Informative Graphics announced the integration of its Brava! WebKit with the Documentum 4i eBusiness Platform. Brava! WebKit, also known as Brava! 3.0, is designed for integration into existing Web sites, intranets and document management solutions. The integration enables the viewing and redlining of design or documentation changes using a standard browser, without requiring a plug-in, a client side download or installation, or the need to reconfigure your computer to use the latest Java Virtual Machine. Documents and drawings reside on customers’ servers and are delivered to user desktops inside or outside the firewall via a small, simple Java applet. Since Brava! honors existing security measures and does not transfer the actual file to the client for display, it’s a secure online collaboration tool for design, supply and project information over the Web. Brava!’s functionality includes the ability to pan, zoom and rotate drawings; calibrated measurement; several printing features and a range of configurable options for customization by customers and partners.