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Month: May 2003 (Page 6 of 6)

WebWare & Ascertane Partner

WebWare Corporation announced an agreement with systems integrator Ascertane to join the WebWare family of systems integrators for the WebWare ActiveMedia digital asset management software product line. Ascertane combines its industry experience and software development expertise with tools like WebWare’s ActiveMedia to deliver customized enterprise solutions for media and entertainment, retail, and life sciences companies. Ascertane and WebWare will partner in deploying WebWare’s ActiveMedia enterprise digital asset management solutions, including WebWare’s award-winning ActiveMedia Enterprise.,

Context Media Integrates with Adobe Graphics Server 2.0; Announces Support for Adobe XMP

Context Media, Inc. announced the integration of its Interchange Suite enterprise content integration software with Adobe Graphics Server 2.0. Adobe Graphics Server, which automates the creation and repurposing of graphics for print and the Web, is integrated directly with Interchange Suite’s Web services-based Integration Console. The integration of the two solutions will help customers reduce the time and costs of finding, creating, storing and accessing enterprise content and digital images. Context Media also announced its support for Adobe XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform). Adobe’s XML-based XMP framework provides a standard for the creation, processing and exchange of metadata across publishing workflows. In addition to Adobe’s XMP framework, Context Media’s XML-based products are compliant with SOAP 1.2.

XAware Announces Newest Enterprise Information Integration Server

XAware, Inc. announced XA-Suite Release 3.0 for Java with Enterprise Information Integration (EII) capabilities. Release 3.0 is now available and includes advanced features for data transformation, information security and simplified access to enterprise applications such as Siebel and SAP. XA-Suite Release 3.0 includes new features for streaming large XML documents, XML to XML mapping to simplify schema transformation, functoids for flexible data manipulation and business rules, and increased support for stored procedures with relational databases. Other features are included. XA-Suite for Java Release 3.0 is priced from $5,000 to $50,000 depending on processor and connectivity requirements. Release 3.0 is available for evaluation at

Stibo Announces Name Change, Release of STEP 4.6

The Stibo Group announced its name change to Stibo Catalog, Inc. According to a company spokesperson, the name change better reflects the company’s narrowed focus on cross-media publishing and content management software and solutions. The company also recently announced the general release of STEP 4.6, the latest evolution of its product information management, content management, and production software. STEP 4.6 delivers a collaborative software platform to receive rich and complex electronic data from suppliers in a variety of file formats and store it in a media-neutral relational data repository. The data can be organized, accessed simultaneously by multiple workgroups, then incorporated into multiple output formats such print catalogs, CD-ROM, web catalogs, portals, exchanges, or other printed media.

SDL Acquires Lomac

SDL plc announced its acquisition of the Lomac organization one a provider of translation and localization services to the Central and East European (CEE) market. Lomac operates in six countries within the region, providing translation and electronic publishing of technical documentation, software and web-content. The investment will enhance SDL’s local language office infrastructure within the CEE region and increase the companys capacity to support a larger proportion of this market.

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