Drupal, the open source content management system for everyone from the small non-profit to the enterprise, is launching the latest upgrade to its software. With Drupal 10, users will find more tools to help build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences require. This latest version brings a modernized backend look, a future-proof platform upgrade, new features, and an enhanced user experience. The new features target the next generation of the web and include the Claro administration theme, the Olivero front-end theme, CKEditor 5, and more. Drupal 10 is built on the latest Symfony 6.2 version. It also streamlines the core system with the least used components removed, focusing more on its foundational strengths.

The upgrade tools and processes are the same as the previous major release, with almost all code changes automated and three times as many contributed extensions available at launch time as with the last major update. The Drupal community is focused on keeping Drupal on the leading edge of content management. From a secure automatic updates mechanism to a project browser for easily installing Drupal extensions.
