Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: November 9, 2007

CM Pros Board Nominations and Executive Director Search

It’s that time of year again. Not only for our Boston conference, and the co-located Content Management Professionals Association (CM Pros) Summit, but for CM Pros members to nominate candidates for soon-to-be-open board seats. It is also a great time to join CM Pros, or at least to come to the Summit and find out what they are all about. The association is also looking for a new Executive Director. Here is the announcement from CM Pros:
Call for nominations
CM Pros is pleased to announce the call for nominations for election of the expanded board will be made at the Fall Summit on November 26, 2007. Nominations open on the day of the Summit and close on December 21, 2007. More information about the time line is available on the website.
The board is seeking enthusiastic candidates to run for four seats, bringing the board to 7 members. To qualify as a candidate, you must be a member ‘in good standing’ of CM Pros. This is an opportunity for anyone who is passionate about content management in its many forms to contribute to the continued growth of the organization.
In the words of one of the departing board members:
Ever wonder what it would be like to have weekly discussions with really smart people, about issues that you’re passionate about? What if those discussions helped shape the future of your professional organization? What if you could contribute your voice, your ideas, your creativity to those discussions and really make a difference? With the Board expanding to 7 members, there are opportunities for you to contribute and make a difference. It’s been a great adventure so far, and we’ve made tremendous progress, with more ideas and projects in the pipeline. We need good people to volunteer their time and talent to advance the profession and grow the organization. Think about it. Do it!
To nominate yourself or someone else who you believe would make a great candidate, contact the Elections Oversight Committee at before November 26th or just use the website after nominations open.
Search for a new Executive Director
In addition to board elections, there is another exciting opportunity-the next CM Pros’ Executive Director. The current ED, Scott Abel, will not be continuing in this role. As the organization matures, the board will refocus the tasks and responsibilities of the Executive Director to running a non-profit volunteer association and bringing stability to the organization as it grows. The board is seeking candidates who will initially work part time and can grow into a ‘Chief Administrative Officer’.
A search committee for the ED position has been formed, and a job description is being defined. The job posting will be available no later than November 12th. If you are interested in the position or know someone you’d like to recommend, please contact the search committee lead, Joan Lasselle, at
The board, on behalf of themselves and all CM Pros members, wants to thank Scott for his considerable contributions to CM Pros’ success in 2007.

CM Pros Board of Directors


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