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Category: Collaboration and workplace (Page 68 of 94)

This category is focused on enterprise / workplace collaboration tools and strategies, including office suites, intranets, knowledge management, and enterprise adoption of social networking tools and approaches.

Appian Announces Availability of Enterprise Suite

Appian Corporation announced the general availability of Appian Enterprise, a J2EE compliant enterprise Web solution suite to integrate portal, document and content management, workflow, personalization, and identity management technologies. The Appian Enterprise solution suite is based on new versions of Appian’s portal, collaboration, and workflow technologies. The suite also introduces an advanced security and identity management engine that powers the delivery of ubiquitous, interactive personalization across the enterprise web. The Appian Enterprise suite includes an Enterprise Portal, Enterprise Content Management, Collaborative Document Management, Enterprise Workflow, Identity Management and Personalization, Enterprise Web Analytics, and Knowledge Management. The Appian Enterprise solution suite is available immediately.

Context Media Integrates Interchange Suite with IBM DB2 Content Manager

Context Media, Inc. announced that it is collaborating with IBM to make it easier for organizations to access and use digital content stored across the enterprise. As part of the agreement, Context Media integrated its Interchange Suite software with the IBM DB2 Content Manager portfolio. The integration will enable customers to access content that resides in multiple repositories across the enterprise through a single interface. Context Media integrated Interchange Suite with IBM DB2 Content Manager using Web-services standards to create an ECI Adaptor that provides bi-directional information flow between disparate repositories, the Interchange Suite and IBM DB2 Content Manager. The integration of both products allows businesses to build solutions that aggregate content stored in multiple repositories and systems around an enterprise and present it securely to end-users through a single view. The single view can be presented through IBM DB2 Content Manager, a WebSphere Portal interface, Context Medias Intershare client, or a combination of all of these.

Inxight Announces Enterprise Adaptors for Documentum, Notes, Plumtree & SQL Server

Inxight Software, Inc. announced the general availability of adaptors to multiple enterprise information management systems, including Documentum, Lotus Notes, Microsoft SQL Server and Plumtree. These adaptors enable Inxight SmartDiscovery customers to access data stored in these disparate systems for processing and delivery through SmartDiscovery. SmartDiscovery Enterprise Adaptors offer Inxight customers a means of integrating content inside existing information management systems into a single point-of-access solution. SmartDiscovery Enterprise Adaptors allow users to schedule updates and retrieve documents and emails from these systems. This information is then analyzed and relevant metadata is extracted to enable search, classification, entity extraction, summarization and visualization of the data. The resulting metadata can be populated back into the original system for display in existing portals or other interfaces, or can be stored in a dedicated repository and accessed by Inxight’s user environment. SmartDiscovery includes Web and file crawlers that enable users to access information stored on hard drives, internal networks, and Web sites.

Northern Light Re-emerges

Northern Light has emerged from the Divine bankruptcy. C. David Seuss, former CEO of Northern Light, purchased the company in Divine’s 26-hour marathon bankruptcy auction held three weeks ago. After the acquisition, Seuss contacted the corporate customers for Northern Light’s SinglePoint Market Research Portal that had not fled during the Divine era and assured them that their customer support would soon return. Seuss also plans to market the never before released Northern Light Enterprise Search Engine, a 64-bit enterprise search solution, featuring Northern Light’s taxonomy and classification capability that uses Northern Light’s clustering technology. It is unclear what the plabs are for the Northern Light Web search engine.

BroadVision Announces Upgrades to Suite

BroadVision, Inc. announced a significant upgrade to the BroadVision 7 suite of enterprise portal applications, which includes BroadVision One-To-One Portal, BroadVision One-To-One Commerce and BroadVision One-To-One Content. BroadVision One-To-One Commerce is a multi-channel sales portal that automates the sales process. Key features of the 7.1 release include agent-assisted service to augment BroadVision’s self-service functionality, support for self-service returns and enhanced support for globalization. BroadVision One-To-One Portal is an application for deploying personalized business-to-employee, business-to-business and business-to-consumer portals. Key features of the 7.1 release include streamlined integration of external user management and content management systems and simplified management of community collaboration-focused microsites. BroadVision One-To-One Content allows organizations to manage all types of content throughout its lifecycle from creation and management through deployment and distribution. Key features of the 7.1 release include integration to other BroadVision applications, enhanced support for internationalization, and performance gains that accelerate workflow.

Plumtree Announces Availability of Portlet Framework for PeopleSoft

Plumtree Software announced the general availability of the Plumtree Portlet Framework for PeopleSoft, which allows portal managers to create portlets for displaying, searching and updating data from any PeopleSoft 8 system. The Framework can integrate virtually any PeopleSoft service into the Plumtree Corporate Portal without coding. Customers can create applications within a Plumtree portal based on services from PeopleSoft as well as services from other systems, including the search, content management and collaboration capabilities offered as part of the Plumtree Enterprise Web Suite. The Portlet Framework for PeopleSoft provides a graphical environment for creating new Plumtree portlets against any standard or custom PeopleSoft Component Interface (CI). Plumtree also offers frameworks for building portlets for SAP R/3 and Siebel. These portlets can be embedded within portal applications that combine resources from many existing systems, as well as new services for collaboration, content management and search that systems such as PeopleSoft may lack.

Verity Announces K2 Developer 5.0

Verity Inc. announced the availability of Verity K2 Developer (K2D) release 5.0. The new version of its platform is for ISV’s that need to add discovery, organization and personalization capabilities to e-business applications such as content management, CRM, supply chain management, portal infrastructure, online commerce, and other enterprise-level programs. An important part of this latest release of Verity’s OEM technology is the Verity Organization Developer’s Kit (ODK), a set of APIs that can be integrated into enterprise applications whose performance and value will benefit from content organization and recommendation capabilities. This release of K2D also includes enhanced capabilities of Verity’s Recommendation Engine, including recommendation of queries, category recommendations, federated recommendations, Open Navigation and Dynamic Taxonomies. Interfaces are now available to allow the editing of any entity, which enable ISVs complete control over the information managed within the Recommendation Engine.

Obian Releases Web-Services Document, Web Content & Process Management Platform

Obian announced the availability of Jupiter, a Web-based Document Management System powered by Oracle9i Application Server and Oracle9i Database. Jupiter allows enterprise users to obtain the full advantage of Oracle9iAS – J2EE server, Portal server, Directory server, Integration Server, Oracle9i Database, Oracle9i JDeveloper and Oracle Collaboration Suite when developing Web-Services Document Management applications. Jupiter represents a generation of Integrated Web-Services Document, Web Content and Process Management all accessible through one common user interface and utilizing a single Oracle9i repository. Jupiter users launch a business process with one or more documents stored in the document management module. They then can measure the acceptance/rejection actions as well as the processing/wait times at all stages in their work processes using Jupiter’s process management module.

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