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Category: Collaboration and workplace (Page 74 of 94)

This category is focused on enterprise / workplace collaboration tools and strategies, including office suites, intranets, knowledge management, and enterprise adoption of social networking tools and approaches.

FileNET Includes iViews for mySAP Enterprise Portal

FileNET Corporation announced that its ECM software now includes iViews that have been tested and certified for integration with the mySAP Enterprise Portal. As part of its FileNET ECM for mySAP Enterprise Portal offering, FileNET has delivered a series of customized iViews, or mini-portal applications, which enable users to access enterprise content and participate in business processes from within an SAP solutions-based environment. FileNET’s iViews for mySAP Enterprise Portal are available as standard or customized components that adopt the mySAP Enterprise Portal personalization and integration capability. FileNET’s integration for mySAP Enterprise Portal is available now and is free of charge for FileNET customers. Customers can request the integration by accessing

WebWare to Integrate with Interwoven 5

WebWare Corporation announced an integration to Interwoven 5. The integrated Interwoven Solution for Media Asset Management (MAM) will enable enterprises to access their rich media assets within e-business initiatives managed by Interwoven 5, such as enterprise portals, corporate intranets, and external web properties. The connector to Interwoven 5 enables Interwoven users within the TeamSite environment to search, thumbnail, preview, transform and aggregate rich media assets into their Interwoven managed content. Interflow and WebWare engineers jointly developed the system extension that allows Interwoven users to directly access rich media and video files from Interwoven’s TeamSite application.,,

Interwoven Announces Connector Suite

Interwoven, Inc. announced its Connector Suite, to aid integrations with other enterprise applications. Interwoven’s Connector Suite software gives businesses the ability to jump-start their content initiatives from building dynamic enterprise applications to simply supporting collaboration around a new project. For Web application developers, Interwoven created TeamTurbo, which enables businesses to integrate the Interwoven ECM platform with J2EE and .Net application servers. For portal application developers, Interwoven created TeamPortal connectors, which connect with portal applications. To enable enterprises to fully leverage their document storage systems, Interwoven has created connectors that connect with repositories and databases. They include: DataDeploy, which maps to any database schema; and ContentProvider, which enables enterprises to search and browse multiple repositories from a single point of entry.

Sybase Ships Enterprise Portal 5.0

Sybase, Inc. announced the general availability of Sybase Enterprise Portal 5.0. The EP 5.0 Portal Framework adds improved overall ease of use, openness and security. A redesigned and internationalized GUI includes a drag-and-drop layout, parallel portlet loading, and personalization. Portal Framework also adds support for multiple databases and application servers, including Sybase EAServer, BEA WebLogic and IBM Websphere. Portal Framework support for advanced security includes LDAP and certificate-based authentication, hierarchical role-based access, SSL encryption and multi-level auditing and alerts. EP 5.0 is available in 3 editions. Designed for the work-group, the Information Edition is focused on information and content aggregation. The Application Edition includes the same functionality plus search and a J2EE-compliant application server for creation and deployment of portal applications. Also included in the Application Edition are deployment packs to support multiple databases and application servers. Both the Information and Application additions will be available by December 2002 at prices starting under $10,000. The Enterprise Edition, geared to large deployments, adds advanced security, high-end scalability and failover capabilities. It is available now at $85,000 per CPU.

Vignette Announces Vignette V7 Applications

Vignette Corp. unveiled the Vignette V7 family of content management applications that offer a mix of out-of-the-box and configurable capabilities packaged to meet departmental or enterprise requirements. Vignette Content Management Group Suite 7 is designed for departments that need a content management solution to power one Web site or portal, as well as predefined workflows, content types and the Vignette Command Center. Vignette Content Management Business Suite 7 is designed for organizations with multiple mission-critical Web sites and portals that leverage content residing throughout the enterprise. It includes additional features such as a graphical workflow creation, multisite management and a graphical integration workbench. Vignette Content Management Enterprise Suite 7 will unify the content management processes across an entire enterprise. This suite will contain advanced reporting, adapters to integrate unstructured content into portals and Web applications, and a set of software development kits. The Vignette Content Management Group Suite 7 and Vignette Content Management Business Suite 7 will be available by the end of the year. Vignette Content Management Enterprise Suite 7 is scheduled to be shipped in the first half of 2003.

Interwoven Incorporates Systinet for Web Services Infrastructure

Systinet announced that Interwoven, Inc. has selected Systinet to power Web services for its TeamSite Front-Office 5.5 software, which allows business users to collaborate on shared documents and submit content from a variety of desktop applications. Systinet WASP is also embedded in the Content Services SDK, which provides secure SOAP Web services functionality for provisioning Interwoven Enterprise Content Management functions to applications such as portals. The Systinet WASP suite of products is a solution for building, deploying, securing and managing Web services. Systinet WASP Server for Java and WASP Server for C++ are Web services runtime environments that support SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, and WSDL 1.1.,

Plumtree Launches Content Management Product

Plumtree Software announced Plumtree Content Server 4.0, a portal content management system. As an engine for creating and publishing Web content within the portal, Content Server allows everyone in the business to contribute information to the portal, and every line-of-business to manage the branding and publication of that content to portal pages and related Web sites. Content Server is based on the 2001 acquisition of Hablador, and is the most recent product in Plumtree’s new line of servers, which also includes Collaboration Server, Studio Server, Search Server and Single Sign-On Server, Powered by Oblix. Content Server publishes content to the portal organized in Plumtree’s enterprise-wide document directory or in community directories maintained for different work-groups or business units. Content Server can also publish content as Gadget Web Services, components embedded within a portal page, and a wide range of administration tools are surfaced in the portal as Gadget Web Services. Content Server relies on the portal’s security scheme, and indexes its content using Plumtree Search. Content Server is expected to be generally available in November 2002.

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