Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Author: Frank Gilbane (Page 43 of 71)

Content Management Trends and Topics at Upcoming Conference

We are ramping up for our annual Boston conference, and the program is mostly complete. Our tagline this year is “Content, Collaboration & Customers”, and as usual, we’ll be discussing a wide range of related topics and covering all the important trends. Four areas we are paying extra attention too are:

Managing enterprise social content. This should not be a surprise. The increasing use of social software in business and government environments for both internal and customer communications means more content, of a different kind, to be managed.

Managing enterprise mobile content. Smartphones are replacing noteboooks and desktops as clients  for many enterprise applications, and complementing them for even more. Mobile is another enterprise channel with unique content requirements.

SharePoint & Office 2010 and web content management. As the SharePoint surge continues with the upcoming release of 2010, early signs point to increased emphasis on web content management and integration between WCM, Office and SharePoint. How will this affect the content management market?

E-government & transparency. We are seeing a lot of activity here among both state and federal agencies, and there are special content management challenges that in many (most?) projects mean integrating new technologies and practices (e.g., social software) with established information management approaches (e.g., XML, XBRL).

Stay tuned for updates, or follow the conference on Twitter at

Gilbane Boston Speaking Proposal Update

We are still working on the program for this year’s Boston conference, December 1-3, and Sarah has left us for graduate school. Fortunately, we have a great new Marketing Coordinator, Scott Templeman, who will be communicating with all of you who have submitted proposals. You can reach Scott at 617-497-9443 ext 156 or at with any questions about the status of your proposals, but official confirmations are still a week or two away.

Gilbane Boston call for papers

Gilbane San Francisco is next week, and soon after we’ll be switching our energies to our annual Boston conference. The 2009 dates are December 1-3, and we are returning to the Westin Copley hotel for our 6th year. The first important date is the call for papers deadline, which is June 15th. Instructions for submitting speaking proposals can be found at:

The track structure this year will be similar to what we are doing in San Francisco. We are still fiddling with the exact names and descriptions, but currently the tracks are:

  • Web & Business Engagement
  • Managing Collaboration with Colleagues and Customers
  • Integrating, Searching & Publishing Enterprise Content
  • Content Infrastructure Strategies

We’ll be continuing our focus on enterprise use of social software and how it integrates into various business applications. We’ll also be adding more coverage of mobile content strategies and technologies. The mobile channel is no longer just for pure consumer applications, but has a critical role to play in mainstream business applications, for collaborating and content delivery, and much more. "Smartphone" platforms are rapidly becoming at least as important as desktops, notebooks and netbooks. Some specific technology areas at the Boston conference will be:

  • Web Content Management
  • Enterprise Social Software
  • Enterprise Mobile Content
  • Authoring & Publishing
  • Content Globalization
  • XML & XBRL
  • Enterprise & Site Search
  • Semantic Technologies
  • Enterprise Content Management

The preliminary Gilbane Boston 2009 site is live at If you have questions about speaking proposals email us at

UPDATE: We have just created a Twitter account for the conference:, and we’ll use #gilbaneboston for the hashtag. We are going to use our main twitter account for Boston at

Have a question for our analyst panel?

Looking forward to seeing many of you next week at Gilbane San Francisco. Whether you will be there or not, you can suggest questions to ask our analyst panel. Each of the panelists have specific areas of expertise covering web content management, web governance, enterprise social software and social media, collaboration, and enterprise search. The panel is a keynote session after the two keynote presentations from Microsoft and Adobe, so we’ll also be covering reactions to those. You can submit your questions directly to me via a comment, email, or twitter (DM or post using the hashtag #gilbanesf).

Registration for the conference is still open and will be available on-site. If you register in advance you can still get a $200. discount using GILBANE as the discount code. There is no charge for the keynotes or the technology demonstrations or product labs.

K2. Keynote Analyst Panel
We invite industry analysts from many different firms to speak at all our events to make sure our conference attendees hear differing opinions from a wide variety of expert sources. A second, third, fourth or fifth opinion will ensure you don’t make ill-informed decisions about critical content and information technologies or strategies. This session will be a lively, interactive debate guaranteed to be both informative and fun.
Moderator: Frank Gilbane
Jeremiah Owyang, Senior Analyst, Social Computing, Forrester
Hadley Reynolds, Research Director, Search & Digital Marketplace Technologies, IDC
Larry Hawes, Lead Analyst, Collaboration and Enterprise Social Software, Gilbane Group
Lisa Welchman, Founding Partner, WelchmanPierpoint

Conference update

There are only 4 more weeks until our annual San Francisco conference. If you haven’t already made plans to attend, you should check it out. We have more content than we have ever had in San Francisco, so whatever kind of enterprise web or content application project or responsibility you have, you’ll find learning and networking opportunities.

Our marketing group has been posting updates on our announcements blog and on Twitter. But for those of you who only read this stream, here is a quick update:

  • The early discount rates have been extended to May 8th.
  • Gilbane conference room rate of $220 at the San Francisco Westin includes complimentary daily guest room internet use, valued at $14.95 per day.
  • There are 46 conference sessions, workshops or product labs, 90 expert speakers, 36 sponsors/exhibitors.
  • Keynotes from Microsoft & Adobe on the future of web platforms and customer engagement
  • Keynote analyst panel with Forrester, IDC, Gilbane, and WelchmanPierpoint.
  • We’ll be using #gilbanesf as the hash tag.

See you there.

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