Search results show a histogram bar of hits, plus a rollover featuring the paragraph containing the search results; search terms are highlighted. “Zoom” support includes preset zoom factors plus ‘fit width’ and ‘fit height’ to allow a large display of the page on the screen. FreeSVG is compatible with the Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0, which supports Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computers. Other SVG viewers are supported, including the Bitflash Mobile SVG Player 2.0 and Apache Batik.

North Atlantic Offers Solution to Tracking Documents in Microsoft’s SharePoint Portal Server

North Atlantic Publishing Systems announced a new product to address one of the most commonly requested enhancements to Microsoft’s SharePoint Portal Server, i.e., the ability to track changes made to the document library. SPSAuditTrail was specifically designed by North Atlantic Publishing Systems, Inc. to enhance Microsoft’s SharePoint Portal Server. SPSAuditTrail automatically keeps track of changes users make to SharePoint Portal Server Document Library content when users access the Document Library through the browser, Office XP applications or Web Folders. SPSAuditTrail automatically records check ins, check outs, document and folder additions, renames and deletes, approvals, rejections and other activity across the portal server. For each action, SPSAuditTrail records the Windows login name of the initiator, the client machine IP address, date and time the activity occurred, and what the activity is. All automatically. The saved audit information is searchable directly from the SPSAuditTrail Search Web Part. You use the Search Web Part to specify the audit trail information you want to view. A free demo version of SPSAuditTrail is available at

Mobius Announces ViewDirect Contenuity 5.1

Mobius Management Systems, Inc. announced ViewDirect Contenuity 5.1, an integrated component of the ViewDirect TCM software suite of total content management solutions. ViewDirect TCM is built on a content repository that integrates and stores all the enterprise content that supports Web sites and business processes. ViewDirect Contenuity delivers Web site management, document management and digital asset management in a single platform integrated with all components of ViewDirect TCM. ViewDirect Conentuity 5.1 is integrated with DocumentDirect for the Internet, the Web viewing component of ViewDirect TCM, giving users access to content in the ViewDirect TCM repository while maintaining all security provisions. This integration enables the ViewDirect Contenuity user to manage and present documents in any format, including PCL, PostScript, PDF, XML, HTML, AFP, DJDE/Metacode, images, text, rich media, word processing, and spreadsheets. ViewDirect Contenuity 5.1 is available now.

Jeeves Solutions Updates Enterprise Search

Jeeves Solutions, a division of Ask Jeeves, Inc. announced the availability of a major upgrade to its product, JeevesOne. The ability to search multiple backend systems simultaneously and deliver results in real time, improved relevance with Precise Answers, and an easy-to-use Administrative Console are among the featured enhancements. JeevesOne 3.0 is an enterprise search platform, offering a comprehensive combination of fourth generation natural language processing (NLP) search technology, analytics and enterprise connectivity. Whether the answer resides in unstructured Web content or structured data sources, JeevesOne can make information accessible in real time and in one place through its Enterprise Integration Server (EIS). JeevesOne 3.0’s flexible output determines both how information is presented and what information is presented, returning the best answer available to a user’s question.

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