Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: March 3, 2002

Interwoven & NEC Team

Interwoven, Inc. announced a strategic alliance with NEC Corporation whereby NEC will re-sell the Interwoven Content Infrastructure product suite as the core enterprise content management functionality in its iBestSolutions. NEC’s Internet solutions framework, iBestSolutions, consists of the complete line of NEC’s software and services offerings. Under the new reseller agreement, NEC will adopt Interwoven’s TeamSite, and the Interwoven Content Infrastructure suite, as the exclusive enterprise content management system underpinning its own customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise information portal (EIP), and eCommerce (EC) solutions. NEC also plans to develop integrated solutions that incorporate Content Infrastructure into its existing product offerings, establish an enterprise content management training and support program and initiate co-sales and co-marketing activities. The focus throughout 2002 will continue to be on solutions for the manufacturing sector, with a view to expanding to additional industry areas in the future.,

Documentum Delivers Digital Asset Management

Documentum announced the immediate availability of two new product offerings, Documentum Media Services and the Digital Asset Management Edition. Both offerings are based on the Bulldog Group technology that Documentum acquired in December 2001. Documentum Media Services, which is integrated with the Documentum ECM platform, provides intelligent handling of rich media assets, such as media-specific indexing, browsing and search capabilities, easy-to-use editing, automated file transformation features, and the ability to fully integrate and manage these digital assets with other types of content. The Media Services product is targeted at the mainstream requirements of the Global 2000 and provides a cost-effective solution for managing rich media. The Digital Asset Management Edition offers advanced rich media management capabilities for complex, broadcast-quality digital and physical assets, such as high-resolution video and is targeted at high-end rich media requirements.

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