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Author: NewsShark (Page 155 of 730)

Perst Embedded Database Integrated with Jease Content Management Framework

Jease, a content management framework based on open source Java technologies, has added support for the Perst object-oriented, open source embedded database system from McObject. When used with Jease, Perst becomes the persistence engine for highly customized, content- and database-driven Web applications that leverage the productivity and efficiency of working with “plain old Java objects” (POJOs). Jease (the name combines “Java” and “ease”) provides building blocks for developers with even a little Java experience to assemble Web applications tailored to specific needs. The goal of Jease is to offer a flexible content management framework rather than a full-blown content management system. Other open source software components used by Jease include Apache Lucene for full-text indexing and search, and the ZK Ajax + Mobile Java framework. Perst and Perst Lite are part of McObject’s family of small footprint, high performance embedded database software products. The eXtremeDB in-memory embedded database from McObject is used  in devices including MP3 players, industrial automation solutions, digital TVs, telecom/network communications equipment and military/aerospace technology. Perst is available for Java and .NET, including Java ME and .NET Compact Framework.,

FatWire Unveils Integration with Google Analytics

FatWire Software announced that its FatWire Content Server fully integrates with Google Analytics to help customers measure and track the success of their FatWire websites. FatWire customers can download the integration module free of charge from FatWire to automatically generate Google tags and feed data directly into Google, for out-of-the-box monitoring and reporting. The integration will enable FatWire customers to use Google’s free analytics package to measure and optimize online content and campaigns, providing a better understanding of website effectiveness, including traffic, usage patterns and visitor behavior. The FatWire Analytics module, which is natively integrated with Content Server, provides granular tracking of content assets for specific customer segments and across dynamic, targeted web pages, enabling optimization of content on a granular level. Google Analytics provides complementary capabilities for tracking and measuring website and user behavior at a site and page level. With this packaged integration, customers can now combine FatWire’s platform with Google Analytics, thus providing a combination of page, behavior and granular content analytics.

eZ Systems Releases Extensions for eZ Publish 4.2

eZ Systems announced the immediate release of extensions for eZ Publish 4.2. eZ Publish Style Editor is a brand new extension providing a tool to change the overall look and feel of an eZ Publish-based website. Webmasters are able to switch in a ‘visual edit’ mode while managing sites featuring eZ Flow or the eZ Publish Website Interface. The visual edit mode provides a user interface for managing the look and feel of a site’s pages by editing the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and Images used by the site. This extension is immediately available as certified software, and supported as an add-on to ez Publish Premium. The eZ XML export extension helps you manage the content you provide to 3rd-party content platforms. It gives you control over which content is exported, the XML export format with support for XML Schema (XSD) and XSLT post-processing, and a configurable set of delivery options in order to industrialize and automatize the content delivery. This extension is also immediately available as certified software, and supported as an add-on to ez Publish Premium. Teamroom is a collaboration solution based on eZ Publish. Make your team members’ lives easier with simple management of teamroom members, information sharing, an open collaboration workflow, event and team document management, and confidentiality levels for your teamrooms. Teamroom is packaged as an extension, and available as a beta in the contribution area for eZ Publish extensions. Teamroom will have an official release in conjunction with the 4.3 release of eZ Publish.

China-Based CSOFT Launches TermWiki

CSOFT International Ltd., a provider of multilingual localization, testing, and outsourced software development for the global market, announced the upcoming launch of TermWiki, a multilingual, collaborative and Wiki-based terminology management system for the the localization industry. TermWiki comes with enhanced Google-like fuzzy match search capabilities, automated notification features, detailed accessibility and user profile management, a structured dispute resolution infrastructure, image and video support, as well as customizable forms embedded in the system to facilitate compliance with relevant ISO standards for the presentation of terminological data categories. TermWiki is scheduled for public release this spring.

Issuu Launches Free Mobile Reader for Android Devices

Issuu, a publishing platform for digital magazines, newspapers and catalogs, released its first mobile app for Android-powered devices. Issuu’s new EasyRead (beta) technology automatically enhances the text of any publication enabling users to read text on small-screen devices while still maintaining the visual layout. EasyRead helps a longstanding problem in digital publishing where rich publications such as magazines, newspapers and catalogs are almost impossible to read on small screens. Available as a free beta version Issuu Mobile gives readers access to their favorite publications and must-read documents everywhere they go.

Syncro Soft Updates Oxygen XML Editor and XML Author

Syncro Soft Ltd announced the immediate availability of version 11.1 of its XML Editor and XML Author. Oxygen combines content author features like the CSS driven Visual XML editor with a fully featured XML development environment. It has ready-to-use support for the main document frameworks DITA, DocBook, TEI and XHTML and also includes support for all XML Schema languages, XSLT/XQuery Debuggers, WSDL analyzer, XML Databases, XML Diff and Merge, Subversion client and more. Version 11.1 of <oXygen/> XML Editor improves the XML authoring capabilities, the support for XML development and also a number of core features. The visual XML authoring now uses schema information to provide intelligent editing actions that help keep the document valid and provide a better editing experience. The new compact representation of tags and the quick up/down navigation features improve the ergonomics and the usability. <oXygen/> can use any XQJ compliant XQuery processor for XQuery transformations, different error levels and external references can be specified for Schematron messages and the XProc support was improved with better editing and execution. The XML format and indent operation can use DTD/schema information to provide better formatting and the find and replace is now XML-aware and can accept XPath filtering to delimit the search scope. Starting with version 11.1 the diff and merge support from oXygen is available also as a separate application, oXygen XML Diff. Oxygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger is available immediately in three editions: Multi-platform Academic/Personal license costs USD 64.00 (includes the one year support and maintenance pack). Multi-platform Professional license costs USD 349.00; Multi-platform Enterprise license costs USD 449.00. Oxygen XML Author is available immediately in two editions: Multi-platform Professional license costs USD 199.00; Multi-platform Enterprise license costs USD 269.00. http://www.oxygenxml.com

Design Science Announces MathType 6.6

Design Science announced the release of MathType 6.6 for Windows, featuring support for Windows 7’s handwriting recognition feature as well as extending its support to over 350 applications and websites in areas such as education, elearning, calculation, word processing, presentation, email, blogs and wikis. Among the newly supported applications and websites are Google Docs, Gmail, Blackboard and many others. For the last year, the company has been implementing its Equations Everywhere and Anywhere! initiative, enhancing MathType to eventually work with virtually all the applications and websites used by students, teachers, professors, elearning authors, scientists and engineers. With this new release, MathType now works with over 350 applications and websites. It also features an accompanying “Works With …” web application that shows detailed instructions on how best to use MathType with each product. MathType is US $57 for academic users, $97 for non-academic users; upgrades are US $37 for academic users, $49 for non-academic users. Anyone can download MathType from the Design Science website and try it free for 30 days.

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