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Category: Content technology news (Page 197 of 624)

Curated information technology news for content technology, computing, and digital experience professionals. News items are edited to remove hype, unhelpful jargon, iffy statements, and quotes, to create a short summary — mostly limited to 200 words — of the important facts with a link back to a useful source for more information. News items are published using the date of the original source here and in our weekly email newsletter.

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Stellent Integrates FAST InStream Enterprise Search Solution with Universal Content Management

Stellent, Inc. (Nasdaq:STEL) announced it has integrated FAST InStream, the OEM enterprise search solution from Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), with Stellent Universal Content Management to provide Stellent customers with another enterprise-class search and retrieval platform. FAST InStream is designed specifically to increase the value of enterprise applications with FAST Enterprise Search Platform (FAST ESP) technology within OEM environments. Stellent utilizes the FAST technology to search unstructured information within documents, Web pages, email, presentations and similar content, as well as the metadata for the unstructured information. In addition to offering a traditional search user interface and results presentation, the integration with FAST InStream provides metrics on how the information is distributed across relevant categories, and allows users to easily filter the results based on those categories. It also provides related search terms to help users discover previously unidentified data and relationships between information. The Stellent Universal Content Management integration with FAST InStream is available immediately.

Autonomy Announces Rease of K2 Enterprise Search, K2 version 7

Autonomy Corporation plc (LSE: AU. or AUTN.L) announced availability of a new release of K2 Enterprise Search, K2 version 7, and a new support offering, the K2 Customer Assurance Program. Autonomy K2 version 7 (K2 7) extends the product line by delivering K2’s robust enterprise search capabilities on the IDOL kernel, providing performance and scalability improvements and access to over 500 advanced features. The K2 product line includes K2 Enterprise Search, Profiler, Federator, Collaborative Classifier, and KeyView. The K2 Customer Assurance Program delivers a lifetime support guarantee to customers who are on Autonomy’s maintenance program by providing support for all currently supported releases as well as an upgrade to K2 version 7 with no additional software license fees for previously licensed K2 functionality. No migration is necessary as existing K2 applications run without change. No additional hardware is required to realize significant performance improvements that include a doubling in indexing performance and seven times increase in simple keyword query performance. Autonomy is currently offering an Early Release Program that existing K2 customers on support and maintenance can participate in at no additional cost. This Program will provide customers access to the software, prior to general availability, which is scheduled for the summer of 2006.

Vignette Releases IDM 20.1

Vignette (NASDAQ: VIGN) announced the immediate availability of Vignette IDM 20.1, the foundation product of Vignette’s Imaging and Workflow solution. The new release features more robust reporting and workflow automation capabilities and integrates with Vignette’s Portal. Vignette’s Imaging and Workflow solution helps organizations reduce their reliance on paper, lowering storage costs and mitigating the risk of catastrophic destruction of paper documents and records. Vignette IDM 20.1 provides the following enhancements: Automated retention schedules to enable adherence to record keeping regulations; New reporting capabilities to assess business volumes and analyze historical trends; Automated e-mail notifications when documents of interest are captured; and, Full integration with Vignette Portal, making possible the personalized Web delivery of digital documents and transaction information to key internal and external constituents.

Alfresco Enterprise Edition Goes 100% Open Source

Alfresco Software Inc. announced that 100 percent of the Alfresco Enterprise Edition will be open source. The model commercial open source companies are using is to offer the same functionality across all product lines. This gives the customer the option of purchasing, not extra functionality, but support, consulting, integration and training. This approach enables the customer to get the benefit of open source in the short-term, low-risk trial with easy access to source code, product details and roadmap, and also in the long-term by having the flexibility to stay with enterprise support or move to a community model with no loss of functionality and no code change requirements. Alfresco offers two functionally similar product lines – Enterprise and Community. The Alfresco Enterprise Network offers: Certified Stacks; Maintenance, Updates and Patch Support; Customer Support – Problem Resolution, Compatibility and Migration Advice; Customer Portal – Information, Bug Tracking and Case Tracking; Performance Tuning Advice; and Indemnity and Warranty.

ClearStory Announces ActiveMedia Essentials Business Unit

ClearStory Systems, Inc. (OTCBB: CSYS) announced its new ActiveMedia Essentials Business Group, a team that will offer a secure, entry-level hosted DAM service to the market. Aimed at departmental workgroups or small organizations, the ActiveMedia Essentials service offers a pay-as-you-go solution for digital mediaphotos, graphics, marketing materials, presentations, and video. With nothing more than a web-browser, companies can organize and manage digital media with secure anywhere, anytime availability for sales teams, distributors, partners, agencies, or other external users.

Gilbane Launches Conference on Content Technologies for Government June 13-15, 2006 in Washington DC – Registration Open

The Gilbane Group and Lighthouse Seminars in cooperation with CMS Watch, announced that the inaugural Gilbane Conference on Content Technologies for Government will take place June 13-15 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.

The official Federal government media sponsor is Post-Newsweek Media, represented by Government Computer News and Washington Technology. For complete event information and registration, visit:

The conference program is divided into three tracks: Enterprise Content Management, Web Content Management and Enterprise Search & Discovery. Within these three tracks, the following topics will be addressed: Enterprise Content Management technologies, business applications, and solutions; How to get your Content Management project funded; Best practices in content governance and web operations management; Content technologies and 508 compliance; New standards in content interoperability; Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Content Management; Latest Search and text-mining technologies: beyond the hype; Comparative approaches for using XML to manage authoritative content; How different agencies have successfully implemented records management solutions; Comparative approaches to e-mail archiving; Role of new media technologies – blogs, wikis, and RSS – in public agencies; and The future of the federal government web.

There are also a number of tutorial sessions, including: A Manager’s Guide to XML; Enterprise Portals: A Primer; and Enterprise Search – Principles, Players, Practices & Pitfalls. In addition to the conference program, attendees can meet with vendors in the exhibitor showcase to see the latest content management offerings. The exhibitor showcase is free to attend.,

QL2 and Traction Software Team Up

QL2 Software and Traction Software announced a joint development partnership that makes data extracted from the deep web by QL2 Software’s data extraction platform, WebQL, available to users of Traction’s TeamPage enterprise weblog solution. WebQL seamlessly gathers difficult to reach unstructured data from online sources and integrates it into TeamPage’s collaborative, secure blog workspaces. WebQL can monitor even password protected newswires, trade journals, websites and blogs. WebQL takes data extraction a step further by monitoring clinical trial, adverse events, legislation, pricing and other databases. WebQL watches web sites for page changes and reports the differences. WebQL may execute hundreds or thousands of queries in a given day, and provide only those results that match specified requirements. WebQL may run standing queries on a regular basis, or do one-off form driven queries launched directly from the Traction interface. When WebQL finds a relevant content match or page change, it extracts and publishes the relevant information to Traction TeamPage with appropriate category tags from any of the project blogs. Traction’s interface delivers the content securely through a date driven newspaper style front page and project news pages, an automated newsletter, and a dynamic RSS feed. Users can query Traction to view any cross-section of topics of interest. For more information visit Traction at their booth at Gilbane San Francisco this week.,

PTC Announces Integration Between Windchill 8.0 & Arbortext 5.2

PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC) announced the availability of the integration between Windchill 8.0 and Arbortext 5.2, delivering an end-to-end technical publications solution from a single vendor. The solution provides an integral connection between PTC’s Windchill content and process management software and PTC’s Arbortext XML authoring and dynamic publishing software. Built to help solve the challenge of creating and publishing complex, accurate technical documents concurrently with a manufactured product, this release serves both the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) markets. The PTC PDS is designed to deliver the full complement of capabilities on an integral architecture that supports the global nature of product development, including the technical publications process. Specifically for technical publications, the PTC PDS enables companies to create content using an XML-based component approach, collaborate within and across organizational boundaries, control and manage content configurations and related processes, and communicate relevant information to a wide variety of audiences. The integration is delivered with Windchill 8.0 M020 and Arbortext 5.2 M010, which will be available early May 2006. Windchill and Arbortext customers with current maintenance are entitled to receive these new releases free of charge.

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