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Author: Frank Gilbane (Page 56 of 71)

CM Pros – Last Day to Vote for the New Board

A reminder for all you CM Pros out there, forwarded on behalf of the Elections committee:

This is your last day to vote for the 2007 CM Pros Board. Voting closes at midnight ET!

For security purposes you must have a unique password to vote. An email was sent out last week with your password and again today. If you didn’t get it please check your SPAM filters. If you still don’t have it please email Rahel Bailie ( who can send it directly to you. To assist you in finding it in your email the subject line is “CM Professionals 2007 Elections” and it came from “Elections Committee []“. Vote online. Your email address is your user login. The link is

NOTE: If your email address is very long, enter as many characters as the login field will take. You can view candidate profiles online on the CM Pros site .

Thank you for voting to make CM Pros a continued success.

Ann Rockley, Tony Byrne, Rahel Bailie
CM Pros Elections Committee

New Inc 500 Social Media Research from UMass

Nora Barnes, Chancellor Professor of Marketing & Director, UMD Center for Marketing Research at the University of MA Dartmouth, along with co-author Eric Mattson, have finished their study of the Inc. 500 and their use of social media. This follows-up an earlier study from Nora on corporate blogging.

The obviously interesting headline finding, which I’ve pasted from Nora’s email is:

The Inc. 500 are thoroughly involved in social media at an adoption rate more than twice that of the Fortune 500. Best yet, this is probably the most valid study on corporate blogging etc. done to date, with a very low error level of just +/- 3%.

A summary of the findings in PDF is available here. Nora will be publishing more analysis of the research throughout 2007, some of which she will talk about here as one of our guest bloggers.

Gilbane San Francisco Call for Papers Deadline is… Tomorrow!

A quick reminder to submit your speaking proposals before tomorrow’s deadline. We do take proposals after the deadlines but the opportunities dwindle rapidly. For details on how to submit a proposal see: Email proposals to
Gilbane San Francisco –, April 10-12, 2007, Palace Hotel.
Call for Papers Deadline: January 3rd, 2007

New Enterprise Search Practice & Blog – Welcome Lynda!

We launched a new consulting practice and blog yesterday to focus on Enterprise Search. I am thrilled to have Lynda Moulton join us to be the Lead Analyst of the practice. Lynda has a long and deep experience as an expert on research technologies as a software developer, entrepreneur, and consultant. We’ve been getting more calls for help about enterprise search over the past year, as well as increased interest in our Enterprise Search track at our conferences – the topic cried out for a dedicated focus. Visit our new Enterprise Search blog at, and let Lynda know what questions you have about search technology and its enterprise application.

Gilbane Group Launches Enterprise Search Practice & Blog

The Gilbane Group announced today that they have launched a new research and consulting practice covering Enterprise Search technologies and applications. The new practice is lead by industry veteran and research expert Lynda Moulton. The new practice complements existing Gilbane Group consulting services that cover a broad range of content technologies, as well as the Gilbane Group’s Publishing Technology and Strategy consulting practice. While the Gilbane Group has covered enterprise search technologies since 1993, today’s demand from a broad range of organizations for solid information and guidance needs to be met with a highly focused dedicated effort. The Enterprise Search practice is supported by a new blog devoted to the topic as well as the Enterprise Search track at Gilbane conferences. The Enterprise Search blog went live on January 1 with an introductory entry by Lead Analyst Lynda Moulton. Visit the new blog at: UPDATE: This blog has moved here.

Call for Papers Deadline: San Francisco & Washington DC

A quick reminder to mark your calendar, and to submit your speaking proposals before the upcoming deadlines:
Gilbane San Francisco
April 10-12, 2007, Palace Hotel
Call for Papers Deadline: January 3rd, 2007
Gilbane Washington DC
June 5-7, 2007, Reagan Building
Call for Papers Deadline: January 15th, 2007

New Case Study and White Paper published

With so much of our news focused on the Boston conference the last couple of weeks, you might have missed the publication of a new case study and a new white paper. Both are by Senior Analyst Leonor Ciarlone, and as usual, both are free. The case study is “The Global Customer Experience: Sun Microsystems’ Vision for the Participation Age”, and is the topic of today’s webinar. The white paper is “Eliminating the Fear Factor: Creating a Culture of Compliance“, and a recording of the webinar covering this is available here.

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